Sentinelese tribe and Liberal insanity

I like how everyone on twitter and basicallt every social media site declares the sentinelese tribesman murder of the missionary last week as justified. Mostly saying "no means no. Dont come in. He had it coming"

These same people will tell americans and europeans that killing illegal migrants would be "racist, and misanthropic" labeling them evil nazis.

So its okay when indians kill illegal migrants? But not us? No. The truth is that most left wingers smiled when they heard this story. "A light completed christian was murdered. Yes!" They hate christianity. They hate white people and they want them dead. When it happens they cheer. Now lets examine the opposite. If britian murdered an arab Muslim priest for trying to get into britian, the left wingers would go crazy. Becsuse to them "white bad. Brown good. Christianity bad. Non-christianity good"

These people are insane.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I think it's a weird internet thing. I don't think people in real life are this depraved. I mean, I'd expect it from India pagans but Atheists are all over the internet.

Well we can't exactly go in there and massacre the tribe.

They know niggers aren't capable of being civilized like other races. That idiot was trying to reach out to the hopeless cause of integrating them to civilized culture.

Dude they just hate everything white because kikes conditioned them into it
Why do you expect logical outcome from purposefully conditioned illogical goal(self-destruction on racial level)?

Do foreign anons here English as their inner voice sometimes?



>missionary goes to murder island
>gets murdered
Why doesn't anyone care about this?

Christcuck faggot was repeatedly warned and attacked before he was killed. You are literally boomer tier missionary if you think he didn't have it coming

>it's okay for stoneage black people to kill anyone who invades their land because they want to protect their way of life
>it's not okay for white people to do this though because they're white

we odda push the narative senitels are racist bigots who need to get with the times and accept multiculturalism and diversity! if they refuse so they are nazis and it is okay to kill nazis

>sovereignty is for jews & brown people
Communists are fucking retarded. Soon...

Warlike tribes have no patience for mutt guerrillas.

What's an "inner voice"?

Killing invaders is never murder.

Congrats on waking up, slowpoke

Attached: slowpoke_pokemon.jpg (600x655, 27K)

That sounds like a challenge

Attached: 1543039718677.jpg (1024x570, 42K)

user, are you starting to take yoga classes? because I see you are trying really hard to stretch.

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The liberal double think is the very basis of their identity.

Cunt had it comming and we should pursue the same migration policies as based tribesmen

I have Japanese as an inner voice sometimes and I'm a Brit.

White Americans are the immigrants

Amazing gas tank, how much propane?

Attached: Brap smell.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Never come back. You're not welcome here anymore.

the real redpill is that people are actually more depraved than they behave on the internet, not less. the nsa spy meme and watching people get dragged for some edgy shit they wrote 8 years ago has made people more careful about what they say even anonymously compared to how they really feel.
absent our rapidly crumbling social and legal institutions, these leftists would kill you and your family without a second thought - or, more accurately, applaud while their faceless state goons did it. they wouldnt even avert their eyes. they really, really hate us.


Pretty good, better in average than any of my roasties in my Irish brapp farm, Im selling all of these, anyone interested?

Attached: IrishBrappFarm.jpg (1280x676, 147K)

Noble savage propaganda

Look if you fuckers actually wanted revenge you'd rent a plane and drop in the modern day equivelent of small pox Sars blankets care package with some fucking go pros streaming with some kind ofv wifi antenna elsewhere in the island and watch as an entire tribe of 12 whole assbackwards incestous ancestors of a family lineage of like 15,000 years all die off without modern day disease resistance.

Thanks for answering bros.

top kek

But he had to spread the good news :(

I heard a few christcuck defending the guy too.
Honestly fuck both parties, christcucks and retarded shitlibs.

The first, the second, the fourth.
The rest have some mighty disgusting butt. I've seen guys with more feminine butts for fuck sake

Try 50,000
These stupid niggers haven’t even invented FIRE yet
They literally cannot make a fire
They are truly protohumans

I think we could all learn something from them.

>These people are insane.
No, Ameribrother. They are not insane, just selfish hypocrites all the way. "What I want or like = good. What I don't want or like = bad."

9, 1, 7, 6, 2, 4, 3, 8, 5

I couldn't remember how long so I said a long ass time but yeah godfucking damn.

We could kill all these off but I'm thinking the Indian people are waiting until they actually become a superpower in 50 years then they'll try and do invasive studies of these people seeing what a protohuman biology is like. Probably put them in people zoo. That's essentially what the island is right fucking now. Less hassle to go through and tranq all of them for transportation than it is just watching the area with coast guard boats. Maybe they'll be forced to up security after these incidents

I know right athiests and pagans are savages
Me need to give them moral and the word of god.

that murdered Christian is a martyr for our cause and I pray he goes to heaven waking up more Christians to this injustice.

all youd have to do is sneeze on them

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The voice inside your head that keeps telling you to kill yourself

he could have spread disease to them you fucking idiot, thats why people aren't supposed to go there

The wicked rejoice over it now. But they won't in the end.

I never thought about it like that, i was annoyed reading the comments though, i thought that they should've been made to answer for their crime, but here they were, not only getting away with it but people were condemning the victim for imposing his way on people.

*coughs in superior immune system*

>refugees seeking refuge is the same as christcuck going in with the declared intention of completely altering the islanders' way of life

Can we all agree it's important for scientists to have living examples of protohumans and missionary bro was just stupid for going on murder island when it's been documented as murder island and not only going there but going back after getting shot by an arrow that a little kid shot at you, literally the thing you'd expect not to kill you right away, they broke his canoe so he swam back to the fishing boat that he paid to illegally take him out there and instead of fucking off at that point he swam back to the murder island and murder children while writing in his journal that he didn't want to die Before swimming back to his actual fucking death.

Stop watching anime for a season or two.

I personally don't care about any of this, I came here from the home page, but isn't you argument illogical, or dishonest at least ? The missionary came to the tribe to enlighten the niggers or whatever I didn't really follow the whole thing, whereas the migrants coming to your country are fleeing poverty and war. The only reason you'd think both issues are comparable is if you're only capable of examining the issue at surface level. Ain't it ?

Twatter is crumbling in on itself like Rome of yore! They made a new policy where one can be banned for using someone's wrong pronoun (not limited to gender) or dead-naming (using someone's previous name before they changed it in settings).

I think I might be forming some beginnings of what could be the flower that blossoms into an idea!

>1. Make Twatter account.
>2. Make pronoun pretentious title like "God", "King", or if you've taste "Emperor of Mankind, monarch of the Imperium of Man", etc.
>3. Change profile pic to match.
>4. Get in argument. If they call you a name, demand they use your esteemed moniker of nobility. Report them if they don't.
>5. kek heartily

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Like we went in and massacred the Serbs?

>whereas the migrants coming to your country are fleeing poverty and war.

Lies. All "migrants" are terrorist anti-White colonizers.

I'm genuinely asking by the way, it's not bait or anything.

Here's a token of friendship in the form a funny yet unrelated picture.

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Tiger Woods never had any business going to that place.

I doubt it would be hard to get your hands on some firepower then get a boat out to the island. Just make sure you have some body armor to stop arrows and you will appear as a wrathful god to those savages as you massacre them.

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I thought being martyred was what missionaries were supposed to do.

Those cheeky noongas just helped him lay down his life for Christ.

And they've got their own traditionalist ethno-state.

Bless them, they're probably the only real humans left.

H-holy shit. Is that Linus Tech Tips? Hueueueheuehuehue

>Stupid American blunders into the jungle with too much kit and no idea about the terrain.
>Never comes out again

I've seen this movie before.

It ends with an offshore long-shot of a severed head on a pole.

One man, or even ten, would be ambushed and killed with ease by a people who know every inch of the island, all the hiding spots, and have no need to fight you until it;s at their advantage to.

Here's how it goes.

You land, maybe shoot the first native you see, and the rest disappear off into the jungle.

You don't see any for weeks, but you know they're watching you.

Either you give up and go home, or members of your crew start to go missing.

And you realize that you're constantly under watch by people who know the terrain better than you ever could, and have spent their whole lives exploring it and hunting and fishing therein.

You either withdraw right then and there, or you try and tough it out, and probably none come home at all.

No loss, just nature.
You blundered into an environment that you aren't adapted to, and that hasn't been pre-adapted for your survival.
In that situation a bushman with a sharp stick is more fit to survive by an order of magnitude.

Just drop a single bomb or something with a disase that is rare there.

Those savages should be captured and studied then.

Agreed but we can only due it to them once. Gene research and tech is better than it been ever and in 50 years what we'll be able to do and map is beyond many comprehension.

Agreed but we can only do it to them once. Gene research and tech is better than it been ever and in 50 years what we'll be able to do and map is beyond many comprehension so we should wait until it's most beneficial

Said who?

Real talk we've got drones why hasn't a photographer or someone done this but instead of fucking going to the island they just get drone footage of everything

Attached: Burning things that mean nothing to you.webm (412x308, 480K)

Yes, depending on the situation I imagine.

Be Christian Missionary.
Feeling a bit ill, prayer and laying on hands doesn't help.
Go to Doctor for tests
>Sorry Christanon you have a terminal disease.
Make final good works before going home to Jesus.
Go to preach Jesus to the island of lost heathens.
Don't care if martyred because will save many poor heathens with light of truth.
Your arrow-filled corpse is still contagious...
>best timeline

Apparently some perverted Bong was the first to make contact with them back when science was real crude and he kidnapped them and examined their genitalia basically exclusively. He did basically what abductees claim aliens do to them. They've had a chip on their shoulder ever since and obviously its justified. If alien abduction was real most humans would justify fucking up a grey, just sayin.

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>most humans would justify fucking a grey, just sayin
since the begining, man has looked up at the stars and thought
>"i want to fuck that"
and then man eventually learned that stars can not be fucked without burning to death... so we decided to want to fuck the things on the planets that orbit those stars instead.

one day our dream will come true

If anyone's interested this has some pretty well researched info on the Sentinelese in a short enough summary for you tards to be able to comprehend

they were totally justified in killing that retarded missionary; and turning back migrants is equally justified. simple logic

>told not to go there because murder
>exclusion zone around it
>go there anway as some kind of statement

suicide via stupid

Wouldn't do you much good.
You can't run too fast with a flamethrower on your back, and an arrow goes just as far.
Green plants don't burn so easy either.

Basically, if you walked out with that thing you'd probably die faster than without.

Wooden arrow to the thigh, dipped in shit, say you somehow manage to crawl away, two days later, you've got a septic wound and they can track you by the smell of death emanating from you.

Then they torture you to death by burying you up to your neck in an anthill, or shoving a big bamboo up your jap's eye and blowing dust up it.

You should probably be kept away from all combat situations if you think this is how attacking armed wary people on their own turf will go down.

I'll take the one second from the right.

All of them are disgusting. I think I am going to stick to my 2D > 3D

Attached: absolutely disgusting.png (600x931, 835K)

>Apparently some perverted Bong was the first to make contact with them back when science was real crude and he kidnapped them and examined their genitalia basically exclusively.

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It wasn't murder, it was nature weeding out the weak. Too bad christcucks are almost as useless as liberals huh?

Atheists are retarded

>some random dude keeps trying come into my home
>he comes from a place full of diseases that i have no natural defenses from
>he could easily wipe out my entire family just by breathing near them
Explain why im not allowed to shoot again?

I can smell the curry from here, Pajeet

Because Tante Angela says they're poor Syrian refugees not jihadi pedo-rapists

holy fuck that's disgusting
being skinny with a flabby ass is a no no

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>Now lets examine the opposite.
Why bother, the conclusions are clear.
>These people are insane.
You want to know who is worse? All of you who realize how insane, evil, and retarded leftists are, but you keep sitting on your cowardly, comfort-addicted asses playing vidya and complaining about the world online. Organize some kind of fucking resistance or be forgotten by history, because you'll deserve it.

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^^ This

>He had it coming

>I like how everyone on twitter and basically every social media site declares the Sentinelese tribesman murder of the missionary last week as justified
You like it? why are you sick this way?

Maybe if white people would quit calling the fucking cops every time they put down a feral. What the fuck would you expect to happen? Why do white people feel the need to announce to the world on facebook and everywhere else every time they shoot a squirrel or a coon? The Island niggers killed the invader, left him on the shore in a shallow hole, and went on about their business without involving some outsider into their business.

For fuck's sake. White people call the cops for every fucking little thing and then bitch that the cops are always in their business. Do you think cops don't have better shit to do than deal with your pest problems?

if your skin is darker than the other person's skin, you can kill them. this is pretty well-accepted amongst progressive types. if jews were darker than palestinians, progressives would be pro-israel and anti-palestine.

>tfw no ancient volk to be a part of to defend pure ethnostate from invanders/christcucks
>tfw no pure waifu childhood friend to grow up with and get married to have pure children
>tfw no anarcho-primitivist state to hone my manhood
The Sentinelese are the last bastion of purity on this godforsaken earth.

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JUST FUCK OFF, dont you see you create liberals,

because they can be trained to pretend like people. imagine giving your dog the vote, and it having rights, the jews will help your dog sue you for your house.



Or just set the entire island on fire.
That was my plan.

Attached: Gallery-1491391768-north-sentinel-island.jpg (768x496, 36K)

It's literally trees touching trees.
One major blaze once started would not stop.

>sitting on your cowardly, comfort-addicted asses
And what exactly have YOU done about it other than shitposting on a internet hate machine?

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are you absolutely sure about this?

>the absolute state of butt devastated cumskins skyscreaming over some retarded mutt who got exactly what anybody would have it coming trying to go to that island

A shitposting a hermit one does not make. False dichotomy. Discarded because retarded.

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Well said. Now, what do you suggest?