WTF happened to his hand Jow Forums?

He flashes his hand at 8:29 looks like he got mauled by a cougar.

Attached: 2018-11-24 18_50_44-The Donald - America First!.png (1080x829, 1.65M)

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The new formula for Supermale involves full moon night time transformations followed by amnesia.

probably the CIA pursuating to stay loyal to his employer and not spew too many redpills

He's really depressed about being revealed as a tranny-loving psy-op guy.

Is he going to be okay?

those are defensive wounds. someone tried to stab him

Too much wanking over tranny porn. But seriously, I miss this guy

Probably some big house cat got pissed at him.

attacker was also left-handed, based on the wound directions

i dont know. the cuts seem rather shallow. the kind of scratches you get when playing with a cat that is an absolute asshole, or the kind you make when selfharming.
maybe he got a new cat or became an emo?

...the mark of Moloch...

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crazy pussycat attack

wrong hand and cuts seem too random
but since we are at this
the fingers are associated with planets . the middlefinger for example is associated with saturn which may gives relation to pic related making it a bloodsacrifice to saturn.
on a side note, the ringfinger is the sun finger, the sun, being a symbol for God and the finger also associated with courage and passion. I believe rings and circles are meant to seal something away, and the ring at marriage is never mentioned in the bible and likely is a ploy to corrupt it, and who would have known, after the marriage passion and courage dies off just killing the marriage.

Attached: just art goy.jpg (750x531, 95K)

this is pretty much all i have on the elite satanism and their symbols

Attached: Meghan Markle Middlefinger.jpg (634x804, 110K)

He probably got piss drunk and tried to abuse/manhandle his cat like the fucking kike lunatic he is. That shit looks painful, kek

Attached: Bone broth jew sad.jpg (534x519, 48K)

yeah, that seriously looks like self inflicted cutting marks

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This. Fluffy got into the super male vitality.

Attached: 1541987829272.webm (540x960, 2M)

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Probably has a new puppy. They are sharp until they lose those baby teeth. I just went through that and my hand looked very similar.

When I am in my darkest moments, I take a clothes hanger, and make shallow cuts on the far side of my hand.

Attached: milkies.gif (230x306, 486K)

Maybe punched through a window?

Alex is almost as handsome as me.

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Post a better link, faggot. And idiots saying it's a fucking cat, those are deep as fuck and theres more under the coat arm.

I knew this fat faggot was into pizza

Looks like hyper puppy bites to me.

Nothing is fucked, dude

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It's funny because I'm pretty sure it happened during a session with a dominatrix who is also probably a tranny. His downard spiral is endless. This is what happen to Judas

that would have to be some big cat. To me it looks more like some kind of accident. Maybe with weed whacker, lol. Notice the small cut on his middle finger. Thhat's not something self inflicted or something a cat would leave

did he survive?

Looks like he got hit with a weed-whacker or something

Either barbed wire or thorns from Rose bushes.

Attached: thorns-996769_1280.jpg (1280x850, 220K)

thank you based natty cat!

damn it.
Why do we have to be reminded about ((the cult))
Alex, you shouldn't tell the civilians every fucking thing!

AJ become an emo? never!

regrettably, he does seem to have developed the textbook tranny wankclaw. thirteen or more wank sessions per day and gashes suddenly emerge on the hands all the way up to the elbow. only the most dedicated of dedicated tbabe wank addicts get to such a place. therapy and voluntary stubbing of the arms is just about all that will save the man.
sad but fair.

>Be Alex
>Have Owen over for bbq
>tell him to bring camera to make a vid in back yard
>eat a bowl of chili
>have a few too many beers
>"alright owen, Alex jones here, Infowars"
>Goes to renact some crazy thing he's seen
>While this happens, a pitbull sees him as aggressive
>pitbull jumps and alex catches with hand
>starts punching with other hand while owen is filming
>pitbull knawing
>Alex goes into rant about how America needs more of this, something something capitalism

Attached: alex-jones-just-cant-help-himself-2-13534-1494209985-14_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 391K)

hard core fapping to tranny porn

i knew they were putting chemicals in the water

Looks like when I tried to be emo for a day in middle school
Poor guy is a late bloomer

it's from fighting off the gay

He shoved it up a tranny's asshole. Tranny's have teeth inside their rectums. They're absolute fucking monsters.

this, looks like he cuts himself

Man Wayne is legit retarded or what?

actually possible, but maybe an animal did it, not a person

also possible

people get paper cuts fuckhead. i'd bet you'd find the same shit with anyone at some point

looks like his cat was being a prick

>children are going into puberty at age 3


Fucking vampire clowns

Too big for regular house cat, would have had to been some larger variety,

Are you saying that he sexually abused a gerbil?
I disagree

He needs a dickgirl to feel good again

>Man Wayne is legit retarded or what?
Why would you say that?

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Fought with a pissed off dog, or cat, over giving a bath?
Put his arm through a window.
Or, just as likely, changed his alternator himself.

Mesquite tree. Classic. Shit can make you fucking sick.

I wondered about that too, but all the marks are in the same direction.

Deep state sent cougars to attack him

This. Alex Jones has a couple Savannah F1 cats. Hybrid with an African Lynx or some shit

Attached: savannah.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Unironically, these look like self harm scars. look at the wide scars he has on the top of his arm just under his coat. (ex-self harmer here)
>inb4 attentionwhore

Alex doesn't look good. I wonder if he is ok

>lots of parallel lines
>even depth across them all
Self-harm. He's losing it or getting blackout drunk

for real though, is he even making money anymore? fucking sucks. even tucker said "they ruined alex jones, done, overnight."

This. Cats are strong and have very sharp claws and teeth. If a cat wants to it can fuck you up.

House cats can leave exactly those kind of scratches (and worse), Columbo.

cat slices usually run parallel to the arm, not perpendicular

He's a loony, yes.

Maybe he was just clearing brush from his yard and forgot to wear gloves?
Maybe he went cray and tried to fight a tree?

It had information implicating Hillary Clinton

he made me wanna join bohemian grove. looked like a fun hang with business people who like art

those are tinfoil cuts

that's my guess

this. he probably smelled like a demon

> (You)
>I wondered about that too, but all the marks are in the same direction.
When you run your hand through the branches, your hand will have scratches in the same direction.

All the trees behind Alex are Mesquite. They're like weeds. And will tear you up.
> (You)
>I wondered about that too, but all the marks are in the same direction.

> (You)
>I wondered about that too, but all the marks are in the same direction.

Alex cuts himself

Yeah. He may have been an over-the-top tinfoiler, but he did get fucked over big time. It was a wake-up to the Right: If you don't stay on your toes, they WILL bury you.

I was thinking he started smashing some glass or something.

post scars

Thank you.

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