Who’s really to blame for the opiod crisis, Jow Forums?

Who’s really to blame for the opiod crisis, Jow Forums?

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As always fpbp

Colleges for producing too many useless psychology majors.

Yup, the reason I don't have a job.

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big pharma pushing them on everyone for everything

Idiots trying to get high.

Doctors and jews.

doctors and pharmacists

Idiots with poor self control.

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What was the name of that one Jewish family involved in the early opioid industry?


White "people". Fucking cumskins pop them like candy.

Jew doctors

drug addicts

The Sackler Family. Jewish drug merchants dressed up as a legitimate medical company.

do what canada did. liquidate your two biggest pill merchants, bury it in the media and then legalize weed

Just curious.. what makes you think there is an opioid crisis?


1. big pharma jews
2. China

The most retarded thing to graduate
They spent years on college learning nothing

It was the white woman who let in the spics.
we know which demon is to blame and it isnt the jew.

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Not just the early opioid industry, they still are major players. The Sackler family, they own Purdue Pharma and a bunch of hack medical journals and other key components to the opioid crisis.
And it was the Jewish Sassoon family who got China addicted to opium.


don't forget to pay your taxes on that fucko

begging is against the rules.

> Richard Sackler, who sits on the company's board, is listed as one of the inventors on the patent. Use of OxyContin, invented in 1995, was fueled by an aggressive marketing campaign that led to it becoming the most widely prescribed opioid.
vacations and large bonuses were offered to doctors to prescribe their opioid as a "cost savings"
There is now a multi-billion dollar medical school to Sackler... in Tel Aviv

It's a trade. You get to watch me use heroin, an I get to use heroin. Win-Win!

I'll give you $20 when you get b& for breaking the rules

It's how the health care is setup. Every single problem is treated with a pill. Everyone pushes pills on you. They're addicting and pharma companies make billions from both the living and after they die.

It's like alcohol. People die from it every year but brewing companies make billions, despite how addicting they are and how dangerous it can be to quit drinking if you're a heavy drinker.


I know because I went through withdrawals several times. The second time, I took my doctor's advice and went to detox. My insurance company was pissed because they got billed like $20,000 for several days and told me to never do that again but they did pay for it. Then, to combat the anxiety from withdrawals in other times, they just wanted to keep pushing pills on me for $150 a bottle.

The only real solution that actually saved me was relatively cheap. I started eating a lot healthier and stopped living like a fucking hermit sitting in my underwear browsing Jow Forums all day. Once I had a proper diet, the anxiety was reduced to nearly nothing and weening myself off the final time was so much easier.

various reasons
- existing pool of users will spread use
- a society that produces people who see drug abuse as an alternative
- a society too out of touch with reality to do anything but accommodate the bad situation
- the soft living that all this sprang from


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Doctors, big pharma, and the general over prescribing/medication of the populace in general. Which still comes back to doctors at some level, but is also more general and includes psychiatrists and such.

Its literally china. They pump the drugs into mexico were the drug lirds profit by getting them into the US. Ive done a shit ton of research on this. The chinese are behind it all.

Users. I took oxy for the pleasure of it for awhile. I am pretty cheap though and don't let myself get addicted. Anyone who felt good on it then was astounded they were addicted is a liar or so dumb they should be put to sleep.

You dont see an uproar about this with china in the US because big pharma have business assets in china and they depend on these people getting sick to make a profit. Blame the jews. Blame the nwo. The real enemy here are greedy businessmen and china.

The fact that our country does not treat addiction medically, but criminally.

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Literally jews
But I'll expand
>opium/opiods are made from poppy
>poppies are grown in Afghanistan
>Guess which country the US is still bogged down in

unironically this


god, he invented poppies


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