If we could just get every white person to have an average of 1 or 2 more babies than they were previously planning...

If we could just get every white person to have an average of 1 or 2 more babies than they were previously planning, we'd be safe.

How do we do it?

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Well, donate sperm at least if you can.

Does that help much?

The only white people who are having lots of kids are heavily religious. Why?

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because being genuinely religious shifts your time preference to the longest possible future (eternity)

God said be fruitful and multiply. They're more traditional. And they have better values. Not worrying about superficial crap. They care about family more.

Give white people a loan, of say 100,000 then for every child they have reduce how much they have to pay back by 25,000

Such a thing would be unconstitutional in the US if it were for whites only.

sounds good to me Hitler

I don't care about what you think is unconstitutional. Does the constitution say anything about White Genocide?

Atheists just care for their own craving desires

Atheism/Leftism is a death cult. The evidence for this is so obvious it need not even be stated.

14th, 15th, 19th amendments
Also pic related from our declaration of independence

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>How do we do it?
Stop being cringy incel nazi/crusader larpers for one.

youll never catch me alive faggot
you cant force whites to have babies

I’m not having children until CRISPR is cheap and available. I may be white, but I have horrible and painful skin conditions; likely a result from generations of inbreeding.

Can't be done

Man the fuck up Neil

materialism versus spirituality in general.
Already several generations have been brought up with the values of imaginary freedom, egoism and materialism and with total discredit of duty and responsibility, i dont even say about spirituality again
such upbringing will never convince people to have many children

selfishness, greed, irresponsibility, tolerance.
that's what you need to fight

There is also propaganda that the multiple genera childbirth "disfigure" womans and ruin their health.It affects the values of women quite seriously. Many white women have not considering pregnancy and childrens as an anchor. Men in most cases look at it the same way but because of the financial side of the issue.

>more babies
Go right ahead, Baby-Daddy :

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Easy. Surrogacy and raise them alone. A one time fee ~30k and then you have full custody. Could hire a nanny if you wanted. Cheaper than divorce!

I'm trying user. I only try to date whites now.

Lets say that happens and some small city sees a white baby boom...

What are you going to say when an antiwhite says
>"oh look, its too white here, you need more diversity!... oh and as luck would have it, here are some refugees... lets put them here to diversify things"

There is NO way to go against that without doing or saying something politically incorrect. Which is WHY political correctness was imposed upon white people. To block off all our psychological/political escapes.

So... the only things that can solve this is to call out the WHOLE con. Which means talking about white genocide.

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>How do we do it?

Society is unironically rigged at every step of the way. There is absolutely nothing guaranteeing you that your work will not be in vain

>have 2 kids 1 girl 1 boy
>going to try have another once wifes C-Section heals up
>(((23&me))) says wife is 99.9% European
Hey if a leaf can do it surely you can too, right?

Atheism leads to nihilism. Nihilists are hedonistic and selfish. They're too busy satisfying their dopamine cravings to worry about raising a family.

Incentivize having kids.

Ban condoms, spike the public drinking water with MDMA, give people $10,000 for every white baby. It can be done.

What do you think will become of the constitution without white people to believe in it?
You fucking Americans have so much faith in paper.

Take away women's rights is the obvious answer.

No. Women should have rights.

The right to remain silent.

>more babies than they were previously planning,

Yes, let's get into a breeding competition with the inflowing hordes of Arab immigrants.
I'm sure that will fix the problem of racial replacement while totally not decreasing our quality of life and prosperity.
I mean it's not like the global corporations just want lots of people around so they can keep wages low due to extreme job competition on the low- to mid job levels.
>tl,dr: fuck off. Close the borders first, then encourage white breeding.

Is that actually a thing? So if I want a pup without the whore I could just pay a whore to breed me a pup?

Is this something alphas will do in the future more to protect their investments you think?

/soc might be one start.
Just marry that girl you're dating and have a kid. Not alot of thought needed, you'll do the right thing user. Hundreds before you have managed to do this, just don't put a chemical or a piece of rubber between you and your future.

because religious people usually live in rural areas and are less wealthy. this means that religion, sports family and maybe hunting/fishing/camping are literally the only diversions they can realistically afford to enjoy.

raising children isn't so expensive that one couldn't afford it, but it gets too expensive when you need to ski in Aspen and wear $1200 shoes and whatnot

I have so many questions about surrogacy. How easy is it to get one surrogate child? I heard "I finally found a woman to do it" as if it's difficult. Is there a limit? Can you have 8 kids with surrogates? How do you ensure the child looks like you and is attractive? Can you choose gender, race, hair color, and eye color? can you choose ethnicity? Can I just rent a Hindu to make them so it's easy?

Start by backing Bill Gates to depopulate the world, and measures to do so.

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Because the bible says to be fruitful and spread your seed.

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great point I hadn't thought of that

Too many white Americans believe in it despite being used against them.

Fix white women first and to accomplish that you'll have to go through the Jews.

Saved. This needs to be shared.

apparently only white male sperm sells so lol


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I'm an atheist and now with all the bullshit libs and jews are pushing, I'm having at least 5.
Also... fuck you Tim Wise, hope you're reading this you fat fucking grifting kike! Your rat species is going extinct and it's not worth saving.

OK, here me out. You MUST swallow a little black pill first: there is no politically feasible way to have laws that explicitly favor or target one race over others in the US.

So, how do we get whites to have more kids if we can't make laws targeted to whites? We target non-racial traits that correlate with whiteness. The most obvious one here is income. If we can offer big tax breaks to everyone in the top tax bracket(s) per child that they have, then we can incentivize them to have lots of children. For the highest earners, they would actually save money by having children. This would increase the white birth rate, and you wouldn't have to reference "whiteness" or race at all to justify it to the both sides of the political spectrum.

>To the Republicans
You don't even need to make much of an argument here, is a tax cut for the wealthy and Republicans love those.
>To the Democrats
This will be a much harder sell, but you can argue that in the long run this will actually increase tax revenue. Children of richer people are much more likely to be rich themselves. (Even leftists acknowledge this- whether it is through genes or privilege is disputed but the fact is universally agreed upon.) Therefore, promoting a higher birth rate among the rich leads to more highly taxable earners over the generations.

Give whites free money and they'll have kids too

Imagine being such a man child that your reason for not having kids is because their noise inconveniences you
Like holy shit are you this much of a pussy faggot? GEt the fuck off this board

>promoting a higher birth rate among the rich leads to more highly taxable earners over the generations.
That'd be dismissed as the "trickle down" argument
The easiest way is to not give a flying shit what democrats think and get it passed with enough pork to get the minimum of house dems to sign on

A lot of girls I know say they don't want any kids because we're overpopulated anyway. So many of them say this.

Tell them the white race is underpopulated and see how they react.

I was bluepilled when they said these things to me. If I come across any girl claiming we're overpopulated I will definitely throw them some subtle redpills.

Gee it's almost like God wants degenerate atheists dead or something.

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Me as well

Enslave women. Rape and pillage. That's about it. You're not fixing the most spoiled rotten women in all of history.

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Can an American tell me about Mormons. Was it at some poin in time, legal for them to marry multiple women? They still believe in it but the state doesn't allow it I believe it.

Fucking lol

Yes it was
They don’t anymore but some fringe groups do

White women either won't fuck or they're fucking Tyrone. Until you fix that anything else is moot

Soooo let Islam take over the west?

If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure I'm going to breed pretty soon with a blue-eyed, straw-blonde German girl, and I am blond and grey-eyed. I think the results will be good.

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Jow Forums:
White people need to have more white children! Why aren't you white people having white children?!

Also Jow Forums:
All white women are fucking whores.

>That'd be dismissed as the "trickle down" argument
Maybe, but I am actually a registered Democrat myself and I know it is not the same as the "trickle down" argument. The trickle down argument is used to justify lowering taxes for the sake of lowering prices (basically supply side economics). My suggested policy lowers taxes for the sake of actually increasing the number of rich people long term. Any Democrat who can think long-term will see that this will increase tax revenue in a couple generations.

Yeah but you don't have kids with a whore. They're just for fucking.

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Yeah, but they weren't talking about niggers or chinks. They were talking about white people.

>implying the reason they arent breeding is because their lives arent stagnant.
>implying shitting out kids will somehow unstagnate their lives
>implying the answer isnt genociding nonwhites and solving overpopulation.

In the Weimar time, it would have been easy as pie. Ponder that.

The founding fathers never would've dreamed that future generations would consider non-whites men.
