Gas prices low, low, low

>don’t know why, someone please explain why it’s so low and who I should be thanking.

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Dems and libs are screaming about Saudi Arabia, the fuck you think happened? Trump put the pressure on them.

Trump promised not to do anything to Saudi Arabia instead blaming Iran, so now we have this.


The fun thing about that is that our Goverment managed to make the prices rise instead (obviously to get more taxes to pay off the rapefugees)

Midwestern refineries that were down for maintenance came back online this month.
Also there’s fucktons of oil on the market.

Gas is 2.89 and diesel is 3.28 where I live

why does water retreats before a wave of tsunami rushes in?

oil surplus.

Thank the Jews

Everything's connected

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Trump blackmailed the saudi prince after kash

The taxes are to pay for "climate change" and the Frenchies are lighting Paris on fire over it.

Diesel isn't coming down as much where I live, which sucks. Usually diesel is like 30 or 40 cents more than gas, now it's like 80 cents more than gas. What the fuck.

Where the fuck do you live? 87 is 2.79 by me


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Doesn't it have to do with shell oil?

Or are we still depending on opec countries?

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what's more important, the life of one glow in the dark, or what you pay at the pump? choose wisely

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This helps.

Nope. It's the fucking Saudis. Read the last Trump tweets on Saudi A. Look at last week's oil output. Look how many furtures contracts were written up after Trump blamed Iran for Yemen. Fire up you stocks market programs like ninja trader or what ever and look up anything gasoline repeated while natural gas took a dump hard.

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Ha! Gaaaaaaay!

Whose life?

IF YOUR VEHICLE IS FLEX FUEL COMPATIBLE, USE E85 FOR NOW. IF 1000s of people did this, it would put even more downward pressure on gasoline prices.

Thank you God Trump.

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starts with a k and rhymes with ravioli

Noice, is it also because we are becoming the biggest producer of oil?

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It's China man. China is demanding less and could finally crash soon.

Oil is used for more than just petrol and most domestic petrol in the US is exported to more lucrative markets.

I feel bad, France is dealing with an issue with rising prices as well and are protesting and rioting. What are your thoughts on the whole middle eastern babysitting that is going on in Europe?

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South East I’m guessing?

Why do tides lower and rise? What are you trying to make at you pimple fucker

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Papa bless

shale oil a shit

I'm waiting for one of those retards to spout off on how low gas prices are bad

Uh which ones? And why?

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I can get gas for $2.04 in SC

Literally Trump (no meme)

Why is this not clear to the public? Is the media helping Trump? What is this, the twilight zone?

The ones drilling in the Permian.

What will he make him do? I hope it’s a power move.

It helps a lot. Fracking really did change everything. Guess that's why the media campaigned so hard against it.

>also fuck Canada lol

Damn rip. Must be regional, but I am seeing a lot of people seeing some sort of lowering of their local prices. It’s nice, but that sucks sorry user

>takes a shot for another victory

We are becoming less and less dependent. This is causing panic for them because the US is starting to be able to cut under prices by becoming the number 1 oil producer. The US is gaining a lot of influence by pulling this, and I am so ready for it to work in our favor for years too come.

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I need context. Please help user

>Travel for work, mostly drive
Easy fucking answer dickcheese

our oil and gas industry is fucked we have 100,000 people unemployed trump made a deal with the saudis... no payback.

Problem is he's destroyed texas also; while the stupid rags fill boats for our EU customers. He fucked us.. You need a strong energy sector for national defence purposes alone.

Trudy fucked you with the Keystone pipeline so your dirty nigger oil sand garbage can't get down to the gulf coast for refining in a large amount.

Kill the jewioli

No that's a meme; the stalling didn't help. That's not the cause. Just look at boereport and saudis it's fuckery from your president.

American shale

Hello from Alberta. Please hire me.

Suadi overproduction

Filled up today 2.12/gal

Get use to it fags.. you just handed dependence back to the fucking rags.

Lucky fuck. Gas is $3.23 where I'm at. You can guess where I live. I cant wait to get out of this shit hole state.

Iran. The sanctions were to be enforced by tracking their tankers. Like smart people the turned them off. Easy peasy.

yeah honestly I had forgotten about kashoggi until this thread

Oh quit your fucking moaning, I filled up today at $5.4 a gallon for 87 octane fuel. Fucking burgers have no idea how good you have it.

Meanwhile here in commiefagia we are paying ~$3.60/gal as if to just keep the lib narrative of muh oil prices are ruined bc orangeman tradewar

OPEC has been a meme since the 1980s, nothing more than a convenient boogeyman perpetuated by western producers to scare the market into price hikes. If all OPEC decided to stop exporting to the US it would suck for about a week before ramping up to our true production capacity (which is kept artificially low to keep prices up)

Who else drives a smallblock v8 and feeds it premium?

Feels good man.

That’s hella good, GA is a little bit higher but not much.

your premium is cheaper than the cheapest 87 i can find.

2 dollars here in texas

Oh fuck I'm an idiot, didn't do the currency conversion. It's $4.08/gal USD so not that bad but still...

>mfw my truck has a 454 that gets about 7 miles to the gallon
fuck yes time to go lead foot

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The media wanted us to pull a Germany and go solar and wind, and now look at them. They have a Russia gas dick being planned to be right up their butt because they either have not enough energy on cloudy and non windy days, or have too much energy and have to literally pay people to take the energy due to surplus. Thank god we got trump and he helped coal and fracking, I also want to go to nuclear energy just due to how efficient it is. We can use it here and have more supply to sell abroad and more gas for our cars rather then for energy for cities or towns.

Yes we do, it's why we shit on everyone else. It didn't just happen, our ancestors made a system the envy of the world on an impregnable resource rich continent.

Then how are we the number one producer in oil? I am lost.

It's gonna keep getting cheaper for a good while. Probably well into the summer.
We are getting along with OPEC and US shale is on fire.

Did not even know we did that, glad to know we could supply ourselves for the most part instead of depending on some other country for energy.

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QuikTrip gas pump, old style store.


That guy’s just asshurt. Permian is still producing bigly and if oil prices go up we can also add tons of capacity from fields that require fracking. If Canadians don’t step up they may risk losing their whole industry.


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You think thats low?
I B o u g h t G a s F o r 9 5 C e n t s L a s t W e e k

>$1.03/Liter here
>Still about $2.95/Gallon USD

Fucking Canada

not in california

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That's still cheaper than California, bud.

Be glad Canada is just slightly better California.

Because trump let the saudis off.

pretty cheap. we had it between $1.30 and $1.45 all summer and now it came down to about $1.15

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Fuck california. Blame the democrats you elected

Oh fuck off faggot. I've paid over $4 for awhile you're not special.

$1.06L here in Niagara Falls but only $2.82/gallon across the river in NY

i did my part, voted against Dianne Feintstein. too bad it was a hardcore socialist.

Fuck man cant get away from 3.50 a gallon here in california. i remember being so happy damn near filling my tank for 20$ at 2.50$

5.4l V8
2.7L stage 2 twin turbo

Leave commiefornia then.
Or if you have to stay, get an electric car. It's way cheaper than paying $3/gallon.


ya was just gonna say i remember paying like $1.50-1.60 just a few months ago, so $1.05-1.15 isn't too bad at all

It’s also due to fracking. But yes, Trump doing that surely helped.

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It’s so much easier just leaving that state, they usually go to Texas.

The 5.4 gets like 16 mpg, ain't even that bad as far as v8 engines go

This, I get like 12 to 13 in a 5.7

I was thinking about this too. Gas prices are pretty much the same as your pic. I can't think of anything thats super obvious that would explain it.

Original v8 guy here. My
F-150 (with the v8 not the cucked ecoboost) gets 17mpg no matter how I drive it.

Inb4 you don't need premium. I runs better and makes the truck drive way faster and more responsive.

Used to drive a turbo'd low displacement high output motor and the turbo shit the bed. Fun times but never again.

It's because oil prices are fucking low and are going to stay low.

The recent increase over the past couple months was a fluke. Equilibrium where everyone in the permean is making money and paying bills is $60 or under so expect it to stay there and expect the price to stay in the same range it has been very recently.

>not one mention of winter blend

Do you assholes even petrol?