Homosexuality is based, redpilled and masculine

I'm gonna get shit on for this but it had to be said.

The idea of homosexuality as a form of degeneracy is a product of Judeo-Christian kike subversion. For thousands of years our Indo-European ancestors engaged in homosexual acts. During antiquity it was not just a thing done for pleasure like so many of you thirsty betas do when you're on the prowl for disgusting roasties to fuck but a bonding experience and military tradition. Not to say we should disregard women, we need them to continue the race, but no man can bond with a woman the same way he can with one of his fellow men. Our Roman predecessors did not condemn homosexuality until the mass conversion to the Jewish desert cult (aka christ cuckery) and contrary to what you hear was not the downfall of their empire. Inability to maintain it's constant expansion, gynocentricism, semites dominating the Senate among other things were primarily responsible, gay sex was outlawed by the time Rome fell for fuck sake!

It can also serve as an effective backlash against feminism. Women will naturally become less and less bitchy and entitled as men begin to relieve each others sexual needs and bond. Inceldom and feminism will be a thing of the past!

The golden one did a spectacular video on the subject but it was deleted for some reason, here's the link.


Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Romans 1 reprobate


nigga u gay

>I'm gonna get shit on for this
Thats because you put your dick in another mans hairy asshole you degenerate faggot

so we can literally assfuck ourselves out of this predicament? Ok. Sounds fun.

Screencapped for future readers who may somehow doubt that OP is a faggot.

literally mocks his penis by turning it into a flesh based turd from another man's ass. wew lawd

>citing Romans

They're all dead you stupid shit.

Attached: you sir are a faggot.jpg (340x227, 18K)

Sodomy is sin.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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>degenerate faggot

I believe in the difference between black people and niggers. There is a difference between gay men and faggots. You would not call pic related a faggot to his face if you were alive to meet him.

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You re just trying to convince yourself that being gay is alpha.
Just go suck some dicks we dont know you, we cant judge you.
But you re a degenerate fag.Thats a fact.

Hmm, this faggot may have a point

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I believe you, OP. I'd be much happier if I had any sort of intimacy and gay's included.

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Honestly you're right.
I dont think humans are by nature exclusively attracted to men or women.
And the faggoty fags we have today are indeed a byproduct of the christcuck morality and they would have been despised by the men you're talking about.

This, Alexander would butt rape and then go impregnate Roxana

Good good goy.

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cool if you like balls and buttholes i guess

I have a hard time deciding who I hate more, those or niggers. On one hand, well niggers, on the other, I keep getting associated with the pride parade, prancing faggots. And because life fucking loves irony,but im the degenerate,but by my standards, 3/4 of this board would swing for their glaring degeneracy, along with the liberal faggots.

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>Fag is justifying faggyness
Why am i not surprised?

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It's as simple as this: your dick doesn't belong in any asshole. That's not why nature gave you any of those parts.

the op of this thread is either richard spencer, jack donovan, or greg johnson. possibly milo. it is some alt kike faggot who got triggered in the richard spencer thread earlier today. faggot op is absolutely buttblasted. get this shit out of here faggot.

>greg johnson
It's his exact narrative.

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The ancient greeks and romans are NOT your ancestors, cletus