Can someone redpill me on how these "forest" fires are able to melt cars and destroy every single building in an area with surgical accuracy while not even seeming to touch any of the surrounding bush/forest?
Direct energy weapons or what? Are houses wired to combust from the inside if a certain trigger is flipped?
op is a deep state shill. all his photos are are photoshopped and he is being paid to spread paranoia and terror in the hope that hilary will become president after the dems try to impeach trump in february
Dominic Williams
I'm not a shill. I don't think the photos ITT are photoshopped, but I also didn't take them so I'm not totally sure. I'm here to obtain information desu.
>I'm not a shill that's what a shill would say, yes
>canada yep, shill confirmed. canada is so left wing that it is an easy recruiting ground for liberal shills to support hilary with agitprop. they can almost, almost pass as american. but you fucked up and should have used a proxy.
these fires are too far south. we've got a leaf problem and need to burn some piles.
fire doesn't just nuke everything like it does firewood
Ian Anderson
How would shilling to convince people that the real government uses direct energy weapons to depopulate areas domestically possibly make people want to vote for Hillary tho?
Camden Brown
>be canadian >doesn’t know how trees work Imagine being this obvious of a faggot
>be pine tree >have thick, low density bark that acts as insulation against very cold but also very hot temperatures >grow super tall and have needles mostly at height >drop shitton of pine needles that both choke out competing vegetation, and are hyperflammable >every once in a while lightning strikes and a forest fire sweeps the floor, spreading with your needles, torching all other shitty plants >your bark protects you and your tallness avoids the worst of the fire >fucking dominate the forest with your bros and make room for little baby pine trees >btw pine cones need heat from a fire to properly open and drop seeds, and all the freshly torched shit acts as fertilizer LITERALLY the chad 6’ pine tree versus the virgin 5’11” maple tree
Jeremiah Taylor
Are people so incredibly stupid that they don't understand how embers get carried in the wind and start other fires in other locations? This is nothing new.
Andrew Hernandez
Imagine being so ass blasted about your liberal wet dream crashing down that you blame everyone but yourself. >it's aliens! >it's the CIA! >Trump did it! >WEATHER is not CLIMATE! >no one rakes forests! >it's everyone's fault but ours! The ABSOLUTE STATE of the US State of California.
So it totally melts cars (which it shouldn't be able to do at all) but leaves trees untouched? Here's fort mac after being hit by a real forest fire. Notice how the structures are relatively intact and there's plenty of rubble? Now compare this to the images from California where EVERYTHING is simply flattened into the ground. I don't believe these are natural forest fires for one minute.
Rothschild-owned PG&E. (((Someone))) used D.E.W. the day after elections to hide election fraud and cause a red-voting problem area to go away. PG&E will not pay fire claims. Watch them still manage to gut the company while passing on any of the losses to California customers.
in order to create a desire to reform the government, reform implied in the word 'progressive'.
you're fucking conspicuous, you glow in the dark like a leaf fire in the fall. you're even engaging in textbook shill tactics when you're outed. it's hilariously bad.
Ryder Lewis
Yes, the trees survive, but they are normally severely burned looking. Every single structure here is flattened while the trees are still green and covered in needles which you just described as "hyperflammable".
David Wood
you mean concrete structures don't burn but wood framed domestic houses do?
fuck shill, how are you even getting paid for this shit?
Brody Roberts
Makes sense. This certainly is distracting people from the midterms. Nothing in the news/world events are accidental imo.
Xavier Phillips
Lots of normal household stuff won't burn into nothingness during a forest fire.
The cars get melted because THEY ARE ON FIRE. Your image has untouched trees in it. And the "intact" structures are completely destroyed other than the parts made of solid concrete. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF LIBERALS AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ITS YOUR OWN FAULT YOUR HOME IS BURNING YOU HAVE PISS POOR FOREST MANAGEMENT BECAUSE YOU SPENT ALL YOUR MONEY ON ILLEGALS AND SJW GARBAGE FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
the level of retardation here is extreme, even for a paid liberal shill
>five minutes in photoshop >two minutes preparing an angle >1 minute to post >30 seconds to come up with a retarded counter to shilling accusations
holy fuck shill, are you the laziest shill on the fucking planet? i mean, you could at least try? back in my day shilling used to mean something, but obviously it's just easy money now. guess you needed to top up the trust account, trafficked children aren't getting any cheaper i guess.
Isaac Harris
>but they normally look like Post your time stamped arborist degree or stfu. You want them to look like fucking charcoal briquettes? The whole point is they don’t get torched. Maybe some outer layers of bark get burnt but that shit ablates off. If you take a blow torch to a 1000 page stack of paper you won’t crisp the whole thing. Just the outer layers. And then they flake away in the wind. Fucking go ahead. Ask me how I know you’ve literally never even touched a pine tree in real life.
Michael Hughes
Trees are full of water, dipshit.
John Hernandez
That picture is from months after, not hours/days. The areas on fire in Norcal are Red/Repulican dude...
Gabriel Carter
Why shouldn't it be able to melt cars? Cars are full of plastic and lightweight alloys nowadays which would easily burn/melt in forest fire temperatures
Kayden Nelson
>You want them to look like fucking charcoal briquettes? Yes, pretty close 1/2
>The areas on fire in Norcal are Red/Repulican dude...
californian republican is jeff flake republican you fucking shill
>hey guys, energy weapons because nearby trees weren't burned! >energy weapon so powerful it can melt metal and concrete, but not enough heat to burn nearby trees >makes perfect sense >$100 posted in your account, good work see you at the next globalist progressive rich kid meeting
you glow in the fucking dark
Tyler James
>shouldn't burn hot enough to melt aluminium >aluminium has a low melting point
at least put some effort into it, shill
Ryan Flores
The burnt trees in your image have not recovered don't try to make the excuse that a lot of time has passed. Also the "red" areas are burning because of liberal policies. Maybe we will see a red california one day since the rich liberals in silicon valley know fuck all about forest management and are effectively getting people killed.
Angel Cooper
AI must destroy all humans.
Jaxon Flores
They legalized weed so all the 'fornians can good ayy lmao and then go back to spankin it to traps and watching rick and morty
Luis Taylor
>energy weapon so powerful it can melt metal and concrete, but not enough heat to burn nearby trees Accurate enough not to.
I still have no idea what I'm supposed to be shilling for. I'm suggesting that the government is probably killing and terrorizing people.
Chase Perez
Step 1: torch your house Step 2: collect insurance $$$ Step 3: move to Texas
Hudson Brooks
Your shilling nonsense because the truth is that the Californian government didn't do its fucking job with the tax money it had and as a result the state is on fucking fire and people are dying. You're trying to blame the US government for something that the State government is responsible for in the most retarded way possible. Even when Trump called you out on it you kept whining about his choice of words instead of acknowledging your mistakes.
Joshua Foster
>lower ~20 feet outer layers or bark blackened >trees still standing >pictures chosen conspicuously don’t show the canopy Faggot. That’s what I described would happen. Look up the bastrop fire if you want some older pictures for comparison. .t bastropian, victim of worst fire in Texas history, in a pine forest
Robert Richardson
Yes, the pine needles are all burned. That's what you'd expect to happen..
> > >>energy weapon so powerful it can melt metal and concrete, but not enough heat to burn nearby trees >Accurate enough not to. >I still have no idea what I'm supposed to be shilling for. I'm suggesting that the government is probably killing and terrorizing people. I'm on board with this I think they pay bums to start fires in red areas to seize land
No need for energy weapons though. Too conspicuous
>Accurate enough not to. sure because radiative heat and the explosion caused by instanteously heating something from ambient to 10 000 degrees wouldn't cause both a concussive heat wave and hot shrapnel/sparks.
maybe if you had done something other than a gender studies/moloch studies degree you'd know this, shill.
Carter Carter
>Looks a lot more like arson to me. yes, because as we ascertained you're being paid to do so
Thomas James
the REAL Fire is jut cover to TEST energy weapons.
So, Trump killed a bunch of people with a laser beam? How does the government pull this off without anyone else knowing about it. How does a sophisticated weapon in space or on a plane do this without a commander accountable to anyone? I don't know guys.
Gabriel Ramirez
Jacob Allen
I'm totally open to this being some agenda 21 herd the population into the city centers type scenario, but FYI those areas don't line up at all.
1. The train routes run through the central valley, and the fire "Zone" shown on the left map shows an area that corresponds with the western seirra nevada mountain range. This is plainly visible just looking at the two maps side by side.
2. Sacramento and San Jose are not on fire, so i don't know where you got this map from.
I live in the SF bay area, and can tell you first hand. Yes the air was fucking horrid for about a week, but its been raining now and things have improved.
3. All of Los Angeles & San Diego is not on fire, i was in LA less than a week ago, the fires are in Malibu and actually it was not all that smoky, much worse up here.
Sorry ausbro but we appreciate the thought and concern.
Also yeah I agree there is some kind of weird shit going on with these fires.
Gabriel Bell
All fires burn spotty, but he's got a point, some of that cover looks way too heavy for the amount of damage which is claimed to have occurred.
Jaxon Carter
Wonder (((who))) owns the insurance on those houses?
Nathaniel Harris
omg look at these green trees that aren't burned but just ignore all the burned to shit grass around them
Isaiah Stewart
As for the video, you literally can explain the "halved" house by understanding that firefighters chop into structures that are burning, and you can understand that fire-fighters can use water to fight passing fires. Clearly they had better access to the street. My problem is where the houses are burned at the pine edges and it doesn't seem to have effected the trees. My best explanation for that, without going paranoid, is fire inhibitor dumps used on the forests, but not on the houses. And event that has alot of implications that don't seem very good. In my opinion, whatever was the cause of some of these fires, why in the world doesn't CA have an emergency civil service Draft to dig break-lines and clear brush? Fucking Communists have enough money to register gun owners and fight the evil 12 round magazine, but can't keep their fucking infrastructure standing.
Austin Moore
>meme flag >calls others shills >talks about how much shills get paid Low level. Low energy. you are not "inceptioning" anyone. Just stop shilling and go back to your blacked threads.
Nolan Smith
Wasn't dew, it was the smart meters.
Evan Martin
That's because it's the effect of mountain D.E.W
Nicholas Carter
I've heard this too. Smart meters just super heat all the wiring or something and burn the house from inside out? Can you go into this a little more?
Cameron Myers
I'm also suspect that the "beam burns" may just be psyops/disinfo from the CA Commies who are actively targeting any Conservatives remaining in CA with burns.
Hunter Carter
>meme flag but you're the canadian here.
Brayden Thompson
calm down leaf, you want retarded fantasies where none exist, people down here on the surface are to greedy to make what you think did the fire.
truth is, part of the matrix is collapsing and a fire is what takes place in a computer when you put to much power through it.
The Jews are killing off the last remaining conservative white people in California.
Oliver Wilson
don't be silly governments don't exist this is an act of God
Jaxon Williams
9/11 we will never forget
Evan Ward
huh... so where the fuck are we? way up in the heat sink?
Elijah Watson
Pine Gang Rise UP.
Bentley Martinez
Welcome to California: A state where there's multiple fire seasons, usually spurred by Santa Ana winds
Hunter Smith
the embers came from 50 miles away and magically landed on each building like peter pans fairy tinkerbell
Parker Gray
LMAO - THEY STFU NOW move along, no pic there ... nevermind... regroup for proper debunk shilling
Colton Perez
>californian republican is jeff flake republican ca gop is shit, but it isn't as fucking cucked as mormon az republicanism bruh
Cooper Reed
50 miles they claim, with ease... LMAO
Zachary Garcia
the beginning... of the war to end all wars...
Jason Robinson
radiant heat you mouth breathing faggot, why do you think wood from trees is burnt to provide heat and warmth??
Dylan Wright
fire "flies" up in the sky - it travels faster and further than birds.... early hominids cave pictures show us this phenomena hsa been going on for thousands of years... >pic related
That statistic doesn't mean intentionally caused. It means caused by human activity. For example if a downed power line causes a fire that is counted by this metric.
What happened was the commie gov of California supposedly stopped doing controlled burning for this year which lead up to these events, so basically they are going to get away with purposely allowing this fire to happen to make it look natural as possible because it was (hence no controlled burning) and then buy up land from these people.