Wanna dose of pure cancer and cringe? Read up boys! Its full of literally shaking and bombastic claims about secret bunkers, "urban herbal foraging" and stockpiles of guns and knives!
Secret to liberal prepping!
Other urls found in this thread:
There is a 100% chance that cane has been up her ass at some point.
>1 second into opening the article
>Juggalo ICP shirt
I think we have the real culprit here
Mentally ill
acne is your body's way to warn you about an unhealthy diet.
The fuck is wrong with that woman's knees.
They aren't supposed to bend that way.
And how did she get so big without imploding?
Square cube law btfo I guess.
Wait a minute is this her?
ohhh fuuuuck...... it could be!
I recognise those reversed knees!
At least this creature won’t have to worry about food. It can probably go a year and a half before starvation sets in. Good idea.
that's the least-threatening person i've ever seen
she'd get winded within 10 seconds of trying to catch you. if he knees don't give out first.
i'd be more cautious around this guy
Glasses have the same color/shape
I thought harvesting them for thier blubber was kind of your culture's thing.
unless youre just some marine in oakie.
You have to prep your body too, other niggas just aren't on her level.
>she's actually to thin to be her
Don't start that shit. Just because you don't like her politics doesn't make her crazy. That is not a road you want to travel.
Don't underestimate the level of muscle on fat people. She won't last long, likely not alot of endurance, but she will hit hard.
its not really muscle, so much as sheer intertia due to the amount of mass in motion.
Fat LARPers are always crazy
is that a dildo or something?
>"urban herbal foraging"
Pic is from last year she could’ve expanded since then
She’s a mentally ill obese woman that’s it that’s all
Sure, let's say a magnitude 8.0 earthquake hits California.
Your house is fucking gone. 8.0 on the Richter scale is logarithmic. You better have the strength to climb, walk, and the ability to get the fuck out of any building you are in.
After that, you have criminals to deal with. You think for a second criminals are going to just "leave you alone"? Also that slingshot is going to protect shit, especially if someone gets the jump on you.
Not only that, she's a fat piece of shit.
Yes, having a gut isn't terrible (it's not bad to start out with some extra stored energy). HOWEVER being a land whale is how you get your ass jumped, get stuck under rubble, or fail to provide for yourself. Honestly, if I was in the apocalypse and knew you had just a slingshot and you were that fat, you'd be high on my target list for places to loot. What are you going to do, sit on me? Chase me? Yeah right.
Some of my friends who are fat as fuck can barely walk a mile without problems, and seeing how her knees look like they are buckling under her weight, I'm doubtful she could even scavenge after she runs out of food in her "bug-in" bag.
And on the topic of friends and connections: great. Yes, have people you can rely on. However, do you really think they are going to go to YOUR aid first? No, they are going to rush to their families. And don't think for a second they are going to just blindly accept you into their family's pack with all that fat. She's nothing but a liability and not worth investing severely limited resources in.
If the emotional "literally shaking" and "stared in slack jawed shock until my piping hot tea was ice cold" levels of exaggeration match her preparedness levels im guessing her survival knowledge looks like this:
learned dandelions are edible
>now we can live off the fat of the land!
put a bandaid on a scrape without fainting
>Yeah, Im basically a combat medic now
met a guy who says he owns a gun
>Im basically an expert marksman!
Has a fridge that isnt empty
>I have a bunker full of provisions!
Jesus fucking Christ we just need to kill all these fuckers right now holy crap
its funny cause its not like an 8.0 earhtquake would hit the entire state, just a certain region, maybe a few cities that are close by.
shes failing at the most basic part of prepping which is to be physically fit. all that bug out bullshit isn't gonna be needed if you can just escape the immediate quake shit, you can just go to the next town over and stay in a hotel, she acts like shes gonna be stuck in LA for weeks after a quake.
>Ape and I had sex at an “End of the World” orgy on the night of Trump’s election. The crowd was mostly sex workers and queer folks. None of us wanted to face this election alone, so we got together at a friend’s loft apartment to handle the news as best we could — with food, alcohol and sex.
also she going to die even if she some how survives.
holy shit those KNOTS
perhaps, but it's extremely deadly and you're not going to have a house if it hits you.
Hurricanes flatten houses with just their winds and some waves. An earth quake, on top of the possibility of tsunamis, will destroy the foundation of your gay little San Fransisco apartment. Also while it might strike a region, that can have a lot of implications for surrounding areas as well.
Ever notice the sociopathic style of writing in her piece where she is the sole protagonist and all others are simply props in her life. (which is also somehow comprised of a series of epically cathartic events that suspiciously line up perfectly with each and every liberal ideal and stereotype perfectly?)
This is the kind of guy who people will actually be doing business with and will get by trading his medical knowledge and skills as the apocalypse/disaster medic if some sort of civil survivalist community develops.
If one does not then its all on you and more than likely the same combat medic who could save your life will gut you like a pig for supplies his loved ones need or want.
weaponized autism strikes again.
stay glorious user.
For got link youtube.com
I don't think she's entirely egotistical about it (preppers seem to be that way most of the time lmao), I think she's an idiot and utopian about this shit.
>I also realized that the prepping I uncovered in my communities was less about individual survival and more about creating an alternative infrastructure, since the ones in place are already failing our marginalized friends and family, even without a disaster looming. Mutual aid is the core of our organizing, instead of pure self-preservation. Knowing this, I’m confident that we will not only survive, but heal, rebuild and thrive.
Yeah, cause when the apocalypse comes back, people aren't going to join the nearest gang or form competing tribes against you. Optimism is good, but she's just deluded.
All you gotta do to fight a lardon is rope-a-dope 'em.
Mind you, kick her in the inside of the knee and she'll go down like a felled tree.
Her and her posse's biggest mistake is assuming that everyone will behave just as politeley, rationally, and sensitivley as they will when they are safe, well fed, and comfortable as when they are starving, in daily mortal danger, and cold.
Yep. Most liberals are extraordinarily narcissistic, and personally I feel like they’re obsessed with the concept of “empathy” because they don’t understand it or have it but want to pretend that they do which is why they’re over the top emotional appeals and public displays never ring true
You know what else is terrible about fat?
When you get a deep enough wound, ain't no stopping the bleeding. You fucked mate.
I do what I can
This is so fucking misinformed I don't know where to start. Do you have any idea how long that barrel of nutrients can survive on water alone? There is at least six to twenty eight and a half months of calories stored within that wrapper. If you knew fuckall about urban survival tactics you would know that it could easily roll around from collapsed domicile to collapsed domicile, gurgling down toilet tank water for up to a year without food.
>oh yes you will, but its not gonna be consentual
T. Every looter and vandal they encounter.
He would be a freak in a carnival at literally any other point in time
>t. civilian in Yokosuka
Cold Steel sells 'em. Made of hard plastic.
I got a piece of oak w/ a brass hame head.
You honestly think when food runs out she won’t be the prize pig for a community of cannibals?
You’re forgetting one key thing for fat burning.
She’ll be stressed and starving.
The fat she will burn will cause her migraines maybe even visual and respiratory problems.
It’s called survival of the fittest not survival of the fattest for a reason.
Jesus, those people are fucking delusional. I dont wanna live though an apocalipse scenario just to see those pieces of shit being traded as plow pushing cattle while screaming in fear and despair, but man, it would be a momentary relieve
>Claims to be a prepper
>Hasn't started prepping for the number one killer of Americans.
Shit is going to hit the fan and her clogged heart wont be able to take it.
hahahha I was thinking the same thing
Wtf am I reading OP
just walk 15 feet in any direction the hamplanet will be gasping for breath and a large pizza
fiction written for the purpose of virtue signalling.
God I want her to sit on my face and give me a footjob while telling me all the wrongs the fascistic capitalistic and patriarchal have committed.
I'm degenerate that's why.
>God I want her to sit on my face
Cystic acne is almost 100% genetic
You could call it "herban"
God, how can these fuckers stay in business with such ludicrous prices?
As soon as it hits the bit about election day orgy I gagged. What a shitpile of a human, plus that hose looks like theys filled with oatmeal.
oh hell naw we aint doin this today. garbage food = garbage skin.
This post made me want the apocalypse
He is partially right though genes can mean that you can eat trash and still look good like me
Is that you, Styx?
Imagine what a really bad earthquake would be like in San Francisco today.
Alright, which one of you fuckers wrote this?
As a mentally ill person, I object to being grouped with this fat clown.
She is clearly an imbecile.
She looks like the blue girl from Willy Wonka after she ate too many blueberries.