well boys! it's time to talk about us!
Well boys! it's time to talk about us!
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Yes, lets talk about us...
No you don't understand its for people born in 98. We are the elders of the Zoomer tribe. Our wraith is righteous and spirit divine. This is our board now
>College freshmen age
You know nothing. Bow to your millennial overlords
Can't into math and still going to college. I have bad news: you're retarded.
discovery kids was my shit
i loved truth or scare
It's hard for me to imagine someone born in 98 rockin the pogs, pogs were kinda out for me and i was born in 91
Fucking children need to get the fuck outta here
Everyone knows prime doomer years are from 1995 - 1997
You niggers were too young to play Ganguro Girl so you'll never be cool
Every image on Jow Forums is at least a little retarded.
...i remember that game. is right. it was a fad in the early nineties when i was a young lad
97 doomer master race
Oh excuse me. College sophomore age.
I’ll still stick your zoomer head in the toilet.
I was born in 1994, who does that make me?
Millennial inheritor of the earth.
Go to jail.
Do not pass Go
I'll fill your lungs with your blood you farm fresh bitch
I was born in 96
I thought Jow Forums was the containment jail for homosexuals. So I'm already here.
Just because your mom buys you a katana from the mall doesn’t make you badass.
Stick to fantasizing about killing your step dad, but keep it a fantasy. People in the real world could hurt you.
I feel bad for anyone born after 1990. Even worse for you young faggots born after the turn of the century. Growing up with smart phones, social media, a nigger president.
You might think you have it good with all your nice technology, internet, 4k uhd tv, but life was so much better before all these things. The idea is probably alien since youth didn't live pre these things and probably can not imagine life without them.
Everyone is just a empty shell nowdays, mindless and starting at bright screen swiping on tinder or hoping someone posted to their snapchat. There is no real human interaction, there is no real connection.
You kids were handed a shit world and told it tastes like strawberries and smells of flowers, and you believe it because you have never known any better.
>95 doomer reporting in
you can still play sega dreamcast online
Missing the grenades and the rpg
Shut up old man
We entered the age of information and while you die and rot away I'll transform into a robot and live forever among the stars
Or die in a world war for resources
1 of the 2
Also, '96 doomer here..
the start of the age of information was great. What it has become is not. It will only get worse.
You and everyone else will be to busy paying for niggers and moslems to come live and steal your resources to ever see the stars outside of google images.
>thinking you faggots were the first kids using Space Cadet Pinball or Windows 2000
fuck outta here, 1992 coming through and WE weren't even the first kids on that
that's you
Russia has been selling it's resources to china who have just entered into nuclear fission
Chinese don't have morals and we're going with them.
You will die
I will live
Sure I'll be your blank face punching bag. The brain fills in gaps. But remember you don't know shit when you walk into a room you've never been in
1997 - 2000 sub generation master race
>I’ll be your blank face punching bag
I was born in 2000 and we still played with pogs
Here have some more words. These are my face. Hit this
I was born in 98. Third year in college
1998 Gamboy Color race reporting in
>connect to AOL
>downloading MP3s on limewire
>the download speed reaches 9kb/s
>just mock bill clinton advertisement
who remembers the bill clinton ad?
t. 98 reporting in
I will make juden's skin become my new lampshade one day
93' and you're all fags
90, one of the very the last generation before the inception of the Brave new World.
I remember playing the original pokemon games and gold and silver with my older bros. Why cant life go back to being simple
110 years till 2100 lets do this brother!!!
I still have my game link cable if you fellas want to trade.
Fug. So many boomer memories flooding in.
Born after 94 makes you a total faggot
Pro tip: you needed to be older than 21 when Trump got elected to matter
if you didnt get to taste the 80s at least a little, i feel bad for you
i want to go back so bad, not just because i was so young, but it was really the best decade after the 50s
Wow those days were pure.
1990...what am i?
97 reporting in
damn them some feels my first game related anything was a aqua gameboy color with pokemon silver I might have to see if I can set up a emulator for nostalgia.
A person born in 1994 would be be 22 at the time of Trump's election you idiot.
Congratulations you failed faggot
I was born in 88, I'm 30 years old. Kill me.
Millennial gtfo
Even the sound tracks were aesthetic and had a unique charm, what a golden age we were in. We're so lucky to have experienced it.
youre still a proto zoomer like the rest of us. millenial was originally meant for people hwo came of age during the turn of the century, you were 6 then
I would reccomend you play the pokemon prism hack of crystal. It's a pretty good one and honestly way better than any official game in the series.
Take a sip and mow that lawn
Considering yous were 2 yo when ps2 came out it is safe to say you gays are retards. Your starting pack would be ipad, shitty emojis, disneyxd and libtard parents.
91 here, all the consoles after N64 and PlayStation 1 were a waste of time. I feel bad for you kids. The Illuminati, Freemason, Kikes really put a lot of effort into the first gen 3D games. Everything else after was generic slop.
>w7 classic theme
this feels like a personal attack
Up late in a dark ass room trying not to wake up my parents while desperately trying to beat this with keyboard only controls.
I don't even get that meme, am I supposed to be on the housing market?
Chrono Trigger OST is probably the all around best ever made.
91 here, you're not even old enough to feel true doom.
ye they were huge around 93-96?
this should give every true doomer a nostalgia erection
back to back DBZ original airing then fucking donkey kong 64 after school was fucking party time
Key/Leaf era
preach it brother
these kids ain't alright
You should add about 80lbs to that Wojack lmao
I've heard that many high up Japanese game developers have been invited out to Bohemian Grove. I think the Chrono Trigger tineline might be a hidden redpill they put in our face.
>98 faggot thinks he can steal millennial pinball
12,000 BC would deal with Freemason ideas of the Mayan spread of civilization across the globe, and the battle of Troy.
Prove you're really 98
1992 master race
i was born in 1987 but identify with the doomers pls let me join ur kool klub spasibo
The first porn I ever saw was a flash game on Newgrounds
back in my day porn was printed on paper and you could find it under gas station bathroom sinks
That's because the definition of doomer is so loose than almost anyone can find elements of himself in it. You're fine user.
This checks out
89 here. Entering middle age in the dark age.
95 masterrace reporting in
Time to get comfy, lads. I have the worst nostalgia about the late 90s and early 2000s. I think this was just before the information age had fully formed and taken over human existence. I have so many memories playing on the SuperNintendo, watching the original starwars trilogy on VHS, the Pokemon craze.... stop making me cry, guys...
also, just now realizing that gif has the wrong name
>Fucking children need to get the fuck outta here
I agree, now fuck off
t. 94 doomer
Early 2000s was the most cancerous time ever. Specifically when "8 Mile" came out. That was the moment the world turned to shit. Wigger shit was not cool until Eminem.
Anyone else remember this mother fucker?
>Pokemon disc collection
>Not the holographic evolving ones
You don't know shit zoomer
Is that a tank top, or a bra?
I agree that it was mostly the 90's, i.e. SNES and Pokemon for me -- no soiboi memes pls. Also, I'm thinking of Star Wars Episode one, batman beyond, etc.
Batman beyond predicting illuminati/distopian cyberpunk future confirmed?
>Visited Wales every year and rented out a caravan, typical holiday for poortherners
>Always bought a second-hand Megadrive or Dreamcast to play with my bros
>Spent lots of time in the arcades winning teddies and playing the 2p drops, was easy unlike today with the ripping off pikey bastards
>Wales felt magical even though it was a run down shithole full of druggies
Those days were /comfy/
Pretty much all the big name kids media was/is Illuminati.
Enough of this doom shit. Quit trying to associate nostalgia with helpless melancholy. The things from our childhood should be looked at fondly.
You're from Blackpool aren't you?