What is behind the sex recession in the West anons?
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What is behind the sex recession in the West anons?
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The fact that sex is generally shit because most people are ugly and most men don't last long.
sex is for losers
>work 50 hour weeks
>grocery shopping
Literally how do I make the time to fuck or even date for that matter? I'm booked solid.
Why do I wanna handicap myself now? I’ll get married in my 30s to 40s. Right now I have zero time to fuck ans have kids.
Screw you user. I LIKE being a wagecuck.
The women I have access to are unappealing and vacuous.
The others are not interested, and that's fine and understandable, as I am not a quality mate.
Women are stuck up bitches, too many fags, porn and other distractions.
>I’ll get married in my 30s to 40s
by then most women left available will have hit the wall, ridden the CC, and be past their ideal fertility age though
Less people are having more sex. There is no recession, just that less people are having it (though those people are having more of it)
90% of the women fuck 2% of the men
Its just yin and yang.
The new opposes the old and the old opposes the new.
It's a rejection of the degeneracy of the Sexual Revolution come full circle.
>see nofap thread on
>CLICKs it, this happens.
Really fires up the neurons in regards to mindgeek
not enough black eyes
>99% of the women fuck under 1000 men
>90% of the women fuck 2% of the men
Sounds about right, men who don't have a high value in the sexual/social marketplace are completely disposable to women and just society in general these days
We are turning into Japanese men very quickly, I started a Soshoku Danshi group here in America where my friends and I shun women and watch anime.
This is true. They fuck only the guys that will give them free drugs. It is a shame, women do not want good men, they are pleasure obsessed animals who just want to be drugged up and dicked down.
>tfw having zero sex
because men are playing video games
its as simple as that
if you worked out, even if you were a neet you would be able to get a woman.
>pursuing women your own age
women from 15-20 will always be the premium choice and only roasties, cucks, and moralfags will say otherwise
>Tfw pussy on tap but no interest
I just don't care atm.
Kinda down because is the holiday season and am broke.
All choices are available, I just don't feel like it.
Might anhero later. Depends where this bottle takes me.
I know 5 other guys right now in the same emotional state.
just look at that incel gap growing
I went from fat to fit.
Complete transformation after falling out of my last relationship. Went from 210lbs to 145, now mid 160's. I'm at the best physical appearance and fitness level of my life. I get zero sex. I work, work out, sleep.
>number for women begins dropping with rise of tinder
what a surprise
fuck these hyper-darwinian apps
tell that to men over 40 who have to lie about their age on tinder/okcupid
It will be written that our decline started when we gave them the right to vote.
Perhaps its just being "under reported"?
Maybe something to do with women having unprecedented sexual control and young boys not wanting to try and bang anymore in fear of becoming part of #MeToo and his life destroyed over a false accusation?
I mean, you seriously cannot deny it if you look at our history objectively decade by decade
>tfw the future will agree with us, giving women the vote was a mistake
Faggots, not even being an edgelord.
>Media pushes homosexuality, "rape culture" narrative, new age bullshit and female empowerment at the same time
>Weak men turn into "prison homos" or incels or go crazy on Tinder and the like
>Dark triad/psychiopathic men turn "bisexual" in order to get laid more often since nowadays the easiest way to get access to women is through their gay friends
>Non psychopathic, non homofriendly chads either have to settle for one woman instead of their usual harem, opt out of the game and wait for a desperate roastie to approach them or go crazy on tinder
>Normal guys either strive for an old school monogamous relationship or opt out of the game and do something more productive with their time
>A lot of the mentally unstable roasties turn "lesbian"
>Wind up committing suicide
I know most hicks on Jow Forums like to think of Latin America as an ultra conservative rural society, this couldn´t be farther from the truth, at least Colombia is a hyper urban Akira tier hyper degenerate society.
I just got back from the U.S. and was surprised that social media and smartphone culture is WAY less prevalent than here (Yes, I know it's pretty bad there).
Fortunately, it seems the fastest growing suicide demographic in this place is young, rich, good looking girls. Sooner or later it hits them that real life isn't instagram, that good looking men can play the Tinder game too and that their future beta providers are sucking each others dicks out of desperation and might consider becoming faggots long term...
California was the first U.S. state to pass a no-fault divorce law. Its law was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan, a divorced and remarried former movie actor, and came into effect in 1970.
I can't even imagine what worse than the US would be like. I really, really can't imagine it at all. Do you have any stories?
porn is turning men gay, for real
Forgot to add, if you haven't figured out yet that the mocked "illuminati depopulation agenda" is actually this (along with fucking up peoples diet) you need to kys right fucking now.
Why are they gonna spend millions spraying people via commercial airliners when Facebook, Twitter and Tinder can do the job for them LOL.
Here's the QRD for the TL;DR crowd.
>"ay bb want sum fuk" is illegal these days
>everybody thinks soliciting sex IRL is "creeper tier" anyway
>of the women who use hookup apps like Tinder and such, most of them are just using it to stroke their ego, they have no intention of fucking anybody
>heterosexuality has been effectively demonized; there is no "sex recession" among queers
>people who are handsome and rich are having most of the sex while everyone else languishes
Honestly, the impression I got from reading this is that everyone is a lonely loser who wants someone to love, but instead sits in their isolation, fantasizing about that perfect romance that they will never let happen. How sad.
Does no one read Spengler any more, did they ever? Dysgenic race suicide is common in the late stages of a high culture. Life stops being something to live and turns into a problem to be solved. Children are weighed and measured just like any other investment or purchase and well they are a bad deal. Such is the logic of homo-ecenomicus,
>Go to the ministry of foreign affairs to attend a symposium on Colombia-Netherlands relations
>Every single person, young and old, most of them government officials are glued to their phones, either texting each other or playing Angry Birds
>Dutch ambassador has to call them out on their bullshit in the middle of his presentation
>The two diplomats that organized the event start tearing up
There's still some good people out there. Like calls to like.
There's a mathematical paper on the subject of differences in variability between the genders (i.e. the normally distributed features are more closely centred around the mean or more widely spread for men and women in general) which Charles Darwin already noted for a variety of sexually dimorphic species and it attempts to provide a probabilistic model to explain it. The explanation is: differences in selectivity.
>An elementary mathematical theory based on "selectivity" is proposed to address a question raised by Charles Darwin, namely, how one gender of a sexually dimorphic species might tend to evolve with greater variability than the other gender. Briefly, the theory says that if one sex is relatively selective then from one generation to the next, more variable subpopulations of the opposite sex will tend to prevail over those with lesser variability; and conversely, if a sex is relatively non-selective, then less variable subpopulations of the opposite sex will tend to prevail over those with greater variability. This theory makes no assumptions about differences in means between the sexes, nor does it presume that one sex is selective and the other non-selective. Two mathematical models are presented: a discrete-time one-step statistical model using normally distributed fitness values; and a continuous-time deterministic model using exponentially distributed fitness levels.
If women only sleep with what they perceive as the top x% of the men while men sleep with all but the bottom y% of the women, then the female population will become centred more closely around the average while the male population is going to become more variable. This of course also explains why there are so many more male geniuses (and retards) while women are more likely to be average.
It is important to note that this has been going on for thousands of years to have such impact and if things ever changed it was due to social pressure (e.g. religion). In this context this should also be considered:
>It's now widely accepted among those who work in genetics that roughly 10 per cent of us are not fathered by the man we believe to be dad.
So even if in the past women settled for a "lesser" partner who would pay their bills, they possibly didn't bear his children.
Without societal pressure (e.g. being allowed to work, welfare, etc.) and modern dating apps and online dating communities readily present, women are under the impression that they are always capable of attaining a "top" partner and therefore won't even bother with those slightly below in general (at least until they reach a certain age).
Women are useless.
This is what happened to my friend. Known him since 3rd grade, always a nice guy but was a virgin at 22. On his birthday later that year he just came out as gay despite never showing gay tendencies before. A few years later he revealed to me and a few other close friends that he said that because he was so tired of being sad and lonely, so he was willing to have gay sex in order to feel affection and love from anyone, anything...
Were 27 now. No problems but its so sad and breaks my heart after knowing this guy for so long, seeing what would become of him. Hes bi now but still never gets to fuck chicks
Sour pennies.
"Disposable" implies they used us at all.
You guys can blame women all you want, but men are the foundation for everything. That foundation is weakening.
>What is behind the sex recession in the West anons?
Thots who don't pay their taxes.
My dad got married to my mom in his 30s. He’s quite older than her. My mom liked him cause he was mature and had his shit together. Its way easier for men to date younger so long as they’re a good mate. Men aren’t like women so their dick stops working past 40. That being said, it’s not like this is an excuse for men to fuck around like women do until they hit the wall and need to settle down. Men still need to have their shit together to provide for a family because that is the main determinant.
This pretty much. I'd rather just chill with friends than go through the hassle of dating.
Why lot of sex in a country is desirable in a first place? To improve demographics? Then you should encourage stable marriages, not every type of fucking around.
Well if they wanted to fix this "problem" (one they have no problem creating) then just give men a bonus to being men. Like less rent, less loans or something. Men have more money, so they can buy more things. Women go after more men for stability.
I just bang escorts now, easier than trying to get anywhere in this broken culture
Honestly this.
I'd rather be on my sled rippin around the snow drifts or learning a new skill.
Paternal age is linked as a high risk factor for autism, men over 40 having more gene mutations in their sperm. Wide age gaps with the mother is also a risk factor.
Men have a biological clock for healthy children too, we don't have all the time in the world
The Globalist's policy of White genocide.
>touching a girl is rape
>having sex she regrets is rape
>unsubstantiated sexual harrasment charges can lead to the end of my career
>meanwhile 6/10 women think they are 9/10 because of hookup apps
>why is there a sex recession guys???
Not even a virgin, but come on, isn't it obvious?
> Marrying a same age woman
> Marrying
Oh shit nigga what r u doin
Knew a guy that said he was gay cause he wasn't getting laid, funny thing is that it was his female "friends" the ones that told me this.
That still doesn't explain why he wasn't fucking dudes
>New cases of HIV are at an all-time low.
Amazing argument. Flawless brilliance.
incelception is upon us
>has no sexors
Aha ooookay.
>water poisoned with hormone-damaging chemicals
>have to work 100000 hours to earn enough to live
>spend 90% of time inside, giving vitamin D deficiencies and causing depression, low sex drive
>no spare time for people to meet people
Also consider it's possibly more things returning to normal after the sick fuck boomers.
Only thirsty tinder thots (granted there's a lot of them out there, but they're not all women.)
Other women are more or less monogamous, and the ones that cheat arent any worse than the men that cheat.
women dont even view it as cheating. its an 'open relationship' where they hook up with 10 guys at once. the guy can also do that if he wants to as well :^)