Jow Forums what are your thoughts on gingers?
God paints them so we know their souls are on fire
I want to put my penis in a redheaded loli
Some females are smoking hot. My handler is a faggot and he keeps playing with my redhead fetish, though
Can’t spell niggers without it.
some can be absolutely glorious, but a lot of them are too freckled, fake, or trashy to make a wife outta
they arent white
Melanin is disgusting
Putting a ginger in the gene pool is good insurance against future Racemixing
If her background is genetically white I don't see a problem with it
We are God’s Chosen.
Only the blue and green eyed ones though. Brown eyes are genetic inferiors and must be purged - they make me sick to look at them
I wanna wife one
they have no soul
Fassbender aged poorly
male gingers make me feel uneasy
girls - soulless, mentally ill cum dumpsters
men - societies bumboys, every ginger male I've known is a heroin user or has converted to islam
Shame you haven’t met a normal male.
Whitest if the white
She's beautiful.
why is that? lmao I also get uneasy around them..well certain gingers...some dont give me that vibe. Its the ones with dark black eyes and darker red hair that do, the ones with blue eyes and strawberry hair are usually ok.
They have magical powers
>thread gets slid to hell after this post
Exactly - Heisenberg is back