Peak degeneracy examples

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whats the twist

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The robots give you herpes

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That gay cult of "pups" who worship the "master" and injected silicone into their balls that happened recently.

This. Nigger OP.

We have to make place for the next mosque/synagogue.

Having been to Russia recently, please never let this shit happen to your people.

>"i must sex all the robots" john cried
>suddenly the radio crackered
>"no john, you are the robots!"
>and then john was a sex cyborg

God damn this fucking world.

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>Jow Forums's definition of degenerate is: everything I will never do but really want to
You all would be "degenerates" if you could, problem is you're all incel losers.

Is she... Is she bleeding on that kids head ...

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Twist is that you have to ask the robots for consent. Fuck this shit I'm out.

That's kinda hot

This has already happened, not on such a scale as in the west, but it is happening. And I noticed that Jews are basically promoting this.

my sides

Not often I see a demons post these days.

>muh menstruation
>muh vagina
Why are women so obsessed with bodily functions?

Fucking hell. I was expecting the robots to have penises or something like that.

Fucking hell, is she shoving her Little bastard back in ?

>Why are women so obsessed with bodily functions
The Jews told them. The Jewish propaganda was aimed at everyone, but since women are easily suggestible, it affects them more strongly.

bro Russian women are on whole other level of fucked up.

faggot is seriously hurt and triggeredTell us who rammed your anus sven

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>keeping the Racemixers and Leeches off by being so nasty, nobody wants to touch you anymore
They are based in a way we cant even comprehend

Also she is jewish. She mentions it on one of her pictures.

Alright I'm not usually fazed by the shit you see on Jow Forums, but this made me a bit uneasy.

Too late

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What the actual fuck?

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Doesn't seem like a warm or comforting place. She prob forced them to pose.



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What's happening here?

Forget it, Jake. It's niggertown..

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It can not be real, it is most likely a joke

Fucking kike gas yourself for pushing product placement on Jow Forums

That pic, I think you should ask yourself that m8.

Weird folks in your country, I will tell you what.

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>carlee beaner
>lives in texas
she be a spic

Yikes, thanks for following up.

Far out, that is the perfect mix of the modern woman's hatred for man mixed with the unquenchable desire for validation through social media. She even has the feminist haircut and piercings.

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Darth Vader is Luke's father

I feel so fucking old
How in the fuck have i been here for this long

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Do not forget these "jews" are not real jews but the synagogue of satan. They are making you turn your back on God and Christ. Look up the shit they do at CERN they are trying to open a portal to bring about the devil himself. These elite etc. all are Satanists, its always been a battle of good vs evil. They destroy your body and mind as well with vaccines, gmos, fluoride in your water, wake as many people as you can to the reality we live in and never lose hope in god for that is there goal. Its ofc never about money the end game is turn the world into slaves of Satanism.

Its like that winnie the pooh meme where hes looking into the honey hole lol

Women did not become strong. Men have become weak, women cannot be responsible for themselves, they have no free will, men have allowed them to become such.

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>Cow urine
>For prayers only
>Non edible
So do people actually drink it or what?

Close the damn boarders already

Saint-Jacques Church in Abbeville, France for anyone wondering.

Satanic music video

Stapped him that's why you always carry


This is tragic, but a storm sent a bell through the roof. Water got in and the inside of the building rotted in a hurry after that. It wasn't arbitrary, as the repair cost was too great for the city to endure and the insurance and potential liability costs through a fallen wall or floor were too great. Ultimately, the town mayor had to tear it down.

Because they are leaky and weak.

Full hour long madness

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It could be worse.
You could be me and remember that in the original it's "carckled", not "crackered".

As I was reading, I forgot I was in a trans hate thread and thought all those people were actually females. women would be disgusting enough to do such a thing. I originally was aroused untill I read the text at the very top and read "my cock and balls." I was first confused, then I had the horrible realization that they're ALL trannies

My boner went away and I feel sick. Anons, I have a problem! how to I relinquish myself of these sins!!!

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Explain yourself young man

Fight the stereotype and smash hate.

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that's a real casket. My friend, that boy did get burried in a super mario casket

blacks in this thread explain this

What the fuck
To what end

>blacks in this thread explain this
I'm not black but I like to gawk at trainwrecks, what the kids are doing is called "twerking", first time I've seen it done this young though, usually they wait till teenage years.

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Why did we waste such wonderful architectural designs on fucking churches? We should've just made buildings for no other purpose than to look at. Those would be protected by the state instead of gods failed hand. WHERE IS YOUR GOD CHRISTKEKS!!?

It looks like A pitbull about to eat a child

take a look around and realize those jews u hate are actually satanists

Kek what a fucking scrungy moll

They’re always poofs

She doesn’t know the meaning of the word

Uh. Yeah. Also because we have to put MILLIONS into mosques, that's the most important thing.

This church was put forward because it somehow had a (wonky) justification for being destroyed, even though in the light of later facts put forward, it's been proven it could have been saved ten times over, not to mention rebuilt, but instead, they built a parking lot were niggers sell drugs, and they opened a new mosque, the second in Abbeville.

There are 42 258 churches in France, and it took 14 centuries to build them, among which officially only 255 were sold, decommissioned or destroyed, not counting 600-700 desecrations of churches and cemetaries every year, and plenty unreported "sales" and destructions.

There are officially 2500 mosques, not counting thousands of "prayer rooms", it took 50 years to build them, their number doubled in the last 15 years alone, it's expected to double again by 2019, and it's apparently still not enough because many pray in the street, and they're protected by the police when they should in fact be arrested for blocking all traffic. If we're looking at the ratio, there's 70 times more mosques in France, than churches in the entire Arabic peninsula.

Muslims are everywhere and they're the reason for all the shit happening in this country.

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Niggers are just the worst

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Fourth post best post?

Probably Stockholm.

you know there will be a new class of jobs where someone has to scrub out the robo-hole for the next john

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>And I noticed that Jews are basically promoting this
this is the truest redpill
once you know of it you can't unsee

This must be one of the oldest pics on the internet.

He has like 50 kids m8. Westbrook id believe

Käften bögjävel

It's grooming. There's a bunch of girls and those grown men want to fuck them. They can't go for them directly so they get the girls comfortable with the boys and then "it's ok to do it to anyone". I'm black, go to any majority black school "dance", nothing but girls 12-18 grinding on kids. Then these girls get sexualized, go on snap and tinder, get baited by older guys, get fucked, get pregnant, and all you know is his face and snap name or tinder profile. It's honestly hilarious because nobody wants to call this out but hey WAKANDA FOE'EVAH. I've never seen a cluster of whites or Asians doing this and if anything comes close it's weirdos. But this is normal. Like watching parasites breed.

Look into the abyss, the abyss will look back.

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