Why is capitalism failing in the USA?

>1 in 6 people in America face hunger. The USDA defines "food insecurity" as the lack of access, at times, to enough food for all household members.

>Wage growth
Dead for 20 years. Even the meager gains we are seeing now will be wiped out in the next recession

>people on welfare
something like 40 million on welfare just to eat

How can this be fixed? (also no meme answers)

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Because immoral people are in control of the system. The capitalist system isn't the problem per se - the people manipulating the system are.

Sounds like they need to let natural selection thin out the herd a bit. unless you plan to PERSONALLY FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THESE PEOPLE I suggest you take a hike.

Probably illegal aliens and “refugees” from garbage countries that I have to now clothe, house, and feed with my tax money.

The real answer is that the system is more likely to collapse than be fixed, unless you start considering those meme answers seriously.
Read up: people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf

>1 in 6 people in America face hunger
Do you HONESTLY believe that?

>Because immoral people are in control of the system
what a joke answer. I remember thinking that shit at 16. Their not acting immoral. their acting like capitalists. You can remove the people at the top but the new ones will always be persuaded by bundles of money. Just look at the socialist chick (cortez) she just endorsed Pelosi. People always crack.

>implying obese people can't be hungry

they're the hungriest

define failure.

Capitalism does not prohibit charity.

I went their last year and the amount of homeless people I saw was disgusting. I very much believe that stat

People's lives should be up to ultra wealthy jews? "am i gonna eat today?jee i hope mr goldstein is in a good mood!"

>The real answer is that the system is more likely to collapse than be fixed,
what do you think will replace it if it does collapse?

you miss the point of communism

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There are less than a million homeless people at any time in the U.S.
The population of the U.S. is >330,000,000.

No, but nice strawman.

>"am i gonna eat today?jee i hope mr goldstein is in a good mood!"

Why are you being so critical of communism if you think it's so great??

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>the flag

your point still is that capitalism can't do basic things like feed people so charity should fix it. hence it's up to the wealtyh if some people eat

learn how to sage lmao

if an animal couldn't feed itself, would you keep it on your farm?

Why are you insisting on such a bureaucratic perspective? Anyone can be charitable, it doesn't matter who chooses to help.

>natural selection

Attached: columbine_meme.png (500x408, 128K)

>americans are going hungry
You communists have fucked up your ability to perceive reality so badly.

>if an animal couldn't feed itself, would you keep it on your farm?
I never thought I would see someone advocating for feudalism but ok. Natural selection doesn't work in a system that create artificial supply. Even Friedman saw capitalism producing huge amounts of excess but it couldn't be distributed due to artificial barriers. But even more so capitalism has been around for 0.2% of human history. I would hardly call that natural.

The soviet union was better fed than the USA.

I can see where you are going with this...

Attached: food_CCCP.png (640x390, 69K)

das true BTW

Attached: food_statistics.png (660x398, 90K)

>owning farmland = feudalism
tee hee I guess the taxes are quite high of recent. I see what you make that connection.

>artificial supply
fiat slave detected. I cannot converse with you any further.

Attached: you are a fucking loser.jpg (1024x575, 80K)

>thinking this is restricted to capitalism
This is just human nature. It infects every social, political, and economic system in existence.

>le redpilled hungarian

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It's not failing. It's doing exactly what it was intended to do. It wasn't always a "capitalist" country. Not was it the (((capitalist))) country that it is now.

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I hope this is a bait:
>2nd fastest growing ecenomy
It's easy to grow after your economy has fallen so low
>no unemployment
Because half of the people had retarded jobs which involved absolutely nothing but sitting in the factory and drinking, for which you got your low wage that allowed you to buy a white bread, vodka and a sausage
>0% homelessness
citation needed
>saved the world from nazi
>something bad
>end the centuries-long cycle of famine
Ukraine 1933
>Invented space travel
Thanks to Nazi scientists
>ended racial inequality
I don't know what do you even mean. White (Russian and European) settled regions were more developed than north Yakutia or Central Asia.
>Ended sexual inequality
Nothing good from that
>Most doctors
Wow it's nothing
>Eliminated poverty
>Doubled life expectancy
Ok that one's not bad.


capitalism + social democracy = shit

You are a fucking retard
Is anybody starving in america?
Fuck no.

Your commie bullshit has you fucked up you can't even think straight.

>Switch to Capitalism
Communism failed and the Soviet economy collapsed. Try again.

it was dismantled by traitors, there was a referendum and more than 70 per cent of the population wanted to keep socialism

>Why is capitalism failing in the USA?
It's not, your just a retarded faggot.

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Why did the adults of this country let the wage growth stay this way?

aaahhhh yes hillary the known anti-capitalist

>becomes and economic and technological superpower while having a system that is supposed to stop innovation
heh nothing personal kid