Who to colonize next?

To my fellow Burgerbros,
Who should we colonize next? I think taking Mexico would be easy and very beneficial.
Think of the influx in cheap labor to stimulate the economy. Think of the excellent food we would inherit. Think of the beautiful women.

Attached: 8D7F577C-402A-4D3C-9C41-5791D88A097B.jpg (675x931, 128K)

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white colonization was a by product of a highly traditional society mixed with the agricutual revolution facilitating a massive population spike.
together with discovering two massive continents that were far behind euraisa in technology and civilization, as well as access to unsettled parts of southern Africa.
with the only real succefull colonization happening in north america and Australia were their were few natives to begin with.
the only chance for large scale colonization would require massive war or epidemics and significantly higher birth rates.

at this point no need for invasion, team up with Mexico instead.

The caravan is like to the US-Mexican relations like an Alien invasion to the whole humanity. (All work together to fight the danger)

Canada. We take them under our wing but don't let them vote (not until they uncuck). We gain lots of resources, land and their economic wealth. It would allow us to cut ourself's off from the rest of the world and we don't even have to replace the residential population.

Attached: Us annex Canada.png (602x398, 312K)

Romania and Kosovo.


Lets start easy: Bermuda
They were part of Virginia at one point and are still under British tyranny.

>Think of the influx in cheap labor to stimulate the economy. Think of the excellent food we would inherit. Think of the beautiful women.

yes goyim let's do it!!!! tacos for everybody

Attached: 12231231234324.gif (452x523, 3K)

This country could easily scare not only the Jews but China as well.

Attached: United_north_america.png (1350x625, 27K)

Think of all the development we'd get from that.

Imagine how much better the world would be if we DID that.

That sentinel island place

sentinel islands.

a plan is already in motion.

Pajeet Feet niggers will be eternally saltier than their grandma's asshole after a hot day of shitting on the street in a multicolored mumu.

Would be good if all canadian forest become some sort of protected area

Wait, are you truthing here. Is this real? Are Right Wing Death squads being armed?

America invented the national park. We would likely care about Annexed Canada's forests as well.

>imagine one last place without civilization
>just nature and wild animals
> the area covers most of the country
> completely empty
only the thought of this happening feels comfy

Forgot pic
All the area in green plus labrador and some part of ns

Attached: MAIq48d.jpg (4320x3240, 567K)

Every square inch of the Western Hemisphere is the rightful clay of the United States.

phase I will consist of lining boats with thick gauge aluminum lined back to back 4 sheets to a panel with slots cut out for firing. there will be 10's of thousands of rounds for every boat. Boats will be equipped with panels made from aluminum much like the boat armor, but with 4x4s on both ends sharpened into spikes. this will be for driving the posts into the sand and creating a walled off defense very quickly. once they have been pushed back into the jungle we will send out drones to search for the nearest high ground. once this is established we will do a burn of the vantage point to maximize visibility. any Sentinelese niggers that come to see what the smoke is about will get terminated. When the fire dies down and we have greater visibility we will take that hill and insert more multilayered aluminum panels with firing holes precut. the bottoms of the 4x4s will also be trimmed down to spikes for east insertion into the ground. From there we will have a makeshift supply chain intact and hope like hell indian navy doesnt MOAB our asses.

fuck off kike
we should never have gone anywhere
leave the world in their ignorance
take Americas
create a pure European America
let each people and genetic branch compete

canada is nothing more than a waiting horde of chinks now

Scratch that thought,you're getting colonized right now

I think we should colonize the US. Most of the big city natives are soft cunts who bend over immediately and the rural folk can be satisfied by giving them some guns and getting rid of their taxes so they wouldn't be a problem.

Go away Estonia, when Canada is gone your taking their place as worst girl.

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