35 Year Old Refugee Posed as 15 Year Old for Six Weeks in UK School

Imagine if white people could pulls this off.

>A Home Office investigation has found that an adult asylum seeker posed as a schoolboy and was placed in a classroom of 15-year-olds.

>A new inquiry has been launched to try to establish how the man, described by pupils as looking 30 years old, managed to spend six weeks as a Year 11 pupil at Stoke High School in Ipswich, Suffolk.

>The former pupil, originally from the Middle East, now faces being deported after the official report established he was over 18.

>The man, known as Siavash, can now be identified for the first time. He was first pictured on social media by a fellow pupil with the message: “How’s there a 30-year-old man in our maths class?”

>Other pictures apparently from the man’s Facebook account showed him with a moustache, facial stubble and drinking from a bottle of beer.

>Some parents were so concerned that they removed their children from school. The scandal prompted the school to remove the man, believed to be 6ft 1ins tall.


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btw, if people think this is the only case of this happening, they are very mistaken


He should've done a better job at shaving. What 35 year old has a 5 o'clock shadow?

To think he could've been knee-deep in prime, guilted pussy.

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Gott strafe britain

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Wow I'm getting really impatient, we've had nukes for nearly 75 years aiwe still haven't ended everything.

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No surprises from Sweden

Where are the noncehunters to sort this dirty bastard out. He was meeting dozens of 15 years old girls every day.

this, unironically

why the fuck is he getting deported in anything but as giblets in a catapult aimed at france

Anyone else remember when the Daily Mail photographed groups of adult men being welcomed by the authorities at Dover as 'refugee children', so screens were put up to stop the British media from seeing the next batches?

Need any more proof that PC people are mentally ill?

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Apparently Hollywood teenage character casting works in real life too.

Pakis can get pom girls by offering them chips, so I don't see why hr would have to pose as a 15 year old

Yeah sure someone could pull it off that's posting here now

They even got that Swedish dentist fired for pointing out that these supposed 'children' had adult teeth

I've heard that in Sweden the old women fuck these refugees a lot, is it true? Who is this woman?

tesla wasn´t lying when he said we will see manmade horrors , he was talking about sweden.

I heard an abbo had your mam for a can of fosters, 9 months later she shat you out.


I thought Ireland was self-ruling?

It's not different here.


>Jeder dritte junge Flüchtling gibt in Hamburg sein Alter falsch an

>Etwa jeder Dritte hatte dabei falsche Angaben gemacht und war eigentlich volljährig, das ergab die Inaugenscheinnahme. Bei den Migranten, bei denen eine ärztliche Untersuchung in der Rechtsmedizin angeordnet wurde, war sogar jeder zweite schon über 18.

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Think of the Children, you racists! The hardships they've undergone getting to Europe make them age twice as fast as normal.

Ask the fucking Leafs about this. Adult male Muslim refugees were enrolled in a Canadian high school, where they absolutely terrified the teen girls with sexual harassment. Imagine a 30 year old white man getting away with that.

Bomber Harris razed Dresden killing many women and children

>The hardships they've undergone getting to Europe make them age twice as fast as normal.

Living among Brits for a few years I wouldn't be surprised to hear this retarded argument.

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leftards in education are complete psychopaths no empathy or understanding.

Yes it's very true. Old women have no one else so they go for these refugees.

The west is a meme and it cracks me up to realize that the brown people will conquer it from the inside

Inshallah my fellow brownies


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none whatsoever

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>The west is a meme
>meme flag poster

The BBC news pixelised their faces when they repeated the report again.

They have been doing this for decades. The authorities "have no way to prove that he isn't 15" so they let them stay.

Is this all just a shit test to prove how stupid the world can get?

Can confirm. The cousin's ex-missus is knocked up by a paki from the chippie.

You have to go back Piotr.

>the man’s Facebook account showed him with a moustache, facial stubble and drinking from a bottle of beer.
That's just how arabs look like when they're children. Are you racist or something?
Somebody give this man a refugee.