>from this day forward, peace means "reloading"

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bump you fuckers.



Imagine if the soldiers open fire aaaaaaa

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It's happening

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I'm giddy at the prospect.

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americans are so powerful and strong that they get triggered because spics threw pebbles at them
>literally being this much of a snowflake

Misused the term snowflake and triggered but we are all anxiously awaiting truck loads of dead spics.

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don't get it twisted, this is going hot tonight.


You're larping right? You realize nothing is going to happen...?

Yeah, you're either missing the point or just talking shit. Either a dick

I hope it happens hence I'm anxiously waiting. Otherwise they're just going to sit in the dirt until some cartels take them out. Either way, truck loads of dead spics.

bump fuckers, this is serious shit.
the military was given orders to use lethal force by a general.


people will die at dawn then

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>authorized lethal force

Oh god I want a happening so bad

Oh it’s happening
It’s literally happening
Jungle monkeys will die
Check em


How haven't they been abducted by the cartels yet?

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiet but actually
This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for
The fire is rising
did you see Brett Favre literally name the Jew and shout out the Goyim Defense League?
We are reaching timelines that were thought impossible to gain access to


Wake the fuck up. Trump has already let tons of them in. Hes one of them, this is all a show. Fkn idiots.

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New mexican government says north or south get the fuck out.

No he hasn't retard.

These repeating numerical values will prove it is going to happen

it's sunday, bloody sunday 2

Maybe the cuckservatives will wake up and do their jobs? If not i say we let antifa kill them.

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that's a meme, user.
the cartels are only interested in drug trafficking.

none have been let in, fuck off with your retarded D&C tactics tumbler shills
you could talk about what the pentagon said about the soldiers purely being there to aid border patrol, but being a retarded shill you are you can go that way too


Sure, if you ignore the heads, skinnings, and funkytown vids.

>the military was given orders to use lethal force by a general.
Link? I remember Mattis saying that they are there unarmed, not performing any policing action, just aiding police


Mattis was correcting what has been previously said about lethal force. There will be none.

They'll be let in, screencap this post.

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chief of staff john kelly said in a memo.
skip to 1:10


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Fox news is reporting they are going to attempt to storm the boarder today. I thought they said 12 pm EST. I'll keep watching or rewind and report back with time and date of the happening.

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Kill every single one and line the border with their piked heads.


(((Anita sarkeesian)))
My struggle is our struggle.

I thought Mexico was The Wall meme? Shows how much Walls work

Barbed fence is their only tool

Kek, recent too, not before Mattis statement. Here's a fun one too
>Unlawful John Kelly
>John Kelly Authorizing Troops to Use Lethal Force at the Border Is Unlawful and Alarming
>It's illegal if I feel it is
Please storm the border. These faggots that say this is rightful Mexican clay that we stole and they should have it back obviously didn't pay attention to history when they chastised Hitler for wanting the Rhineland back

k-keep me posted

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Well, they've got shields and batons, they could always beat a spic's brains in

I wish I shared your optimism, user. I doubt it'll happen because (((Our Greatest Ally) wouldn't like to see us defending our national sovereignty or anything bigoted like that

the military in armed as usual, user.
i don't know why you think they're not.

God speed burgers, kill 'em all!

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Their arms mean nothing, as the rules of engagement for those assigned to it probably essentially require a 1 in 1000 year planetary alignment before they're allowed to shoot.

well that depends on if the caravan plays by our rules, user.

ROE has typically been if they attack, they can be attacked, don't over complicate it because of sandniggers having to explode first

We can hope it'll get out of hand. But I'd bet that every primitive means of attack they're known to have like rocks & such have been purposefully excluded from drawing a counterattack for this specific scenario. If one of them starts shooting that's a different story.

Is that the caravan? They look like scum,

Apparently there's a very high concentration of fags & trannies among them.

what if someone pulls the ol' boston massacre

one of our guys hides in the horde and opens fire at the soldiers

Let um in.

>5,150 migrants

Wow, what a completely irrelevant number!

Totally not suspicious in the slightest!

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The twice daily food line pulled from Twitter. Individual conditions will continue to deteriorate until they integrate to a society.

Fuck you, it's 6am here, now I want pizza. Fuck. You.

Mussies so powerful and strong they get triggered over drawings
>Literally being this much of a snowflake

Tijuana mayor was quoted as saying there are 2700 near the border and he is concerned 7300 more will arrive soon.

They're going to cherry pick a woman with a baby and put her at the front.

Media will swarm and make a huge fuss, demanding Trump to let the poor baby in or it'll die.

Border patrol will then cuck and let them all in.

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Sounds like you're volunteering. For a suicide mission.
Best of luck.

Doesnt need to be one of your guys, just put a couple of guns loose in the crowd, one of the nogs will go for it.
Then you have a clean go for gunning them all down.

>implying the media won't spin it

There is a reason the CIA have this as a tactic. Put a gunman in the crowd to shoot at police/military, get the crowd massacred and then use the fallout and outrage to your advantage.

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There's some fuckery happening. They have large banners written in English being prepared. Clearly protest and confrontation is imminent

Green veg on pie, wet sloppy mess


I'm cured, thx

You're missing the point.

If you don't know what 5150 is referring to, you haven't been on Jow Forums long enough.

>implying all arabs are muslim

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Duh, everyone know what it's referring to.

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They will be allowed in and processed once the media coverage dies down, they will will be released and be american citizens

RIP national sovereignty.
We should have called this nation something else other than America, these spics think they are Americans because they were born in South/Central America.
I don't think they would be nearly this bold without justifying it to themselves.
Open fucking fire.

hot muskrat squad

are you not?

You think that's bad, you should see new York style.
The cheese litterally falls off the pizza when you try to pick up a slice.

9am Pacific time. 12 eastern. 2 hours 45 minutes from now for the Europoors. Get compy.

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It looks like our future doctors, scientists and engineers are here already.

Say something nice about them Jow Forums

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hey calm down there bucko, we arent fucking sand nigges here.

they act like fucking monkeys dude. jesus christ, lets just make it legal to kill arsons.

Rolling for flying lead.
Livestream when??

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no are you retarded

......could you explain? I really have no idea

>climbs up a tree & then sets fire to that tree while throwing rocks
Either I'm misunderstanding this, or that guy is retardedly metal.

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>5150 refers to the California law code for the temporary, involuntary psychiatric commitment of individuals who present a danger to themselves or others due to signs of mental illness

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will you volunteer to be stoned by hondurans?

>I hope it happens hence I'm anxiously waiting. Otherwise they're just going to sit in the dirt until some cartels take them out. Either way, truck loads of dead spics.
I didn't expect to be able to agre with this post.

They'll be let in. This country doesn't have the balls anymore.
>Muh citizen rights for invaders
The absolute state of western society right now.

A small stone killed Goliath.





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>Trump is Guatemalan
>Trump is also Jewidh

>Get compy.
Okay, now what?

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Saved and saved.

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