What is it about ?

> What is it about ?
Ethnic rural French people are Frogging out because of the government new taxe on gas to finance rapefugee gibs.
> French are rioting every month, what the matter ?
The matter is that it's national-wide movement that formed organically, without (((Union))) or (((Political parties))). Pure white gestalt consciousness.
> Can I have a quick rundown ?
This is the end of the first week of protest. All across the country major road have been blocked, toll and speed radar sabotaged. The reaction of the Police was variable, but more fraternization than violence have been witnessed. This Week-end, protester have made a marching every big city. Riot where massive in Paris, but (((black-clothed breakers))) and (((leftist))) have tried to subvert the protest.

Some footage:
> National anthem on a "liberated" toll.
> "We are at home !"
> Protesters are cleaning the street after (((bad blocks))) chimp out.
> Yellow Jacket helping business owners securing there store before (((left-wing anarchist))) fuck-up everything.
> Rare footage of Alex John liberating Paris

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cool. Sending love to the French.

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Fuck me I've forget to put a fucking title.

Nah, this is just French people rioting like usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. Protests and riots are a French national pastime.

>let's strike and fuck over our own country and people

hope macron unleashes police and army on your faggot asses

I hope the few fucking dams keeping you from drowning break.

Sideways France worst france

> T. will never rebel and cuck himself to death

better than working hard just so rapefugees can ride on their backs
Better to fuck themselves over on their own terms instead of as decided by pussy politicians

striking only brings misery to your own people

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god bless you frogs

Macron is the biggest son of a bitch lgbt and shit of ever, and take money from poor to give it back to the riches

checked he's a rothschild banker globalist plain and simple, our whore PM is also a central banker with a banker husband

i hope that niggers and sandniggers genocide all of you french faggots

Macaroni cant run a country.

lying EU shill
another one

The rich in France pay more than taxes than anywhere in Europe, retard.
When you’re surrounded by Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and a union where the rich pay much less taxes on average, you have to be smart about your fiscal policy.

And it still doesn't impact their daily lives.

This has nothing to do with race, it's just the french national pastime

>falling for this psyop

this and theyre not nazis either, watch out for psyops

>it's just a national pastime
When will these boomer memes end?

when MI6 stops their psyops

But it impacts ours when they leave.
Reality is not a Robin Hood story and France isn’t an island. The economy is globalized and only the most competitive economies reap the benefits.
But go set the Champs-Elysées on fire and pray for a fucking miracle instead. It’s much easier than to swallowing your jealously and pettiness.

spoken like a proper macronite cuck

Call me when you guys put that macron faggot to the guillotine

So what’s your solution, faggot?

>Finnish school lunch.jpg

>Reality is not a Robin Hood story and France isn’t an island. The economy is globalized and only the most competitive economies reap the benefits.
Most people fail to understand this. Europeans are in for a reality check in the not so distant future desu

I have been praying for so long for something to happen.

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Remove AME, remove any sort of state assistance to non citizens. You now have excess money that can be given to the working class it was stolen from.

remove anime

Those idiots think it's ok to create roadblocks and stop ordinary people from getting on with their business. They act like thugs.
How is this ok? I wasted my precious time queueing for roadblocks yesterday. If I had been in a rental car, I would have been quite tempted to run over those pitiful low-iq godless peasants.

I'm going at mt local protest, i will send some pics if there is something interesting

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don't get run over

They are the ordinary people. Fucking fart sucking macronite city söyboy.

If i die i will be carried by conneman joe to the toll less road of champ elysee. Shiny and fluorescent.

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Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!

The guy at my said the grocery store where he live is not refurnished and emptying. The gendarmerie is close.
My pics are too massive sorry.

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That was hard to read

based frogenglish poster

Phoneposting while demonstrating is hard.

>> Protesters are cleaning the street after (((bad blocks))) chimp out.
>> Yellow Jacket helping business owners securing there store before (((left-wing anarchist))) fuck-up everything.
You put two times the same link desu

only 72 procent of the Netherlands are dutch lol get extinct faster plz

Understandable, bonne chance!

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Only wypipo

Can someone take pictures of gas stations in France and post them here? Would be nice to see actual prices. I googled for gas prices in France and got nothing of value.

ALso, I read that the tax is to try to reduce fossil fuel usage.

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You can't use the ecological argument while you take 500 000 000 from the annual budget for ecology.

>I read that the tax is to try to reduce fossil fuel usage.
It's a lie, they do nothing towards that. Also they don't tax super dirty cargo ships that transport shit from China to here.

That’s great except not once have I heard any of those yellow vest wearing morons mention that.

The idea was to tax the rural poor since they have been fairly docile until now and have no choice but to use cars to get around since public transport in these areas was cut to pay for the TGV trains. Taxing the city folk is bad because these are your people. Taxing/reducing gibs to the suburbs is bad because they riot and destroy stuff. Of course, they could reduce spending but people strike over that too so you might as well stick it to the rural poor. Now, they seem to have understood the concept that being violent and disruptive will get you better treatment in France.

Because they know the media will spin it and you faggots will gobble it up

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> boomer faggot organizing a «minut of silence» (???) While shit begins to warm up.
Day of pension by capitalization when ?

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THats like 8 dollars a gallon in burger. I'd be pissed too,

I think that the French protesters should put some English banners up or something.. They would get more solidarity internationally.

There is a group of boomer shill from a (((Union))) misleading the protest what should i do ?

expose them! marxists eraus!

they always served (((them))) and they betrayed the people for niggers sake.

Reminder : this is what (((la france insoumise))) shill for.

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They want to go to some big business (to break everything ?)

you should imply they should target some strategic infrastructure like electric grid or train station.
no use in attacking a private buisness

«a bas la republique»
«macron t'es foutu, les gaulois sont dans la rues»

Look like some basedboy have taken the lead.

>I read that the tax is to try to reduce fossil fuel usage
False. Macron is just trying to gain the money he won't gain with the ISF and all the money he'll spend for CICE.

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>Most people fail to understand this. Europeans are in for a reality check in the not so distant future desu
If we can't be the most competitive, we should annihilate those that are.

>tfw those are normal prices over here

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(((They))) are trying to ensure all groups get drawn into the conflict. The misery has to be spread around as much as possible

It wouldn't be that big of a deal if the other taxes were so high.


pic related.

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You ahve seen nothing
>95 = 1.319 EUR
>avg. wage on hand = 743 EUR
We are such good goys

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*rinses* *spits*

>à bas la République
Il y a des monarchistes ?

More likely some anarchists. Or republicans who just want a reboot

>works 35 hours a week
yeah sure its because of tax evasion buddy.

That's a meme, hardly anyone works that little. Except people on part time contracts

Godspeed frogs

do you guys not have public transportation ? Stop using the care if fuel is so expensive

Always made fun of the french for being cowards. Best redemption arc of 2018?

Might be the most cucked response ever.
>Government has made it to expensive to travel through your own means
>Why don't you just use our government transportation goy. You don't need the freedom to drive where you want.

Only in and around big cities. Everywhere else it's underdeveloped at best.

around 1.5€ per liter, that'd be 6$ a gallon or something. probably feel like 9 considering how shit our purchasing power is here.

the thing is that French cars are mostly running on diesel, which used to be cheap as fuck compared to regular gas. when people started bitching about particle emission, carmakers just improved their filters to catch 95% of them instead of 80 and it died down for a while.

so people kept using diesel and 2/3ds of our cars run on it today. the government realised that and adjusted prices so now there's no real advantage to using it.

but this being France, a country where most people are poorfags who can maybe spare 100€ a month once they're done with taxes, stupidly high rents and increasing cost of fucking everything including food and water, they're now kind of broke.

thus begins the thousand year reign of road cone man and his glorious VLC player

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shut the fuck up gypsy

Fuck those city niggers. Go get'em rural frogs COUNTRY ROADS WORLDWIDE YEETYEET

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I see the uprising. I also read that you are required to have a yellow vest in the car?

>you are required to have a yellow vest in the car?
Yeah they added that law a few years ago, you need to have a yellow vest and road warning triangle in your car

I hope the French guillotine every last banker in france

Based on yellow pilled

>creature of comfort doesn't recognize that hardship makes for a stronger unified society

Also, cities are going to learn very quickly not to fuck over the people that provide them with food. If your own farmers refuse to do it, you'll be eating GMO McCorn™ imported from the US of A

Yeah sure I'm gonna use a public transportation full of niggers and gypsies
+ The delayed train 50% of the time and takes me twice the time to get where I want


good luck frogbros

Around here taking the train costs twice as much as the gas I would use to drive. Our trainstations are also filled with Junkies and negroids

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Where I live there isn't even a train line. There's a bus but it only goes to one city. Your workplace is in the other direction? Too bad.

That really sucks dick, we have a train line because its a vital traderoute to Austria (and therefore Italy) in the next big village, but our bus only comes 3 times per day

Bring back guillotine please
My nation is so shit I can only live vicariously through the success of others

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How come people like you never complain when it's unions paralyzing entire cities for weeks half of the year?

Then stop being poor, problem solved.