Women are cancer.
Can I get an amen
I'll give you more than that, hmu on grindr: slamminsalmon696969
Women can be alright as long as you don't marry or impregnate them.
t. almost-MGTOW
Faggots. Just because you don’t have a current gf and are between sexual partners, doesn’t mean shit. Stop watching porn and have some confidence
Come now!
I notice you have a memeflag.
That's uncool.
Homo movement it is.
Your country is a meme.
t. jew
Show us your flag kike
ITT: pathetic men who should go extinct.
about all the MGTOW followers I know, are butt fucking ugly or no personality morons. so yeah..stay fucking single, we dont need you breeding
MGTOW is male feminism. It's the same normalization of immaturity and dodging of responsabilities.
Real men marry real women and start a family.
They make up the sexpat communities.
yeah dropping out of the gene pool is based, not that anyone was gonna fuck them anyway
I want a gf lad (never had a gf) but only used up roasties with children want to bf me.
It honestly repulses me lad.
Women are fine and didn't change, its the sytem who's broken.
Take their underserved priviledge away and see how quick it fix itself.
Reported to the irs
women have no soul, they are insects they follow hive mind.
i would assemble a team of mercenaries/ ex-soldiers, around 35 of them, preferably Norwegian or other nordics.
then i would approach a female form three different angles with squads of 10 in each, the last five would stay as reserve on a near college campus.
when we had slaughtered all the witnesses and burned any evidence, we would start to construction of a rape camp for the next few days.
the women would be checked for disease, abnormalities etc. then the healthiest of them would be kept as (sterilised) pets while the rest would be shot. i would also encourage anyone with northern european blood to help our new formed camp.
after about three days i would contact the reserve to come over with our supplies (including building materials and solar panels for electronics), after about a week or so on the camp the special sex toys for me and my men would be finished.
accounts would be made on everyones family history so as little inflitration as possible could happen.
after my death my powers would pass to the man whom could finish a test of his strength, wisdom and cunning.
and thats what i would do op.
How about not getting cucked by thots and gold diggers like a horny, naive virgin?
It's amazing how well you can sort out the wheat from the chaff if you're a real man by not thinking exclusively with your dick and look at your relationship critically for a few months and openly talk to each other extensively before put on the shackles of marriage.