Germans are better than the rest of the mortals in everyway

not even Br*ts and the french are close

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Well, Germany is the best country in the world. The matter in which we administer the country should our measure.

So far it's been shit

germany could be better. But worse as well.


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>implying we are in control of our country right now

Kaka Pipi

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All germs I've met in my life were spineless torbolibcucks who didn't know what personal space is.

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Germanic people, not just people from the modern borders of germany

I am Bavaryan.

Literally who?

Yeah I did hear the kikes who built Israel were pretty proud of it.

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Bavarians and BaWü are genetically closer to Italy, southern france and even Spain than northern germans.

Le that sink for a minute.

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Northern Germans are closer to Sweden than Bavaryans.

Let that cuck in for a minute.

Shame all your grandchildren will be Syro-Turks then.

>Shame all your grandchildren will be Syro-Turks then.

Yours are pakis lmao

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No, you elected Merkel multiple times and were part of the 'refugees welcome, wave.' Hitler would be ashamed of what his nation has become.

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can i join?

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Imagine. Imagine looking at the absolute shitstain that is Germany, and then thinking to yourself "This is peak humanity."

I may be a leaf, but I'm not that fucking hopeless.

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destruction of g*rmans when?

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wew lad, should have chosen something else. How embarasing

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wrong pic

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Not to worry, there's plenty more

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i'm sure you do abdul

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>failed a world war even after proclaiming Germans the... Whatever hitler called them
>thst said leader, Hitler killed himself and by God's command he's in hell
>an extreme scat fetish
>countrt is ran by a damn women letting in the mongoloids
Your country is shit and you should feel bad!

If she said that in Brazil she would probably be impeached. But germans, for the cucks that they are, would congratulate and elect her again.

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lose two world split over 2 wars, woman rule your country, achmed is fucking your women and raping your children

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>tfw lou bega (Ethnic German btw) sing about German Brunhildas
oooohhh Eeeriiikaaa

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german are arrogant and hypocrites, especially when it come to ecology
they're politically spineless
when's ww3 so we can whipe them again, they regulary ruin europe

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checkmate Švabo

„Das Herz der Demokratie“
Angela Merkel fordert Bereitschaft zur Abgabe von Souveränität
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel sprach sich für einen Interessensausgleich auf internationaler, parlamentarischer Ebene aus. „Nationalstaaten sollten heute bereit sein, Souveränität abzugeben“, sagte Merkel am Mittwoch in Berlin. Aber dies solle in einem geordneten Verfahren stattfinden, wozu ein Parlament unabdingbar sei.

"The Heart of Democracy"
Angela Merkel demands willingness to surrender sovereignty
Chancellor Angela Merkel advocated a reconciliation of interests at the international, parliamentary level. "National states should be prepared to surrender sovereignty today," Merkel said in Berlin on Wednesday. But this should take place in an orderly procedure, for which a parliament is indispensable.

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I'm out, sure I have more on another usb somewhere :/

>vassal state with a "temporary constitution"
>better than the rest of the mortals everywhere
kys grundgesetz fag

Living in a country full of leftist cucks makes me so mad.
Will there ever be change?
I'm going to loose all hope

better at what, though?
Germany in its sad and pathetic history never won even one (1!!) war.
Out of the last 1,000 years, you didnt exist on the maps for 900 years.
Your fake country was built on stolen lands, and when you eternal losers lost WW1, you started another WW to steal these lands again, and you lost.... AGAIN.
You no longer even have an army.
Your country for the last 1,000 years is famous for creating, housing and praising LITERALLY every single evil, famous jew that ever lived. All those jew philosophers, marx, every single jew, was a german.
Your demographics are being exchanged with niggers and muslims.
Even your economy is a total meme, the Dutch have better exports and an average german (according to your own census) has no more than 2,000$ on his bank accounts.

So please, tell me, is there even 1 thing you poor losers are honestly proud off?
You history is never ending series of total disasters, your culture doesnt exist, your economy is a meme.

I dont think there exist a more sad, more pathetic nation on planet earth than these poor, poor germans.

Your fake country shouldve been partitioned in 1945 and europe, and the world world, would be a much better and safer place.
But germany will always exist, the jews will see to it---- no other country is a bigger hero to the jews than germans.

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>Will there ever be change?
depends on you guys, are you willing to leave the eu?

>vassal state

Yes you are lmao

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>program created and funded by the European Union

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nice fakenews. she did not open the borders. they were always open. the mistake she made is that she didn't close them..

Most germans are hippies.
In the last election a party called Die Grünen got many votes.
The party is all about saving the enviroment and letting refugees in.
We care too much for this shit.
As if Germany is the number one cause for global warming, while china is getting their population mutated.
We are a nation of brainwashed NPCs.

is that JFs GF?

Fuck off Israeli shill

oh, she did open the borders, she said it herself many times.
germans as always do a lot of illegal things (like removing EU borders) and then cry when someone starts to blame you for your autism.

She pushed for open Schengen borders, why do you think states freaked out. suddenly all the rapefugees She personally welcomed to germany was free to move all over the EU.

>Die Grünen
we have the same shit and some people are retarded enough to vote for them

the ride never ends

oh thanx, now i know where half of those pics are from
>also funded by EU.

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>As if Germany is the number one cause for global warming
well, in europe they are, since they decided to stop nuclear powerplants and went back to coal, they even threw out people to expend mines

is this Voe? just imagine how this smelly mudslime would ... this is disgusting

They’re definitely better at a few things, for example
destroying Europe
Eating feces

there is no such thing as global warming you retarded frog, but keep eating this bullshit up, we can all see in the news how you like all those new meme climate change fuel taxes.

Man wtf are these posts. Europeans are so cucked. If I was born in Europe instead of America, I would have been the 2nd coming of Hitler. Unlucky for based Europeans I guess

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>1 post by this id

What, you thought we are gifting you guys money out of solidarity? We do this to access your markets without taking in hordes of rapefugees.

We know the power behind Roosevelt. It is the same eternal Jew that believes that his hour has come to impose the same fate on us that we have all seen and experienced with horror in Soviet Russia. We have gotten to know first hand the Jewish paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have personally seen the land where this international Jewry has destroyed and annihilated people and property. Perhaps the President of the United States does not understand this. If so, that only speaks for his intellectual narrow-mindedness.

We know that their entire effort is aimed at this goal: Even if we were not allied with Japan we would still realize that the Jews and their Franklin Roosevelt intend to destroy one state after another. The German Reich of today has nothing in common with the Germany of the past. For our part we will now do what this provocateur has been trying to achieve for years, and not just because we are allied with Japan, but rather because Germany and Italy with their present leaderships have the insight and strength to realize that in this historic period the existence or non-existence of nations is being determined, perhaps for all time. What this other world has in store for us is clear.

Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

Clinton campaign tally shows 5 top donors are Jewish

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It'll be a long painfull death my friend
I actually think east european countries are far worse, bit even if Germany is the country with the highest emission rate in europe. I is still nothing compared to South America, the U.S or China.
We have far bigger problems than Global Warming

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After the (pro-white) plutocrat-bolshevist alliance won the great racial war we (Anglo-Americans) wrote their constitution and created Merkel's party. We forced the refugee conventions on an occupied Europe, forever destabilized MENA by creating Israel, destroyed the dictators that were holding back the flood of human shit, etc.

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>We have far bigger problems than Global Warming
sure, i'll agree on that, so, what are you doing aout the threat your country is becoming for europe?

Imagine being this incapable of introspection.

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Why you let the fatherland dying user :(

>We ran extensive propaganda programs to indoctrinate your kids from birth
>Now they are fucked in the head
>It's your fault
Fuck off you disgusting mutt.

Good question, they lose 1 war against us and then decided to say fuck it and throw the whole country down to africa. Modern day germans are literal cuckholds

We are the biggest cucks ever. In 30-40 years, Germany will be as relevant as Tajikistan is today.

This fight will not be won by Central Asia but by Europe. At its head will be the nation that has represented Europe against the East for 1,500 years, our German nation.

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We should have all been on the same side.

Why not be like the based celtics? Ireland has almost an ethnostate. Maybe being a cuck is in genetics. Because my Ireland grandparents were anti-semitic white nationalists. And of course it follows that all their offspring are white nationalists. Im not sure if i can even blame you if its in the genes.

I don't know man. Right wing parties are gaining more popularity in Germany, but the media is bashing them like every single party member is the reincarnated Hitler.
Germany is lost, Europe is lost.
Talking to people doesn't help. When you say something about refugees not wanting to integrate or being criminal, you get labelled as a Nazi and no ones listening to you.
The whole EU should Vote for conservative parties. Otherwise we are all Doomed.
I hope time will proof otherwise

I think we really have to promote “Genocide of natives by invaders” as our own problem, that’s the narrative that’s been fed to the left it’s so easy to turn it back around with the same exact words.

It's not. They jumped up and down for the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, but now that he's said similar things about Europe's situation, nobody cares. When you're talking about native Europeans (a term that tends not to be used in the mainstream), there's always a way to avoid their having native rights.

Germans are the only race who had any sense about them. The French and Brits lost their way in 1900. Germans fought two World Wars to save Europe.

Now they are nothing more than a vassal state, is it any surprise they act like cucks today?

germans are getting raped as we speak.

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in my experience (erasumus in paris) there is a kind of intellectual dryness (mind you, i don't mean coldness) which distinguish the germans from the other europeans. 90% of their spare time, they play or talk about football. as a consequence of this "flatness" , they are generally efficient but on the other side quite greedy.
for example, in 1 year i have never seen a german buyng drinks to acquaintances , which instead is very common for an italian or an english.