UK Gun laws - where do i stand?

Someone tried to break into my car last night, my ring doorbell chimed motion on my drive at 3am.

Thought it was a fox, they sometime trip the motion round the bins (I live a rural area)

Turns out it was 2 pikeys trying to break into my audi TT. I saw them on the ring app, jumped out of bed, grabbed my shotgun, 2 rounds (over an under) and ran downstairs.

By the time I got downstairs they had fucked off. Law be damned, I'm not letting anyone steal my shit.

I am insured by BASC for anything, shotgun license and have zero fucks to give for anyone trying to steal from me.

Where do I stand on this? I mean, I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but if I had shot them, probably in the legs - I mean I'm a surgeon with a shotgun, but a skeet choke and bird shot doesn't make for a small spread.

If I had been arrested, I would have instantly started a go fund me, gone to the press and made as much of a stink as possible. It would have been an absolute shit show for the police.

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I think you're fucked unless they happen to be threatening you with deadly weapons. Proportionality and all that.

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Meh, I would have gone and got a knife or 2 and put their fucking prints all over it.

bury the pikeys, whats gonna happen there pikey inbred family call up the police, "oh my Patrick has gone missing after going out to steal some cars last night. .

IIRC there was a guy in 90's who blew away two home invaders and they gave him the george zimmerman treatment. He is still in jail I think.

So the guy you are referring to is not in prison, he did do time, but he also used an unlicensed shotgun and shot them in the back, with one of them dying.

Public pressure saw him released, though he did break the law in not having the right loicense. Which is a stupid thing to do, it takes no time to get a SGC.

cool update, its hard to find info on him. The problem arises when you realize that they will make an ever bigger example out of you since the public sentiment has changed.

Take them out and make the bodies disappear. Then remember that you made your country a better place.

>Where do I stand on this?
Legally fucked - you're only allowed to use a gun in self defence if your attackers were so-armed.
It's bullshit, I know.

The laws haven't changed, but self defense is a bad word in the UK.

For example - police's response to someone, hide in a room and call 999. We may never come out.

My response : I have 2 injured and dying criminals in my house/drive, you took too long to get here, if you were even coming. I have done your job for you and not only that, have taken 2 people off the streets who are clearly career criminals whom you seem reluctant to deal with.

Looks like I would have been fucked.

I would have played it right up though, im technically disabled - metal plate in my leg, so as I said I would have gone to the press big time, they would have made a huge uproar over this

> self defense is a bad word in the UK.
get out of there now

Oh im trying.

I hate this country with a passion these days. Nothing worth me staying here for.

>they would have made a huge uproar over this

or would they have made you out to be the criminal?

Just below American teir. Not shooting to kill is where you fell short.

See, shoot to kill would be great.

Shoot to wound would probably get me off much much lighter.

I would love to have done the justices job for them as it appears these people have not learnt from any kind of punishment

Going to jail in Britain would probably suck with all the muslim gangs on the inside. I honestly wouldn't risk that over property, but if they tried breaking inside the house or doing something equally threatening, all bets are off.

Always shoot to kill. Dead fellas can't testify, maimed ones can.

This is true, though I would have probably be willing to deal with them.

I am a man of principles and stealing from me at 3am is going to end your robbery career short if I catch you.

>Shoot to wound would probably get me off much much lighter.

This isn't how you get around this problem in Europe. If you have any witnesses, give a fuckload of verbal warnings and make sure everyone around understands that you're being attacked. You can also try giving the faggots first aid to convince the court that you didn't want to kill them. Doesn't really matter for you then they're unconscious and bleeding out/dead.

Shooting to wound may fuck you over because the prosecutor can argue you weren't really feeling threatened. Besides, hitting someone in the upper portion of the legs isn't really significantly less lethal than hitting the torso.

This. Let your story be the only one being told.

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I've only got #7 and #9 birdshot atm, need to pick up a box of 00 and #3's.

I think that would be acceptable in my eyes, bird shot is less lethal for sure.

>Why did you approach 2 theifs with a loaded shotgun? why didnt you call the police? Do you feel your car was worth the lives of two young men? Were you faced with an imminent threat of violence?


Either shoot them and dump the bodies or don't shoot at all

Not like robbers would tell people where they're going, however smartphone GPS could be a problem.

Or, if you threatened them with a gun they aren't going to go to the police and say we were robbing some dude's car when he pulled a gun on us.

Is there a pig farm nearby?

> Armed assailants
> I am disabled - so felt threatened
> Police did not respond
> Police came too late to do anything
> I feel like if they are going to rob my car then yes my house and life could easily be next, as a frail disabled man (im not but play that shit right up)
> The knives I placed in their dying hands would be good enough to show violent intent

oi mate you got your shotgun loice- oh

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Oh, if you were using birdshot, you'd have to get really lucky/unlucky to kill them. You kinda need penetration to kill a human, firearm deaths are usually a result of bleeding from severed arteries/damaged internal organs or spine injuries. But you kinda want to hit those targets to stop the target faster.

Still, those wounds would've been fucking nasty, lol. Definitely go for 00 if you want self-defence rounds.

Buy a blue flashing light and police siren and wire it up to your alarm. They'll see and hear it, and flee without thinking of checking if it is real or not.

>again i reiterate why did you confront the two theifs who were in the backyard and away from your home, when there was no IMMINENT threat? They posed no Immediate threat to you. A person is never justified to use force by what "could have happened in theory". In that case any member of public is a potentially lethal threat. We are only able to use force when faced with IMMINENT danger.

>Why do the knives have traces of your DNA/and or cleaning product that is the same one found in your home (which was a crime scene)

also consider:

>Why was one offender shot in the back? was he trying to run away?

That is pretty fucking genius

I'm buying a CCTV system and with a loudspeaker for sure.

Still going to buy some 00 and #3's.

The fact I had only got birdshot could be construed as without lethal intent. Could be simple ABH or GBH charge. Which a good brief would have got me off.

Annoyingly it would lose my license for life though. So that annoys me more about the fact.

>Or, if you threatened them with a gun they aren't going to go to the police and say we were robbing some dude's car when he pulled a gun on us.

The problem is if they return. Or come back and smash up your car/ throw a brick through your window

get a crossbow

Tony Martin killed a scumbag as they repeatedly broke into his home. Got one of the cunts right in the back.

He made the mistake of not killing them then disposing of the carcasses. Gypsy's are the worst. One group broke into my local park, using a bolt cutter on padlock. A group of "concerned" citizens asked them to move to which they were spat at and told to fuck off. One of the cunts punched a woman. The police absolutely nothing. Later that night the gypsy cars were fire bombed and when the cunts came out to see it, were shot with air rifles, blinding one permanently.

Nvm I misread your post

> The fact I had only got birdshot could be construed as without lethal intent. Could be simple ABH or GBH charge. Which a good brief would have got me off.

Don't count on that. I mean I'm not sure how it is in Britain, but I'd imagine the judges and prosecutors are about as clueless about firearms as in Poland. And this probably wouldn't help you with the jury, no?

I mean, I've got a horror story from about a year back. A dude who was doing sports shooting went to work with his pistol on his belt. His coworker noticed the fucking gun and thought he was going to shoot up the place. That fucking moron went for his gun, trying to disarm him. The dude fired a few warning shots and got charged with attempted murder. Luckily, he didn't go to jail, but Jesus Christ, "normal" people really are fucking stupid with guns.

country has gone down the shitter. Police no longer do what they're paid to do.

did you actually call the police though?

if you did can you please submit your phone for forensics?

did the incident take place on your property or in public?

THIS, a granny rekt a burglar with one a while ago

> you think I haven't got knives cleaned with alcohol purged of ALL DNA.
> Front drive, not back yard, had to walk up the drive. From the CCTV they looked into each car and the front window before trying to work their way into the car. At this point they have shown intent to break into the house.
>I wouldn't have shot them in the back, it would have been full frontal, they wouldnt have had the chance to flee - 100% i shoot both barrels off quicker than you can make a flight decision.

I get what you are getting at - how is it justified. I could easily justify it, as could you - UK gov and police are a bunch of pussies who can;t even arrest people for fear of causing injury.

I don't have that same problem morally or ethically. Legally I'd be fucked though I'm guessing.

Still though, they wouldn't have come back if I did manage to face them down. Then if one did come towards me I would be more than justified.

I didnt see if they had knives but they had a crowbar, so close enough to a weapon in my eyes.

>2 pikeys trying to break into my audi TT

Based Pikeys!

Why have insurance if you're just going to shoot cunts?

>He made the mistake of not killing them then disposing of the carcasses. Gypsy's are the worst. One group broke into my local park, using a bolt cutter on padlock. A group of "concerned" citizens asked them to move to which they were spat at and told to fuck off. One of the cunts punched a woman. The police absolutely nothing. Later that night the gypsy cars were fire bombed and when the cunts came out to see it, were shot with air rifles, blinding one permanently.

fucking based

where was this?

On my drive, no I didnt call them as they wouldn't have come out citing some shite like :

"If no crime was commited we can't come out"

or in other words, fuck off we're busy policing twitter.

I don't have to submit my phone for shit in this country, if anything a 999 call would be recorded so I wouldn't have to hand over my phone.

No it is not

Every self defence case that ends up in court is usually where the homeowner chases after the burglar and beats the shit out of him.

Remember the 3 S's:

There's no good reason to involve the police as nothing good can come of it. Besides, they have better things to do and will crucify you for interrupting their butt-munching in the backseat festival. They can't bring assholes back to life. They can't bring you or your family back to life. They can't recover your stolen property. Why waste everyone's time? Just deal with your own problems and quit advertising.

Wrong the law was changed several years ago. During a home invasion you can use/do anything you want as long as it's not deemed you did it to punish them.

The law in fact states that the person doesn't need to be be a threat you just have to have perceived them to have been a threat.

Going outside of your home without calling the police with a shotgun would not be considered a smart move. You'd have no way to argue that you believed that you or your family faced peril because pikeys are fucking with your car.

>returning to an armed man's house to throw a brick at it
Well pikeys are pretty stupid
Gives the OP another chance to shoot them.

>car smashed up
>window bricked
gg report it to the police and claim no fault insurance. Robbery/vandalism payouts are often more than the cost to you by default, if you get a penny less than what repairs/stolen item/etc cost you then ask for more with proof of purchase.
If OP does buy a CCTV system and it catches them, the police... probably still won't do anything. The MET wouldn't anyway. But the insurance claim would be easy.

Feel legit sad for brits, cant even trust/rely on your own fucking police force...

I think legally you would be fucked. As soon as you "confronted" them instead of being a good goy and hiding in your room until police arrive, youre fucked.

However, a person has a right to use "reasonable force" in the circumstances in the prevention of crime. This is under Section 3 criminal law act.

You could argue that approaching 2 theives with a shotgun in order to get them to stop stealing your car, is "reasonable". However you would then have to prove they attacked you with such a force that would be reasonable for you to shoot them.

Then, if you did miss, and in such an adrenaline fuelled situation you might... people move fucking quickly when someones shooting at them.. you would have to legally back off.

fyi, im very much sickened by our current laws. Our homes should be our castles, and we should also be allowed to put down anyone who would threaten us with violence, in public or private.

At the moment were at the mercy of acid chuckers, moped gangs and dindus/chavs with knives. You can be a fucking unit and mma master, but a 2 skinny chavs with knives can still kill you.

I was undewr the pmpression after the guy who killed the guy with a screwdriver recently, the law had not changed since the Tony Martin era.

Why does it only consider in your house not on your property.

I mean its a fine line between stealiing my car and breaking in my house.

You have trespassed, you have disregarded the law, at this point who knows what your intention is. If you have broken the law, in such a way that is flagrantly disregarding of someones rights to property and saftey, whom are the courts to decide his intent?

I mean i get what your saying - I think the american model is a much better model. Our laws are shit, why should I not have the right to remove someone from this mortal coil if they are stealing from me? I'm deadly serious on this point.

if a crime is being commited with suspects still on scene, the police will arrive within 5- 15 minutes at max, and also search the area for the suspects. Its definitely worth calling them. dont believe the memes

Yeah I'm a B/low A class shooter.

They would have had to pray for a miracle for me to miss at 10 yards with a skeet choke and #9 steel shot lol.

Always a few golden rules in this situation:

1) Reasonable force. Shooting them in the legs once is fine. Shooting them ten times in the back as they crawl away begging for mercy will land you 20 years.

2) Never tell the police anything, without a solicitor (lawyer). The police are 100% out to get you all of the time. Never trust them. Don't have a 30 min chat with them when they turn up, because they will twist what you tell them then a judge will have to decide between what the police say you said and what you say you said.

3) Lie through your teeth where possible. If you did end up shooting them, plant a couple of cheap kitchen knives (remember to avoid finger prints , clothing fibres and hairs) either on their corpses, or if they lived and got away wounded, drop em on the ground in a suitable location. Shooting a two knife wielding lunatics who threatened you sounds much better than shooting two guys who fled the moment they were confronted.

But most importantly, if they are real pikeys they will probably come back with 50 of their cousins and burn your house down in the middle of the night. Better to scare them off than actually kill them, because then they will feel forced to enact revenge.

> claim you did call the police
>didn't call the police

you've just ruined your credibility in a trial

>didn't call the police and proceeded to brandish and use(if we go with the shooting scenario) a deadly offensive weapon on 2 individuals.

What are you some sort of crazed vigilante ?

The reality is that the police would probably seek to build a case against you in order to dissuade potential and current gun owners from using it in the manner that you (could) have.

>i get my gun and go outside to shoot them
you can't do that in any country, maybe some states in teh USA allow it but nowhere else.

>gone to the press
>implying UK press would give the slightest fuck about you

>Well pikeys are pretty stupid
>Gives the OP another chance to shoot them.

He wouldnt be justified in shooting them. It would just give him an added headache/anxiety

>why should I not have the right to remove someone from this mortal coil if they are stealing from me? I'm deadly serious on this point.
You should

>Why does it only consider in your house not on your property.
It considers on your property (and not a step off it), however if you leave a "secure place" - which includes a front door with a lock - to confront thieves your case for self defence is severely weakened.

How about you read up your laws and articles on similar cases? Because I'm pretty sure that no matter the country where you are, using violence against people is only ever justified if your life is in immediate danger. Shooting at people who steal your shit is going to lead you to jail, regardless of anything else.

You'd be looking at a common assault charge at least (this includes threats with a deadly weapon).
Self defense law in the UK is divided between a common law and legislative law (legislative supersedes common law in this respect). So as it specifically relates to the example you gave; You are legally allowed to use reasonable force to prevent or dissuade crime, but the use of a weapon has to be an honest and instinctive act. Use of a firearm isn't considered an honest or instinctive act. Ironically if you hadn't loaded your shotgun and instead used it as a club (and couldn't prove any intent to discharge it), you might've been able to successful argue reasonable force because you are allowed to do this to "encourage" trespassers to leave your property or you would've been preventing theft/vandalism.

Nope, not in my area.

Had a home invasion about 10 years ago, 3 people with balaclavas came in and kicked the shit out of me and robbed me then.

Police took like an hour to get there and only because the paramedics phoned it in. I rang 999 and they sent a lowly paramedic.

Police don't do shit, unless its make an example out of law abiding citizens to show theyre "tough on crime" while letting acid gangs, rape gangs and anyone else run rampant.

This country disgusts me so much

>one of the cunts survives

you think you can get two headshots on moving/running/ducking targets ?

LMAO this isnt clay pigeon m8

Good luck user, we have this problem round north Yorkshire.

If you live in a county, yeah police are far and few between. thats why a SGC is necessary if you live there imo

>he wouldn't be justified in shooting them
Well yes that's why my advice is to dump the bodies and not tell anyone.

Eh? I never said I called the police

I was saying IF i had what theyre response would have been.

I aint calling the muslim protection squad until afterwards. Who the fuck is going to call them while it happens to see them turn up as the thieves make off with your car?


Choose one.

>1) Reasonable force. Shooting them in the legs once is fine.

Absolute bollocks. Simply pointing an imitation firearm at someone (as long as they believe it to be genuine) is enough to charge you with a common assault offence.

Have you ever shot a shotgun?

What you think theyre gonna zig and zag at 40mph?

I think id easily hit someone running away, i shoot every weekend at top competition.

A clay pigeon is like 40mm a human is much, much bigger and they were much, much closer than any clay I've shot

What is it with Pikeys and breaking into parks? Police do fuck all and leave them there for days with their feral children and shitting dogs

Acquire a backhoe.

Form a watch group, what we call a gang. Schedule patrols and social events. In short, rebuild a tribal community from the ground up. Alone you’re done for. The law is against you. Probably most the people you know cannot be trusted.

>Physical assault
>Not paid enough to care
>Would rather bully motorists
>Twitter offenses

These are why the police will never deal with pikeys.

I understand your rage Op make sure you use the lightest load possible and dont shoot your own car maybe use a razor to cut the top off a shell fill with rock salt after you dump the bbs put and use a piece of scotch tape to plug the hole put in ypur 1st chamber of your over and under fpr a warning shot and the second shell be the warrden also shoot below the knee caps not attempted murder

Thats not even legal in america you god damn inbred retard

We dont shoot people over material goods, we shoot them because they broke into the HOUSE at 2am.

Buy a nicer house with a garage retard.

Where do you "stand"?

If a pikey breaks in and murders you, you don't have to pay pikey-gibs no more.

Other than that you can't legally do anything. Sorry that your government values degenerate trash more than you. Maybe your plight will serve as a warning to those who want to surrender national sovereignty to an international "peace syndicate".

>Don't shoot over material goods
>stand your ground laws

I go and confront them, they come towards me threatening me....

I stood my ground

what year is your TT?

Fuck birdshot, make wax slugs.

Gofundme would delete your account as campaigns to raise money for legal defense for crimes involving violence are forbidden in their rules

> Police did not respond
> Police came too late to do anything

The inference is clear here that some sort of contact was made before you engaged and you'd have shot through any good will in court for saying it.

Since you're using an app they could absolutely seize your phone as evidence and go though it looking at all your racist jokes, further dragging your reputation through the mud and probably landing you with another charge.

i'm really tired of this country, criminals roam free

Where was this? London or a big city?

God damnit i hope your trolling

Stay in the house, you cant shoot a nigger in the ghetto for attacking you, the judge sees that as "looking for trouble".

You MIGHT get away with standing on your porch taunting were only "confusing him until police arrived" after all, not his fault he got violent.

In america we have "Castle doctrine" and "stand your ground". Your domicile is your castle, standing your ground is outside.
Its typically muuuuuch easier to deal with castle laws, plus you were already home, its NOT going to go well for you.

Criminals are part of the state-control program and you are not allowed to defend yourself against them. You are only allowed to beg the state to protect you.

t. a country where they jailed a woman for using pepperspray ( illegal ) on a brown man trying to rape her

I would give them my tablet, which is clean.

In the UK i wouldn't have to surrender shit, plus its got hardcore encryption on it anyway.

The point I was making, is if I called them it would have been too late.

mk 1 3.2 2004

classic one, dont like the newer ones

nah in kent, but quite a rural part of it

>hardcore encryption
they can charge you for not handing over the password

Where are you getting your legal advice from?
They can, and will, seize your phone and are also obligated, by law,to provide the password to any devices that are encrypted. failing to do so will add another charge to what seems to be a growing list.

Maybe you're not old enough to remember, but a while back in the UK a guy shot a burglar dead with a shotgun. He went to prison for it.

fuck me why would they steal that hardly worth anything, no offense would understand if it was some new one or a R32/Gofl R

I don't like new cars either

You shouldn’t have to justify the lives of two criminals. Stealing or attempting to steal your personal property is violation of the NAP sand you should be able to send them to hell as such. I can’t believe bongs are this cucked

>hardcore encryption
Doesn't matter, they'll get through it bud. My dad spent 20+ years doing cyber forensic work for the police

tony martins.

got let out after public pressure

joy ride, parts, or maybe even to commit another crime as a patsy vehicle.

If you're arrested at your property, the arresting officer can immediately search your house and take items in as evidence. The officer only has to demonstrate a reasonable suspicion that an item was used/relevant to the arrestable offence for him to be able to take it into evidence.
So if you demonstrated any animosity towards pikeys at the time of your arrest, then the officer could legally take your tablet in as evidence to check/establish a fact pattern which indicates intent or a premeditated act which would negate your self defense argument.

How do you prove animosity?

By using phrases like "pikey". Also shooting someone would be considered an act of animosity. However the officer isn't required to prove anything at the time of arrest (proving a case is for the courts), which is why I used "demonstrated".