Libertarians will defend this

>libertarians will defend this

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what's wrong with marrying jungle princesses?

Your kids will look like Brazilian monkeys

she really looks like one of those sheboons that recently got off the boat from liberia

Nothing wrong with her being black.
Everything wrong with her being a disgusting ugly freak.

>t. Step-dad

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>libertarians will defend this
But where's the roads?

my country is this brown shithole because white men fell for the black booty meme 400 years ago

It's hard enough to find any love let alone good meaningful love.

What's the lesser of two evils:

1) miserable with your wife but she's white
2) happy with your wife but your kids are mixed

I knew women married up but this is quite a jump

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You... you don't think that philosophical bullshit from Aristotle is evidence... do you??

Why are you quoting a guy who thought the Earth was at the center of the galaxy?

Libertarians wouldn't defend it. They'd just defend peoples right to do it. Libertarians want people to be held accountable for their own decisions, if whatever you're doing is bad then you face the consequences of that. That way people stop doing bad things.

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why are you dismissing everything he has said because of that?

It's a trick, this is actually footage for the Sequal to Get Out.

44% less likely to divorce than a WM WF couple.

That's an insane stat fellas.

If the poor bastard wants to fuck an even uglier Wanda Sykes, let him.

That's not a white man. That's a 56% light skinned mexi or blackoid. Look at the palms - lighter than the rest of the body like an ape.

That’s because there are so few wm bf relationships and even fewer of those get married. I fucking love skinny black girls though

Princess ? Must have sumthin in your user.

Yes ! That is the problem.

why do we care if some soi-let debases himself with a nigger? It is himself and his children that will suffer, not us. It only becomes our issue when we are forced to pay for it through state theft.

If, (You) require more evidence, then you are blind.

Evidence of a spiritual imposter!

suiting backdrop for the kind of engagement

Because you have to share a government and country with them?

"Her" face is so fucking manly. Why do a lot of black women look like black men with a weave? Her body looks like a pile of potatoes stuffed in a moomoo. This dude is like ultra beta, omega, to be marrying that thing.

No, it's a hellhole because the Thuleans settled there in the late forties and the 12 doesn't want to give them time to rebuild.

>Upvoted this much
Plebbit really loves race-mixing, Don't they.

pro blacks be like:
"damn this crakkka is gonna turn these kids into sum uncle tom ass niggas. when these kids grow up they gonna do cointelpro typa shit in black communities."

Believe it or not, it could seem that way if you don't have telescopes. To the naked eye, there is no parallax in the stars because they're too far away, but that fact could easily lead one to believe Earth is at the center.

more like shit

gonna need source on this book chief

What? No. They're COMPLETELY objective

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she looks like she has fucked up proportions.
looks pretty retarded to me.

i love that you use the mans scientific guess about astronomy as a way to discredit his description of current times he wrote about at the dawn of civilization.

reading that passage, it directly mirrors today's politics. any country worth living in is divided .

and they are quickly becoming not worth living in because of no Philia .

She must like Neanderthals with rhesus monkey blood and k9 and horse hair that's dead and thin. She must like pink dick. She must like for her man to smell like the puppy he is when he get wet. She like rubbing SPF 2million on him before he go out in the sun come on guys don't judge her love for this dissolving sub-human come on now that's not right. She took him all the way from the causcus mountains and let him and his family destroy the world from top to bottom. This is love right here. She like dead Asians. That's what Caucasian means. She wants her man pale skinned with melanoma and a calcified pineal gland that believe he is superior because Europeans created Jesus and told him that he come from a pale skinned blonde recessive blue eye Caucasoid that look like a fag and like little girls and like to murder people throughout his bible. She like her man to look at her as if she's nothing and he's everything while her skin is beautiful her eyes are not recessive and she the original blood type and rh has monkey and dog blood type. This is love. She let him steal her land. Now him and his Caucasian people have stole all our land and think America is home to them. You can be a native to America Mr and Mrs White People and anybody else that ain't us. You can be born here which makes you natives but you're not from here you're not aboriginal copper colored Americans with kinky hair and penny colored skin that absorbs the sun. Let her love her dog ape man in peace. Praise pale skinned melanoma Caucasian imaginary Jesus aka Caesar Borje or whatever that fag name is.


>Hurrr durrr modern people are much smarter because some scientists made discoveries and told us all about them
nigger you'd be worse off than stone age people if you didn't have hundreds of years of human history cradling you in comfort like a little bitch

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Brokeass kn0thing. This niggas so poor he married his mammy. ayy t b h
(I don't know black slang to make it sound authentic)

literally nobody will ever read more than one line of anything you ever post

what is this supposed to mean?

I don't blame him. How can you love a white woman these days? I'm not that attracted to black women (that one is particularly ugly), but when I do the conversation flows so much easier and they're pleasant to be around.

Literally nothing wrong with it.

At least some of them are self aware. Perhaps there is hope?

dayum he finna bleach dat ape hoe

I’ve fucked more black girls than you’ll ever dream of touching in your lifetime, u mad muttoid?