they dont know how to handle her because she doesnt fuck with the civility bullshit, she goes for the throat
they will make her far more powerful
they dont know how to handle her because she doesnt fuck with the civility bullshit, she goes for the throat
they will make her far more powerful
Other urls found in this thread:
This is "going for the throat"? Wow powerful
I'm scared, what's she gonna do next, gaffe on a Livestream and claim it's edited again?
Just remember: this is entirely the fault of the Right for pushing us to this extreme. You wanted a harder Dem, well, you're about to get one.
Did republicans doctor videos of her saying unemployment was low because “people work multiple jobs” or videos of her not knowing school house rock tier government knowledge? Nope. She’s just dumb.
How do I ask her on a date?
>believing she wrote this herself
>How do I ask her on a date?
She makes a better hotel room cleaner than a freshman congress critter, honestly.
>republicans r dumb how dare they quote me and make me sound retarded
>ill show them the power of venezuela
Wow, a politician using ad hominems and countering ad hominems. How fucking powerful
You act like this isnt exactly what we want.
Eventually she will name the Jew and suddenly be shoved aside for a good goy
she's retarded, OP is a faggot, and this thread is cancer
>in all fields
they’ll make her a CNN commentator or whatever else after a failed run and a running mate another year in the distant future—also in failure; she isn‘t ‘career-level’ enough and without clear-cut policies, being that she is a political chameleon insofar as the democrat party has no enduring roots to middle america in next incoming presidential elections.
she knows all this. she also knows her mouth has better uses in her youth.
>mad at “republican commentators” for doctoring her own words out-of-context to sow doubt about her intelligence
>takes trumps words out of context to sow doubts about his intelligence
>one tweet
Dems are so split that they aren't going to win a presidential election for the next 20 years.
The rake is prevention. Pic related is literally the tool used to combat brush fires.
... didn't she just provide evidence that she was "stalking" Trump through his Twitter feed and then deliberately take something that he said out of context in order to sow doubt about his intelligence...?
But she’s an imbecile horse faced whore..
She goes for the throat--when she takes in a fat cock. Pic related is proof Leftists don't know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to forestry rakes because they are lazy, self hating and subhuman trash. She'll do porn after she runs (and falls on her face)
>Ocasio-Cortez is the only politician that the media distorts or doctors+edits her sound bites.
oh my sweet summer child sweetie
>She'll do porn after she runs
RIP my dick after several beatings
>cognitive dissonanace
Who taught this anti-American commie spic breeder whore a new word?
Now she'll be using it again and again and again as she latches onto something that she thinks makes her sound intelligent.
Well she's a New Yorker, she hasn't seen a tree in her whole life, what does she know?
she's dumb as fuck, can't write at all and when she explains things, it's an utter shit show .
confirmed scam when the " news" doesn't pin her down on the dumb shit she spews.
every tweet from MOMMY has 20 Jow Forums threads on it and every thread has posters who believe she will be "reigned in" or relegated to a non-factor in a short amount of time. this board is full of fucking retards. she's only getting more powerful.
No it's just the demographic destiny we are all aware of. Her district is 10% white.
Kek. We wanted you to elect this dumb bitch. She is entertaining as hell, all while being completely useless.
Top kek!
she's only getting dumber.
there isn't a week that goes by without a new ignorant sound byte from anchor baby saying free gibs or fire the cops. LOL
You do realize that's an extremely unattractive and really stupid woman. Right?
Cortez speaks out against the rake! Cortez is the savior of the leafs!
She is getting attention because she is fucking stupid.
The leftard environment laws make those huge fires possible. I hope all they burn in their self provoked inferno.
(((Who))) write dat twatter tho
Erbody know browns can’t into computer...
Dem crazy eyes don’t even focus on de screen
She's an actual retard and OP is a soi boi
This stupid whore doesn't know that unpowered hand tools are the most helpful in fire management
t. Wildland fire fighter
She doesn't write her own tweets
>the greatest weapon against forest fires are rakes
I mean, its literally true. Preventive measures would have saved the forest
Can any leaf confirm this? Or is it too triggering to think about.
She's a dumbass all these threads are lefty-cuck and DNC-paid countermessaging.
She is stupid. An econ major (not exactly a hard major) who couldn't turn her family's wealth into a job better than tending bar.
Speaking of the IRS thot patrol, would love to see her tax returns.
Go edge a pitbull you lefty shill retards.
Yaaas QUEEN!!
>it´s another it was her turn and it was the russian hackers episode.
keep crying bitch
>reddit spacing
back to /ptg/ you go and remember that kikes get gassed
you act like almost every successful revolution hasnt been leftists defeating the conservative elite
>triggered over post structure
how much of a cowardly little conformist pup are you?
>complaining about normal politics
wew lad. she really is inexperienced and ill-equipped
We get wildfires all the time in BC and have for decades.
Controlled burns and firebreaks are how we deal with forest fires and we still get fires all the time because they're often natural and there's no practical way to prevent them.
Pine beetle infestations are a problem which we're trying to work on, the beetles kill trees which leaves dead standing wood which is dry tinder for the next fire.
I donno if we ever have teams of guys shovelling or raking, I doubt it, I think we bulldoze fire breaks and do controlled burns to get rid of the dry grassy fuel from forest beds. Even then you can lose control of a burn.
One of the problems with fire prevention is interfering with the normal course of events by putting out small fires, which can lead to bigger ones happening later on because that first fire could have just been a grass fire and now the next fire will have even more fuel to burn than it normally would have.
Basically you're fucked, it's like trying to stop flooding from happening. It's gonna happen.
>successful revolution
> sow doubt in my intelligence
>complains about Republicans
>getting raped by her own party
This is why she will fail, she cant even see the wolves shes surrounded by. Republicans just think shes hilarious and stupid, Democrats are the ones trying to sabotage her. This is why I dont think lefties will ever gain real power, they are too focused on the right wing and not on the Democrats who have done more to sabotage them than Republicans have. They are just useful idiots for neoliberal elites, at least the retards on the far right know neocons are their enemy.
>sow doubt in
That sentence just sounds fucking stupid
Hahaha dumb bitch
Clearing out underbrush is a good way to stop forest fires from jumping, and a rake is a tool you'd use for that.
This, people build their homes in areas that are at a fire risk. It's like here in Alaska people love to build their homes on mountain sides and then cry when everything they own is destroyed in a landslide.
lol...fuck off fag.
She can't even into prepositions.
No cuckservative can "handle her" because they don't have the social permission to. Cuckservatives can only argue on terms like "fiscal responsibility" and "muh Constitution", which leftists just ignore.
Meanwhile, Cortez and other leftist shitskins openly argue in favor of ethnocentric wealth-redistribution and grievance claims.
If whites try to argue in favor of our own race not being leeched-on by every random 3rd-worlder that arrives at our doorstep, the Jews would crucify us for the heresy of "racism".
Outside of fascist revolution, which dominated post ww1, filling scenarios just like we have now.
Democratic destiny doesn't work though, it's been tried before in the mid-20th century. What happened was that the definition of 'white' expanded to include Italians and Irish who had been here for several generations and identified as Americans primarily. The same thing will happen to 3rd and 4th generation Latinos like George Zimmerman.
Jow Forums wont like that but the American right wing will survive because of it.
Remember when Boris Yeltsin's supporters kicked the old Soviet guard out of Moscow by force?
>Tfw I've literally prevented a forest fire once using nothing more than a rake
What a dumb ass cunt who doesn't realize the best way to stop a forest fire is to prevent its spread.
Irish and Italians were always considered white. They literally wouldn't be allowed to be citizens otherwise, because the 1794 Immigration Act said so.
The meme of the "oppressed Italian" and "oppressed Irishmen" is a post-modern meme pushed by Jews and leftists to divide whites. Just look at the nature of the conclusion you arrived at - that any race can be considered "white"; that's exactly what kikes want.
based tucker carlson supports MOMMY
>You wanted a harder Dem, well, you're about to get one
Oh how hard you're going to get BTFO if you actually try to fight this on any kind of logical, intellectual level.
You sound new here friend. Maybe Reddit is more your speed?
Ya'll might be retarded.
No one needs to edit her shit to make her sound stupid. Shes great at that herself. And thanks to feminism she mistakenly thinks she can take on anyone at anything and she wont even know she got destroyed. Yay feminsim. Clearing the forests of fallen and dried timber actually would help maintain the spread of forest fires.
>t. Fire fighter
Herb that starts with s
Why cuck yourself, when uou can fuck her yourself. Her porn will just be her escort advertising.
That's Huma you stupid fuck
Octaco-Chalupa's social media team needs to stop with the constant Jow Forums threads.
At least please teach your bitch about colon usage before she tries to look smug & snarky while failing grade school english rules
wast?! thats not cortez. Her tits are not like that.
and every thread has posters who are self-deluded into believing she already is herself a "factor" at anything coherent rather than being the end result of Sanders being an actual factor in the Dem party
>sow doubt in my intelligence
just let her talk, it's all the proof anybody needs that she is an absolute, fucking moron
I got an econ major and probably went to 1/3rd of my classes. People straight out of college don't know shit until they work in the real world in their field.
Just ask her boyfriend, "web developer" Riley Roberts
just don't confuse him with the Obama speechwriter Riley Roberts, though.
>im actually smrat you guys
>dont let my brown skin and crazy eyes fool you
>uses a unnecessary kaksoispiste
>dabs on scared old white men
I really wish republicans would stop attacking her. She's better at rhetoric than most of the people who try to take her down.
Let her hang herself with her own stupidity, then use rhetoric -not dialectic, to take her down when she inevitably over plays her hand
The right response to almost everything she says is nothing more than the series of faces Trump made at one of the early republican debates. She's nuts and a moron, and you don't have a logical discussion with people like that - you clown them without even saying anything