What does you church say about posing nude for art? I'm thinking of being a nude model because I believe as we are created in His image and likeness and out bodies are His greatest creation that it shouldn't be sinful to reveal it for art's sake? I still plan to reserve my sexuality to my future husband and honor him.
To fellow Christians of any denomination
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This page has the exact answers you're looking for: gotquestions.org
My church is against this.
The problem is that even if it’s for art, people will probably still view it sexually. They’ll view you sexually. Do you really want that? If you really want to preserve your sexuality for marriage, you should probably not do that.
Also, I’d examine your motives. Why do you want to do this? Is it really for art or something else?
>bawwh im too stupid to use christian google so ill just ask an arabian religous text database website instead
you fucking retarded christcuck. read your fucking stupid book and find out for yourself you retarded fucking dingus. its not like its going to matter anyways, youre just going to ask someone who probably doesnt even exist for forgiveness and forget about it anyways
If you cute and shapely then yes, Jesus loves you and encourages you to make informed decisions about your life.
If you're fugly then please join a convent so he's not embarrassed by having fugly followers hanging about in public.
Really why do you care about whether people see you more sexually? Giving a shit is what gives rape culture such an upper hand in society. Youre only young once, embrace it.
>using the term rape culture unironically
>Yeah? Go on.
>its my fault that others sin
It most certainly exists in certain sections of society. Ever heard of the Catholic church? A multi-billion dollar organization so stuck in its traditions that they pay off families, silence people in their own churches and relocate rapists dozens of times just to avoid having to talk about it. Sounds kind of like a rape culture to me. Look beyond the scope of SJW memes that irritate you and use your brain, user.