Mass indoctrination. Political parties are in overdrive with censorship

>In the beginning there was nothing
>And nothing said, "Let there be big bang!"
>And there was mass
>Then mass formed an ape in the image of star dust and placed him on a spinning pear rock floating in a massive space vacuum
>And it was good
>~Book of Gravity 33:13

Evolution, big bang, jesus christ, god, allah, the great juju. It's all bogus nonsense.
Break free of your indoctrination.
>Research Flat Earth. Understand most FE sites are misinformation and are bogus news. The following is a set of links to set you on the right path - the science based NON religious true flat Earth movement.
>Beyond the Imaginary Curve.

Attached: main-qimg-3d76075472afe85120c63d9233b50a59-c.jpg (602x339, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gravity and ball Earth are simply the latest religion/cult to exist.
>Only proof of a ball Earth is via cartoons.
>Only proof of gravity is in nonsense math text.
>Gravity is bullshit.

Attached: Atheist.jpg (720x766, 83K)


Attached: Gravity is bullshit.jpg (640x810, 49K)

Attached: proof.jpg (1800x1800, 640K)

>Newton made up gravity.

Attached: gravity is psyop.jpg (489x645, 77K)

Attached: pool.jpg (471x353, 55K)

Shouldn't those balloons be going up in different angles away from each other on a ball earth.?

>Real planets. Nothing like what NASA cartoons show you.

This is what you see through a scope.
Your whole idea of space is thrown out the window once you see this shit in real life.

Attached: main-qimg-5fd51c4f40bf5e582f6755c022338c43-c.jpg (522x522, 41K)

Balloons away from you should appear skewed/angled away due to curvature of Earth - but they are not. Same as buildings.

Attached: 133e382d3c274a5d771fb644a0757604.jpg (432x330, 49K)

Attached: xxxx (3).jpg (640x640, 109K)

>NASA affiliated agencies like to use fisheye lenses to fake curvature.

Attached: ab3676bfa226a6145ae678790930f97d.jpg (473x587, 59K)

Attached: 082bc2d14a2f814e3f2f0559db2c6c2b--flat-earth-proof-globe-earth.jpg (400x337, 29K)

>Travel on a flat Earth

Attached: 11143519_1144493992243423_2874492312554835064_n (3).jpg (960x540, 49K)

What point is there in concealing the shape of the Earth?

>Model of how sun and moon work on a flat Earth.

Attached: SUN ON FLAT EARTH.gif (400x224, 1.01M)

>See pic

Attached: Why lie.jpg (960x960, 241K)

So you think they're trying to keep us somewhere?

>The wall which surrounds our 'Earth pond'.

Attached: ends-of-the-earth.jpg (951x592, 94K)

Attached: Internet+melts+your+brain+flat+earth+belief+faq+can+you+fall_01d068_5842354.jpg (900x675, 105K)

>Model of what could be over the 'wall' which surrounds our 'pond'.
>They could be hiding more lands. There are many myths out there.

Attached: Alt.jpg (572x403, 55K)

So you have no idea.

What's wrong with your flag?

>CGI model.

Attached: f7e9c176f8b8f8a8faa1c31dad6eadf2.jpg (474x355, 30K)

Of course I have no idea you massive faggot. Can only speculate. You call out the flag as you are a hivemind pleb also.

>Obvious shill.

Attached: Smith.jpg (1908x1022, 263K)

Attached: close Sun.jpg (720x540, 36K)

Stop with your jewish schizobabbling already and fuck off to /x/, quit with your retarded bullshit.

Nobody's gonna take you seriously running memeflags, that's all I'm saying. So you believe in stuff you don't understand and you try to back it up with "science?"

Educate yourself you cringelord faggot.
>Durr I live on a spinning space testicle upside down like a fuckwit whirling through space without any proof.


Attached: Globetards don't get it.jpg (552x523, 96K)

Attached: 22046974_759745370891866_39571722990005751_n.jpg (960x740, 75K)

Yeah except that shelf doesn't have the mass of Earth right under it, does it?

You think the ball Earth is science? Lol.
The only proof of your nonsense ball Earth is in cartoons and shitty text books.

No curve in real life can be measured, seen, demonstrated to exist, and so on. It is nonsense.

The ball Earth is simply a mid schoolers 'santa clause'.

There you go you massive goob.
>Understand water is always seeking to be level.
>All oceans on Earth are level.
>Nothing is curving.
>Water does not curve and stick under balls.

Attached: water-level-flat-earth.jpg (1000x700, 110K)


Attached: Look.gif (535x242, 3.15M)

I hope you mean no curve on earth can be demonstrated. Actually, yeah it can, go get in an airplane and you can clearly see the earth ROLLING towards you.

You still haven't really explained why anybody would conceal the nature of the shape of the planet if they already had all the resources to control it. They have no reason to lie to us about the circus if they already run the whole damn thing.

>Where the hell is the curve?
Wake up.

Attached: 30741260_10216623009958359_7128985793929936896_n.jpg (960x866, 91K)

Explain eclipses then, dipshit

Attached: Ay.png (600x573, 174K)

>Obvious shill.
We are done here.

What do you have gayfag?
>look at these epic images with impact font that say I'm right! surely I'm not drawing incorrect conclusions because I'm fucking retarded XD
This is you and every single one of your friends who regularly make Jow Forums-/x/ threads

Educate yourself faggot.

Attached: MOON E.jpg (736x736, 79K)

>raging because his balltard religion was crushed with real science.

Attached: 23905364_785278501671886_4559806837466513437_n.jpg (960x605, 39K)

Nice deflection attempt retard. Now explain eclipses.

Attached: 1420053874461 .jpg (306x306, 20K)

I'm not shilling anything, you have no rational explanation to wrap up your theory.

>Too dumb to understand.
You're too dumb to understand.

Attached: Flat-Earth-Memes-382-8.jpg (418x320, 51K)

Real science is not a theory.
Your cartoon ball religion is theory.

>Real flat Earth facts:
>Understand that most information on the net about flat Earth, and most flat Earth sites ARE fake news meant to push you away from the factual pieces of evidence.
>Understand that Earth is level, and has zero to do with a god or a jesus, or so on.
>Realize that the government agencies across the world are in overdrive, shills are trying to stop this movement.
>The following is a list of truths. If anything deviates from this list, you can bet your ass you're getting your information from a shill.

1. Nobody BELIEVES a dome REALLY exists. It's a myth, a theory. Nobody has been able to go to test it, so that's ruled out and finalized.

2. All we know is you can't have a negative pressure system (space) alongside a positive system (Earth) without some kind of barrier. This is real science. Tested daily. Tards claim a dome must be this barrier. (Atmosphere is not the barrier).

3. There is no accurate FE map out there, some come close but all are ultimately bogus. No REAL flat Earther will claim a map is correct unless he is stupid, or new to the movement.

4. There may or may NOT be an icewall surrounding Earth 360 degrees as pictures depict. Wall may open at some point, may not. No trustable maps exist.

5. Flat Earth is NOT a disc located in space spinning around and flying upwards at 6mph.

6. Space is not 'stars and planets', it is much deeper than that. Think sonoluminesence, sound creates light, star in a jar, etc. Google it. (GOogle is a CIA front).

7. The ONLY legit flat Earth forum is HTTP://IFERS.INFO .

8. The flat Earth society is a mock group, not real, do not visit, their info is bogus. Government shills. IFERS is not the FES.

9. NASA or affiliated agencies have never been to space. Physics demonstrates to us the highest any 'rocket' can go is 100mi.

10. Do your own research.

Attached: 27545510_296669537526945_1696057806938941796_n.jpg (370x370, 36K)

Ah, so in other words - you can't

Attached: 1479779043328.jpg (258x245, 12K)

Explain why ships seem to roll onto the horizon at sea. I'll wait. They should just fade into view if the earth is flat, but they don't.

>NASA have never been to space. Highest physics demonstrates to us anything can go, is 100 miles up.
>NASA tried to trick stupid people by saying they slingshot the rockets around the Earth THEN to space... Derp.
>What really happens is NASA shoot the rockets sideways into restricted waters (well under 100 miles high), where they are recovered and faked as successful.
>NASA then show retarded people some cartoons, and the retarded people are happy and believe it.

Cartoons are not science.
Ball Earth is bullshit.

Earth is CLEARLY demonstrably level.

Attached: NASA sideways to space.png (752x768, 447K)

Wouldn't the pictures look exactly the same if the earth were a globe and rotating?

>Research "Flat Earth ship horizon".
I"ll wait.

Attached: Blue Balls.jpg (960x742, 188K)

Attached: curving-water.jpg (593x597, 117K)

Explain Polaris from the Southern hemisphere.

No, YOU explain how a solar or lunar eclipse works in your model

Stop trying to deflect from the fact that you can't.

Go on idiot, explain to me how an eclipse works in your retarded cosmology. I will be the one waiting while you deflect, insult, and do every thing you can to divert attention away from the fact that you can't.

Attached: 1480649029203.jpg (400x388, 82K)

If earth is flat why can’t I see the southern cross from the Pacific Northwest on a clear night?

Fact is, even if the flat earth had no explanation for eclipses (but it does) there is enough evidence to conclusively prove the earth is not a ball and not spinning.
>well then, explain THIS
Yea nah. Educate yourself faggot

Also @OP, you are riding Eric Dubays cock a little hard (are you him?) bible is true God is real earth is flat

Nothing about that photo tells me anything actually useful, it's 8 different pictures of the same thing without any perspective. Why would that hurt me by the way? Third question, why are you allowed to shed light on the conspiracy?

Attached: and.jpg (660x440, 71K)

What would you like explained?

Attached: Globetards don't get it POLARIS.jpg (552x523, 96K)

Are these rockets going to deep space or orbit?

YOu cannot see an unlimited range.

Attached: Perspective 11.jpg (736x736, 142K)

You can see those planets with larger telescopes.