>I see no God up here
Epic historical quotes
1.Comprehensive Grade(A+,A, A-, B+)
A+ Great work this week, Bill!
2.Today we have learnt (Key words/phrases/sentences)
We learnt quite a few new words today! Through our conversation today we were able to translate the words foreigner, and teacher (to me they sounded very similar at first but you were able to explain the different sounds). We also talked about some of the cultural diffferences between china and the united states (In china you drink hot water when you are Ill, in the united states we do not usually do this)
1.Comprehensive Grade(A+,A, A-, B+)
A+ Great work this week, Bill!
2.Today we have learnt (Key words/phrases/sentences)
We learnt quite a few new words today! Through our conversation today we were able to translate the words foreigner, and teacher (to me they sounded very similar at first but you were able to explain the different sounds). We also talked about some of the cultural diffferences between china and the united states (In china you drink hot water when you are Ill, in the arabic kingdom of germany we do not usually do this)
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
Jesus to satan
kill yourself you bolshevik faggot
""Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Matthew 10:34
> "The first effect of not believing in god is to believe in anything."
~ Émile Cammaerts
>ask God for candy
>now ask Lenin for candy
*drops mic*
>I see no God up here
Imagine being this edgyretarded
>he fell for the dead kike on a stick and his space dad
imagine being this naive
>i see no god up here
Slavshit intellectual everyone.
The atheist never ceases to amaze with the low IQ and massively inflated ego.
False, Celt. He said "There's nothing here, nothing at all".
That's so 2008
This is now a cringe thread.
The first neuro surgeon did not see a thought either
What did Neil mean by this?
This might have gone over your head but he was in fact denigrating Holocaust victims
You may be suffering a heroin-induced delirium
>I see no God up here
An extremely dumb thing to say. How can anyone be so stupid as to think that not seeing God floating around space (as though he were just an object amongst objects) is anything to do with disproving God's existence?
that's only because they were christian, user. If the roles were reversed, no doubt the Aztecs would have treated us with respect and generosity
Often they don't notice how exceedingly, embarrassingly dumb they are because they have been told that they are clever, and they are more than dumb enough to believe it.
Often misquoted, What he actually said was "Ooga Booga. Where da white women at."
oh shit you're right bro
Imagine unironically believing in an ancient caanite sky god as a modern adult
my bad, I had auto-translate on
that's because this nigga never played CK2
"An open-handed slap is justified – if all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning. If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I'd do it."
~Sean Connery
patrician game
That isn't even what he meant by it Justin.
He meant he sees a place where he doesn't exist. Where nobody is fighting over who is the real god ect.
Fucking brainlet schizo can't even read between the lines.
Imagine being a lifelong adolescent who thinks theism is nothing but the belief in a caanite sky-god.
It’s not about the God itself and it’s not literally a man in the sky. There’s thousands of years of philosophy and theology in the Christian faith and it’s the basis for European civilization. I’m an “atheist” but I realize the importance of religion and I don’t want it to die
Today, a communist would find the lack of blacks and sexual minority disturbing.
>He meant he sees a place where he doesn't exist.
Means the same thing, halfwit, albeit more explicit in its stupidity.
So you're admitting he doesn't exist on earth either?
Bad Christian behaviour that is.
>REEE how dare you not worship my Jewish god!
Your conclusion doesn't follow. Try to think logically. It helps.
I'm not a Christian or indeed religious in any way. I just hate idiots.
Now lets talk about the quality of those 2 peoples he s talking about, the italian and the spanish speakers
Italians are smart people living in southern europe
Most spanish speakers are retarded subhumans living off making drugs in hidden jungles in the americas, eating fucking monkeys
he never actually said that btw
Spanish and Italian are basically the same language. Both of them are just modern dialects of Roman Latin
>I see no German lady to liberate up here :'(
Can you not even read what you wrote as a reply or are you just trolling?
Kill yourself christcuck
Yep because in 2018 the world is known for its staunch piety.
>what is the Spanish inquisition
Let's have some Standards.
Ah, is this the tactic where you impute that your interlocator cannot pierce through the apparent stupidity and find the gem of intellectual genius at the heart of what you said? Very well. Lay out the argument formally and show that your conclusion follows.
Isnt it ironic that mostly dumb shitskin poorfag countries speak spanish?
>There’s thousands of years of philosophy and theology in the Christian faith
There are less than 2000 years of Christian philosophy and theology and most of Europe has been Christian for only 1200 or so years compared to the 4000+ years they followed various Indo-European religions.
he should have said "I see no food up here either..and the moon, she is not made of cheese, we must invade funnland for the fine cheese there refuse to share."
Ahahahahah! Wheezing, then quiet.
>the first 10 Russian cosmonauts
So you are trolling.
“Make America great again”
-president bill clinton
-bill clintons wife
So you can't get your conclusion to follow. No matter. Get back to mindlessly stating things.
Did Black science man just accidently argue for genocide?
How did this tard become famous he has the intellect of a rock.
>burger talking about europoors
just talk about guns yankee, thats what we like about you
he is a scientist and well educated on history...are you?
>talking about anything
>Lock her up!
>Mexico will pay for the wall!
all failed
at this stage, pooland is about as much a "country" as ukraine.
what are you doing Ivan
>we in the EU now, NATO to teh rescue!!!
>pic related
>p-please dont hurt us master
>w-we comply
Yuri Gagarin literally never said that, and hates that this quote is said to be his. He is actually a very based Orthodox follower.
>Nikita Khrushchev cornered Gagarin "So tell me, Yuri," he asked, "did you see God up there?" After a moment's pause. Gagarin answered, "Yes sir, I did.".
>he even posts a picture of the dumb polak flag upsidown...well done zbignieff
lol dumb polaks
retard, its supposed to be upside down
shut the fuck up, turkic rape baby subhuman
>All these salty christcucks getting butthurt over some godless commie
Ivan no
Reminder that Yuri Gagarin never said that, it was pure commie propaganda by Khrushchev, yet atheist retards continue to spout it all these years later.
He was a staunch Orthodox Christian, had his children baptized and advocated for the restoration of cathedrals in the USSR.
kys niggerfaggot
>Did Black science man just accidently argue for genocide?
no accident there, he's the student of actual nazi scientists with his buddy Michiu who was Wernher von Braun's prize student
>>I see no God up here
Bad Theology.
"I see no God up here."
--Donald J Trump
yeah and too much a chicken shit to say ""Ï see no Allah up here.""lol
Will you look at that? Will you fucking look at that? This man is NOT black. How is that possible? The university taught me that the first person in space was a black woman.
What kind of nigger gibberish is that?
I mean they're not wrong
Its a damn good line for an astronaut to utter when reaching space if you think about it. It only really makes sense as a joke, though. A jab at people with serious misconceptions about God and that he "resides" somewhere or exists in a way that can be found.
>Niggers tongue my anus - Thomas Jefferson
If he was white he would have been fired immediatly for writing that.
“Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion.” ― Friedrich von Hayek
"I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Light - apart from an occasional muzzle flash."
Kalashnikov 4:7
he never said that and he went to Church.
He is as much a historian as bill nye is a scientist
There is something of a tradition in the public life of America. The Farewell Address of a notable political or social figure. The summing up of a lifetime of experience, governance and leadership, as a statement of bequest to the future of the Nation.
President George Washington warned of Foreign Entanglements.
President Dwight Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex.
William F Buckley was arguably the Founder of post WWII Conservativism in the USA, sometimes its sole beacon in the shadow of the Roosevelt years.
When he knew he was nearing the end of his life, he granted his final public interview to CBS News (you can find it on Youtube).
His very Last Words of that interview, his final Bequest to America were:
Get Out Of All Middle Eastern Conflicts. Get Out NOW.
He died a few weeks later.
God Bless You Bill, sitting at the Right Hand of the Father.
Do you buy your fedoras in the shops here or do you buy them online from abroad?
Yuri is pissing on morons from stratosphere
Yuri you were awesome and a true pioneer.
The world thanks you
And they're all in South America.
Italy is more respectable.