White women vs Brown/Black women

Why do so many white women have abortions?

Attached: White Genocide.jpg (720x847, 68K)

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I wonder (((who))) is responsible?

Attached: Triggered Feminists.jpg (2048x1032, 490K)

Nigger abortion rates are 5x that of ‘whites’ in the US

Jews told them it's their right to murder their own children so they can keep avoiding the responsibilities of being an adult. Growing up in a world without strong masculine father figures, they believed this lie to be the truth and therefore exist in a perpetual childhood of irresponsibility while perusing their own selfish desires as society falls apart around them.


Attached: womenbelievethisshit.jpg (950x422, 32K)

Most abortions are ~+Abortions of Color+~

that picture doesnt represent american "niggers", they are immigrants. black and white american birthrates are down, immigrant birthrates are through the fucking roof. Its not just white people who are being replaced, but the half-white mixed race 'african american' as well which is why niggas need to rise up along side whitey.

That picture is very inaccurate


Attached: 0379FA72-F03B-45AA-B8D6-FDB4569D51F4.png (1333x1113, 200K)


Every single time-

Attached: Doctor Goldberg.jpg (123x144, 28K)

The vast majority of abortions are performed on poor minority women.
>Today, a full 42 percent of women having abortions live under the poverty line, and another 27 percent have incomes within 200 percent of the poverty line. Taken together, 69 percent of women who have abortions are economically disadvantaged

>pic depicts a completely voluntary and natural phenomenon
>"White Genocide.jpg"

not true at all, niggers have more abortions than any other race, so much so that the politicians in America devisaed a way to make money off of nigger abortions......


where your baby is murdered and sold to science without your sorry black ass seeing a dime except that first of the month welfare check.

niggers have abortions. niggers


Its actually the other way around

is this what a slide thread looks like? Those women are clearing wearing somalian/middle eastern clothing with the odd hispanic thrown in the mix meaning they represent immigrants and not "people of color" or "niggers".

Spics also have higher abortion rates than whites, and Arab migration to the US is minuscule and tracking their abortion rates is difficult as they aren't classified as a separate race, instead being classified as white by the government (including people of European, Middle Eastern, and North African ancestry).

Everyone in this thread is retarded. OP is British not American where the super majority of aborted infants are white and the rate of abortion is quite high. Unlike the US where the super majority aren’t white and the rate of abortion is quite low

I read yesterday that 40% of american women age 18 - 40 have had at least 1 abortion

Thats the funniest shit iv'e seen all day.

Thank you.

>retarded mutts assumed op was referring to the US without first checking his flag


>Everyone is only capable of posting in threads to debate their own countries
Maybe the OP should have specified Bongistan if he didn't want people to reference their own countries.

The most aborted baby in general is a black one
The most aborted white baby has a black father

Why souls of aborted children do not haunt the roastie mothers?

They wanna save $$$ for (((travel)))

You can fuck off now share blue

White women are psycopaths.

Attached: 1536682424415.jpg (1511x675, 351K)

Sauce on abortion numbers please.

not a race thing it is an IQ thing

In the US, yes, but this isn't the case in europe

white women have higher iq on average. this is literally all it is. smarter women are forward thinking enough to realise a baby ruins any chance of a career and/or chance to snag an alpha male in today's world where social media opens up women to a larger market of chads.

Have you got any stats on it you can share

thet don't, you just believe whatever retarded shit you read on here

Attached: black abortions3.png (599x597, 153K)

first thing i noticed