My wife and I homeschool our kids, and we're starting to work on memorization. What are some passages or text, etc...

My wife and I homeschool our kids, and we're starting to work on memorization. What are some passages or text, etc. that they should work on?

We already have a few quotes from the Bible, Socrates and Aristotle, as well as the Preamble, but what are some good texts for my kids that will help them as they grow in life?

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that kind of rote learning is far less useful than having them identify various plant and animal species around their home. do they know their table of chemical elements? there's always more REAL INFORMATION in the world, you can use that instead of feelsy quotes.

Thank me later

>that kind of rote learning is far less useful than having them identify various plant and animal species around their home.
This. "Memorization" is bullshit and not real, adaptive learning.
Make moments you share important info with them memorable. Tell them Black rape statistics and then smack them in the face. They will remember you slapping them, as well as black rape statistics, forever.

14 words mate everyday

Yes, we're learning things such as those in conjunction, but right now they are young (4, 6, 8), and we're working on memorization in general. Thinking about things they could learn now, such as axioms or platitudes, that could prove useful to them in their teenage and early adult years, when they see a bunch of bullshit and degeneracy around them. Stuff to keep them grounded.

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A good war nobles any cause

If you want axioms, the best place to start would be La Rochefoucauld Maxims

You are such a loser try reading Vergil

This is only a good skill for language learning. Make them read then quiz them on various parts of the book(s)

Memory is important to train but instead of rote memorization you should have them do things like read a story and recount it in as much detail possible the next day.

These guys are butthurt because they did terrible in school. I wouldn't just teach your kids memorization, but it definitely is something to practice as it increases retention and memory (go figure), not only that but it is a good way to start introducing your kids to subjects that might be too hard for them to grasp quite yet

teach them how to remember their chores, that should be a good start.

if the eldest two can't do their two times tables yet, you are a failure. and not just to 12 I mean any string length.

Another great book for teaching young children how to think laterally would be La Fontaine’s Fables.

They’re simple enough for children to understand but with lots of subtle depth and meaning for parents to enjoy.

Also great illustrations depending on which copy you pick up

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>read my fanfic educate yourself


Send your kid to a public school for his own good

Have them learn a famous poem

or just have them quote Anchor Man to you or Top Gun

What do you do for work?
How do you have time to teach them at home?
What does your wife do?

Okay forget pietas civitas and history having meaning. Study cats instead.

>4, 6, 8
None of them are old enough to properly interpret the material. I was homeschooled, so let me make some recommendations-math, writing, spelling, learning another language, basic science, etc are far more critical skills to learn in the developing years. Giving them a solid foundation and teaching good study habits is the best thing you can do. Worry about "redpilling" them when they're 14 or so
This can also be good advice

My wife stays at home full time, and I work from home 1-2 days out of the week. I'm in finance, and we live in the suburbs.

>My wife and I homeschool our kids, and we're starting to work on memorization

i don't believe you can work on "memorization" as a general skill. there are people who can memorize long sequences of numbers, but cannot perform the same feat with sequences of letters. they should work on memorizing something useful, like math.

General Patton had long sections of the Illiad and Odyssey memorized, knew how to ride a horse, and navigate with a military map and compass before he knew how to read and write.

I should add that the goal is to buy 25-30 acres and move outside the city within the next 5 years. Raise animals, farm, garden, etc. Be more self-sufficient. But still only ~45 minutes from the city, for work reasons, as I have meetings, customer engagements, etc.

Get them to read Aesop's Fables. One or another Arthurian cycle book for kids.
Simple moral lessons are a good basic point, the kids are not developed enough to understand what you are making them memorize.

If done properly, homeschooling can be as holistic as a classical school. It is rigorous and very demanding on students, but I recommend using the model of the Trivium. Teaching "life lessons" at an early age is tantamount to teaching the lifeless. With no strict solid knowledgebase to work from, your current model will fail. The first 4 years of classical school is devoted solely to absorption of knowledge from all subjects simultaneously, combined with logic studies to learn to assimilate them efficiently.

>there are people who can memorize long sequences of numbers, but cannot perform the same feat with sequences of letters.

their ability to memorize numerical sequences does not generalize. ergo, it's pointless to practice memorization unless you're actually memorizing something of value.

Yeah, the main three things that we focus on every day are reading, writing, and math. They get snippets of history, chemistry, economics, biology, etc. in our day-to-day conversations, but we don't have an expansive push toward those at these ages.

Yeah, we just finished reading Aesop's Fables. They would write down the moral every day, to practice their handwriting.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald

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You absolutely can improve your memory.

living the dream, im jealous

don't worry about homeschooling your kids if you ever have doubts. as a teacher I can say that there is so much wasted time that occurs during the day and throughout the year.

its worth it to keep your kids away from degeneracy and the bullshit within society. the only problem is that when they finally encounter it as adults it might be overwhelming for them

>Tell them Black rape statistics
In all seriousness don't do this. Trying to actively redpill your children is retarded. Just teach them basic right from wrong and let them draw conclusions based on their own understanding and research. Primarily however teach them to search for answers on their own instead of taking everything at face value. If your kid is interested in something don't just tell him the answer, help him discover the answer himself.

>Dad what was the cause of the civil war?
Instead of saying "it was the slaves" "it was states rights" offer them (age appropriate) literature on the topic with (primarily due to the specificity of the topic) first hand sources. For the question at hand for example the memoirs of Jefferson Davis would be infinitely more valuable than some "Why Did the Civil War Happen" book.

sure, but memorizing one piece of information will not help you memorize another unless they have closely related structures and your brain can organize them in a similar manner.

>They get snippets of history, chemistry, economics, biology, etc. in our day-to-day conversations, but we don't have an expansive push toward those at these ages.
Have them raise a plant out of some legumes. Raising a plant is an easier, accesible exercise that helps both raise discipline little by little, and can be a conduit for teaching things.

Penis mcPenisButt by (((Shel Silverstein)))

stoic texts
marcus aurelius' meditations have some exceptional passages that could be memorized

Classic: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". You could explain to them that a healthy and balanced diet will keep their bodies stronger.

Look up some homeschooling criculiums. I think Ron Paul advocates a good one. Maybe try to find other homeschool families and see if your area has meet ups for group learning. My a hardcore catholic uncle homeschooled all 9 of his kids and they do outstanding in college and some of the nicest we’ll adapted kids I’ve ever met.

I would honestly say to forego the memorization and just concentrate more on reading. Fiction and non-fiction I can still quote at least one line from pretty much every book Ive read since I moved to small print, and leaving it up to them what quote they remember will be far more a learning experience than trying to graft in an artificial. Decent childrens books to get them really engaged and force them to think about what theyre reading would be things like Watership Down and The Borribles.

Or you know...Epictetus.
M.A. has become a meme at this point, I doubt even half the people recommending him even read his journal in the first place.

We get together with other homeschooled families at least once a week. Usually to go hiking in the mountains and learn about plants and animals, geology, etc.

Unironically this.

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Also don’t forget teaching children how to play a musical instrument is one of the best ways to instil discipline.

Look up the Suzuki method:

It’s a great way to turn your kids into prodigies from an early age. This is how Adam Jones from the band Tool became such a proficient guitarist. I wish I had been given this opportunity at such an early age

Your states gun laws.

Start making them learn another language, my own mindset and overall "academic" ability improved drastically. And when teaching subjects like economics, make sure they learn how to do things like a pivot table in excel.

if they can't recite the book of john in its entirety abort them immediately

how did you meet them? Are there any good homeschooling forums? What age did you start homeschooling your kids?

When they get old enough for history just have them read E Michael Jones. They might have to be 16+ to really grasp it though

Guns laws here are among the most based in the country. My oldest is about at the point where I'll have her walk along with me while I hunt pheasants.

>being so devoid of ability you've turned to Jow Forums for help with curriculum
I hope this is a LARP otherwise you're training a future murder/suicide

My wife met them through meetup groups or Facebook. We recently found a few families at church that homeschool, so we get together with them a little more now, since some of the people at the meetups are SJW faggots.

We've homeschooled since our first was born. It was always the plan, since the day we got married.

>I could never possibly learn anything new from another person
Imagine being this retarded and arrogant

Aim high

Shoot for the stars

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This, biologically teaches with life side by side

Again, if I believed you, you've come to to Jow Forums for child rearing advice and you call me the retard?

That's good to hear.
Memorize safety rules then.

Muhammad why are you on a Mongolian basket weaving forum? Shouldn’t you be out molesting young white girls?

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>Mongolian basket weaving forum
Did you just get that joke from plebbit or know your meme boomer?

I got it from my repository of dank maymay’s. What’s it to you, turd burglar?

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