Why is everyone legalizing weed all of a sudden?

Why is everyone legalizing weed all of a sudden?

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goyim need a new vice

Most people are starting to realize that incarcerating people for possession is a waste of tax dollars.

>goyim need a new vice
nothing new there, better develop more pills

Don't care one way or another so please talking about it.

*stop talking about it

In the tech age, progressive ideals spread even faster.



Tax monies

Killing the Soul of the Nation more efficiently




gotta get people ready to be high before election day so they don't vote.

suddenly need to lower the proles' IQ dramatically

Free money. It will raise revenues for public sector unions until they waste all that money in 5 years and start demanding more.



they get to take away people's guns and right to buy guns if you ever bought or signed up for medical or recreational cannabis (in any of the 50 states)

Weed facts 101

>Did you know weed grows faster if they listen to music? Especially Bob Marley?

It’s basically their ace in the hole that they’ve been keeping to prolong the age of bread and circus

>Don't care one way or another
it can affect your tax resources greatly, you should pay attention to how your state spends money and demand they spend less of it

because it's better to give the money to ATF than mexican black markets laundering for Soros.

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Because booze and cigarettes kills you

To pacify the masses.

Because a 25 year campaign from California legalizing medical marijuana is about to reach critical mass. Once it is done then it will be over with and life will proceed like nothing happened.

Look at all these commies that hate the free market suddenly

Because modern weed has been bred into a drug that controls and pacifies the population. It's not even the same drug it was 50 years ago.

>It’s basically their ace in the hole that they’ve been keeping to prolong the age of bread and circus
how will the oil businesses survive once this cat is out though? legality also spells news for war, they make hemp legal every time there is a major war

Been alcohol sober for 6 months should I smoke weed once they legalize it nj?

>Because modern weed has been bred into a drug
it was always a drug bro, modern weed is shit compared to ancient weed

The chinks are working overtime on every type of high you can think of, legal or otherwise.

That's exactly the reason I voted to legalize weed in Washington several years ago. Unfortunately, the government is not about to give up all those lucratitve taxpayer funded union jobs that depended on enforcement, and an even larger buearocracy was created to regulate it.

"Hey _insert_state_ just legalized weed, we should do it too!"
literally that


>should I smoke weed once they legalize it nj?
you should observe the process at the weed shop, if they are scanning driver licenses absolutely under no conditions allow them to scan your license which will add you to a nation wide NO GUN list

which can be used against your credit score

buy illegal if they are scanning licenses

Less harmful than alcohol

Peaceful, relaxing, enjoyable

Tax revenue potentially in the billions $$$

Overnight economic stimulus, creating thousands of new business and jobs

To increase tax revenue

yes they didn't want the money going to other people when they can use it themselves.
Ironically they called those people "Drug dealers" before.

they saw how much tax money Washington and Colorado made

That's a pretty fucking stupid idea and goes directly against their massive amount of campaigning to get people to vote.
Please do not post if you have no idea what you're talking about, it keeps the board cleaner.

Do it with friends in a hookah

Once it's legal, I might grow it to make money off the losers who smoke it. I heard it's easy to grow.


I mean that it's been bred into a drug that has different effects than it used to. I agree that it was always a drug. You are misunderstanding.

I live in NJ and have been smoking for a while now. It's a very relaxing drug so I love taking it after I get home from work and need to relax before sleep. I'd say go for it.

The worst part about this bill is that they are literally creating a union for cannabis along with it so that anyone who wants to start a cannabis business must hire union workers.

Things are heating up again in the sandbox. Well, they were already hot but, now they're getting hotter. It's multiplied by movements against Israel in the States. People are also waking up to their destiny determined by demography. They need to pacify more people. More consumption of distractions.

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no, mind effecting drugs in general and depressants in particular are degenerate and reduce your control over your own life while sucking away your time and money in a way that does not move you forward in any way.

That said weed SHOULD be legal, not because its good, it isn't, but because it's no worse than booze or tobacco and the government has no right to tell citizens they are not allowed.

>Tax revenue potentially in the billions $$$
you realize that won't ever happen once every gas station in the nation has some growing out back

No. If you have problems with addiction you could easily develop a habit. It's best to stay away from it.

>Ironically they called those people "Drug dealers" before.
meanwhile one of the most scandalous drug dealers our nation's history has ever recorded is now head of the NRA

caught trading guns for drugs to sell to get hostages

appease the enemy before they wake up and
kill us.

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>reduce your control over your own life

If this happens when you smoke weed you were already in that direction

because bayer-monsanto are about to make a fuckton of money. They need it now that the glyphosate lawsuits are heating up. The retards out there have pushed for legalization for so long without understanding a simple truth; legal weed means patented GMO weed.
stop helping jews jew

Dont Legalize. Decriminalize!

>I mean that it's been bred into a drug that has different effects than it used to.
you are wrong, the good psychoactive cannabis has always been around, nobody is able to breed cannabis into anything better than it was to begin with, most of the work in breeding cannabis has to do with preventing mutation in highly inbred families of different commercial cannabis

the cannabis thousands of years ago was much better

the hallucinogenic properties of the best quality cannabis have always been the same, no modern breeder is able to get something better than what was already there

>kill us.
it's possible to attach a lot more toxins to a cannabis plant than a tobacco plant

Don't count on it, the government has no intention of being left out of the loop. If you want to become a grower, you're going to have to grease a few palms along the way, the established growers don't look favorably on newbies, and they have plenty of friends in the buearocracy.

>If you want to become a grower, you're going to have to grease a few palms along the way
most growers are already evading government, the best solution is state auctions, concentrate the market at a public auction where tax will be paid by the buyer, so farmers can do their own thing as they have always done,

this is already a self regulating industry, why change it?

In NJ they are using MM to disarm people. If you take advantage of legal weed you have to give up your FID.

Then why not just legalize selling of Plutonium and Uran? Muh free market after all.

In Washington, at least, it's highly regulated.

I have a few theories.

One is that there is a real life conspiracy aimed at controlling the whole world population by shackling each individual to debt, thus creating a false sense of wealth and prosperity when in actuality they use YOUR tax dollars to artificially inflate the currency supply which will inevitably lead to an economic crash so significant it would be regarded as the second great depression, and marijuana will be the most sought after substance among the domestic population that it will occupy the lives of literally 99% of the global population, and Marijuana just so happens to be legal for the event that demand will far outweigh the supply, so then we'll be left with REALLY expensive weed.

That, or the is a real life conspiracy of Aliens controlling the human population and they're just getting us ready for Revelations Prophecy to be fulfilled. The promise of 1000 years of everlasting life

Look at this unironic degenerate stoner


Why not, indeed!

We should legalize it and tax the stoners

This. Go smoke somebody else's weed if you want to try it so bad. Buy seeds off them and grow it. But for God's sake don't buy weed with your ID.

>no modern breeder is able to get something better than what was already there

Even without any modern techniques you still see almost universal selection for strain and for either volume or proportion of psychoactive chemicals. Theres nothing special about cannabis, its just a plant and human beings have been fucking with plans forever. Pretty much none of the produce you buy in a grocery store (or a farmer's market) is naturally occurring. Lemons are a fucking human creation, broccoli, bananas as we know them. What makes weed special?

>1000 years of everlasting life

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Maybe because you can't build a nuclear bomb out of weed.

Well, I can build a nuclear blunt, but you cant lmao

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>Killing the Soul of the Nation more efficiently
>German user hates the sound of wealth and freedom.
You deserve Merkle

>they get to take away people's guns and right to buy guns if you ever bought or signed up for medical or recreational cannabis (in any of the 50 states)
Absolutely correct. Have a (you)

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Imported sand-niggers and Israelis. Asshole cops. Failing churches. Decadent white males who have also been instructed they are useless, and better off so. Short-sighted hippies.

>Look at this unironic degenerate stoner
Look at the Faggot

When do we start having state gun laws that don’t recognize federal gun laws if states don’t recognize federal drug laws?

This is exactly why the black market will thrive

Weed ruins your brain.
Very small amounts of weed used when you are mentally focused is useful, but even moderate amounts cause you to become 'unfocused' which develops ideas that aren't supported by the rest of your brain. It creates mush in your head. I know why it's bad mechanically, I'm an AGI theorist, but if I explain that no one will listen.

Don't use weed unless it's in very small amounts, because you can't focus with it, and your psychology will break down. You won't get schizophrenia immediately, but sections of your brain will fail gradually. It's not good for you unless in very small doses, and only if you feel like it makes you feel smarter, but that's a sensitive thing.

Awesome Q user

>Weed ruins your brain.
Kek the Cop

right to bear arms
right to smoke weed

Funny how they take away your guns for being prescribed opiates... Oh wait

We do. In Alaska you can build full auto machineguns legally and the ATF can't do shit.

Yet we have the NFA states assist in enforcing but openly defiant of federal drug laws. So weed and passivity take higher priority than an armed populace slowly losing their rights?

Shall not be infringed didn't change. Interesting how you gullible shits believe an asshole puts on a clown outfit and skims off the taxes, and suddenly his opinion is more important than the clear text of the Contract which Created his clown job in the first place.

even in Mexico weed will be legal before 2018 ends.
we are winning boys, press D to dab in conservatards.

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That’s a shit argument and you know it kraut.

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Because it keeps the population docile and retarded. Also, big pharma wants to buy shares in it and make huge money to keep the retards dependent on it.

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but anyone who smokes knows you're lying

I'm allergic to weed. Break out in rashes and itching if I smoke it, and days of itching if I eat it. Anyone else?

Imagine wanting to make illegal a god given plant. I don’t smoke that shit but banning a creation that pre-dates humans is blasphemy

you win the award for best post I've read in many moons

t. weed-leaf

For a while I was thinking the same. Get the populous high so they don't care/notice the shady shit you do in the background.
But then I's learned that long term pot usage reduces REM sleep. Which, over the long term, can lead to psychosis.
So, in the short term. Big business/pharma profits, bunch of policy that's gunna slip in under the radar. Then one hell of a fucking paranoid uprising.
This is my prediction.

>thousands of years of selective breeding for psychoactive potency hasn't changed the plant

you have to smoke some strong weed to be this retarded

"All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."

"..there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon..."

"you do look glum! What you need is a gramme of soma."

"the warm, the richly coloured, the infinitely friendly world of soma-holiday. How kind, how good-looking, how delightfully amusing every one was! "

"By this time the soma had begun to work. Eyes shone, cheeks were flushed, the inner light of universal benevolence broke out on every face in happy, friendly smiles. Even Bernard felt himself a little melted."

"I don't understand anything," she said with decision, determined to preserve her incomprehension intact. "Nothing. Least of all," she continued in another tone "why you don't take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You'd forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable, you'd be jolly. So jolly,"

“Was and will make me ill,
I take a gram and only am."

"Bernard also laughed; after two grammes of soma the joke seemed, for some reason, good. Laughed and then, almost immediately, dropped off to sleep,..."

A gramme is better than a damn," said Lenina mechanically from behind her hands. "I wish I had my soma!" "

"And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there's always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there's always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears-that's what soma is."

fairly accurate assessment

If you have medical marijuana card (at least in NJ) then you cannot own a firearm... not only do they placate the masses but they infringe upon the 2A right simultaneously. Sad!

more taxes and more money for wallstreet, outrage over weed is quite dishonest when american kids are fed speed opiods and have their dicks cut off along with some tranny hormones you can't fix a sick society legalized weed won't change anything america is already terminal

I've never seen a pothead amount to anything meaningful outside of the herb. It's probably a drug induced way to create a perpetual underclass.

Bait and switch. You take away one freedom, and you have the illusion of gaining freedom.
At least some law enforcement refuse to enforce some of their states gun laws.

farmers rights > snowflake feelings