Daily reminder that traveling the world is redpilled

Daily reminder that traveling the world is redpilled

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yes, PLEASE travel THE WORLD, not other parts of your country

i grew up in central florida and im sick and tired of smelly midwestern people shitting up orlando because they cant afford to travel anywhere else

Attached: pepe eyeroll.jpg (228x221, 7K)


Attached: map of hell.jpg (806x720, 95K)

>traveling the world is redpilled

narcistic and snobish activity for millenials

OP is a rostie whore

That (((Schnoz)))...

The smugness of this photo irks me

"Traveling" is thot codeword for getting wasted in foreign countries and filled with cock.

Attached: David Roadkill.gif (349x255, 1.77M)

pls explain
also tourists stay in the big cities
there are chinks even in the town next to mine

Nothing makes me appreciate white 1st world countries more than wading through shit for a couple weeks a year.

>live in the middle of a shithole swamp that produces nothing of value
>be mad at tourists who are the only source of income in his shithole

>t. Paco Sanchez

somebody pls explain.
I got a choice to make
>go on erasmus (going abroad and partying with parent's money)
>stay in the netherlands and work my ass off by doing an internship
i find the second one more useful


>Travelling the material world when you're supposed to be exploring the spiritual world
Yes, that's right, let those poor countries suck the money out of your country.

>travel is an artificial accomplishment

Attached: gangesinbeautifulinspring.png (800x550, 769K)

Traveling is incredibly blue pilled

Waste your money on pointless hedonism instead of actually building a life in your home

Wrong. Traveling is akin to being Western.

Why is she taking a selfie while holding a camera? Bitch is holding two cameras wtf

How can I tell if a girl has been travelling for the experience, or for fucking around ?

Nowadays dating is fucking horrible, you have to accept that a soccer team went raw dog on her.
Probably 1 black in her score too.

Attached: 137593505136.jpg (240x320, 14K)

she's taking a digital picture to let people know she shoots an analog too
fucking bitches

>How can I tell if a girl has been travelling for the experience, or for fucking around ?
If she is a total slwhore before she traveled


If I could afford to travel, I would go to
israel(to infiltrate the jewish state)
australia(do do drugs and party with my aussie brothers
poland, macedonia, ireland(to learn about my heritage)
japan (to eat bomb ass food)
somalia (to kill some raisin-heads)