So guys, we did it we reached a quater of a million frauds, 250,000 Thots and still being reported

So guys, we did it we reached a quater of a million frauds, 250,000 Thots and still being reported.
The fact that we reached this number in such a short amount of time is just phenomenal i-im just amazed, thank you all so much
for supporting this causel and helping it grow I-I love you guys, you guys are just awesome.

Real question Twitch Thots when Boys?

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Other urls found in this thread:

how are you keeping track of how many have been reported?

post how you know

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question, as a bond if i report thots to the IRS do i get a percentage of the comission

Y'all leave Venti out of this. Yall know she works hard for the cause. She is the queen of Jow Forums after all.

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She can escape her punishment if she shows tits, ass, vag, and a video of her cumming.

worry about exploitive billionaires not paying their fair share instead of people that have to sell their bodies’ to pay rent. now fuck off cunt.

I am against this über nigger

Twitch thots when? I already submitted on STPeach and Alinity

They are leafs

lol- that's a damn good idea, but the IRS doesn't believe in finder's fees. The fuckers are likely to tax us for just bringing it up.

It is over.

shes whiter than you and your goat-whore mother, poo-jeet

If only we could report white knights for being absolute fucking faggots. I hope you die a painful death you disposable piece of shit.

Yes. And I reported to the CRS (Canadian Revenue Service)

And her tax returns.

Why is Jow Forums targeting Porn Hub’s smaller competitors? Why is Jow Forums shilling for the corporate monopoly?

Are you fags gonna start shilling for CNN and Fox News over le alt-Media next?

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Wait y’all hit 250000 already? How can I help out, I feel bad for standing on the sideline the whole time

Collect that bounty boys!

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I wonder if the accumulative taxes that the feds now get...are enough to cover a portion of the wall.

You can get up to 20% finders fee for original info. Depends on how much money. Look at the website.

Its essentially bounty hunting

>when THOTS pay for the wall

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At least I can talk to a girl.

taiwan-user got it right. this is just the tip of the ice((berg))), Jow Forums needs to accumulate data to get big corporations to pay their fair share. we've got the autism to do it show me your war face when amazon & co go down because of some shitposting autists

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Canadian Revenue Agency, and they probably won't do shit since they're too busy harassing small businesses for real money.

blonds taste like vomit
and the blue eyed even worst
i gather fuck a street dog in the ass.

shes a goblin
you fuckwits should stop posting her pics on here

Literally anyone can, the fact that you think that's an achievement says a lot about your fatass.

thot detected. Get her, boys.

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Giga brained take

Whatever you guys do, don't touch my pure waifu Lauren Southern, I couldn't live with myself if she has to suffer hardship from an IRS audit

This morning has been fucking great!

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Muttthot will not be spared, all roasties will be taxed and regulated

holy shit.. This reaction makes me want to white knight.

Can someone report kutiekitten please

fucking hate that bitch

>El Goblino
>implying she's the queen of Jow Forums

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It's a fucking copypasta based off of a stupid youtube video you 12 year old neets


fuck you I just reported her myself

White Knight

These guys get it. The only reason why this stuff even happens is because the globo-homo has forced young women into believing that whoring themselves is a viable option for making a living.

Why hasn't Trump released his tax returns? Why do you faghots care more about making ransom peoples lives harder than holding the president whom you admire responsible and accountable? The state of the alt right is more pathetic every day.


You can't contain this meme faggots

Kek, you already white knight. Who are you kidding?

>Jow Forums targets Porn Hub’s small business competitors
>without any proof of tax evasion taking place, Jow Forums weaponized the IRS against people who are guilty by association
goddamn you faggits are as tiresome as these groveling hordes of NPC commie scum. Enjoy your witch/thot hunt.

Don’t be mad when you get penalized for falsely reporting tax evasion, seeing as many of these thots are paying taxes.

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>look at twitter
>all the seething thots and white knights are using variations of the same insults
it all falls under "incel", "virgin", "small dick" and "basement dweller". this shit is fucking funny as hell and i love it.

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You are absolutely wasting everyone's time reporting whores who use twitch, patreon, chaturbate, patreon and all of the other big cam sites. Those sites all submit 1099s(freelancer tax statements) to the IRS already. You need to hit FinDoms and "escorts" who likely collect benefits on top of not paying pussy tax.

Yes, and like winning the lotto, earning a check, inheriting a sum, they'll be right there, hand out, to tax you for the finder's fee they just gave you, and hammer you on it if you don't declare. When will America ever learn?

You cunt, prostitution is one of the oldest jobs. The issue today is feminism promotes these ideas to very young children. I see 10 years olds say it's fine to sell your body for money.

Right, not like certain women have been selling sex and their bodies for the entirety of history or anything.

Wait, what do you mean 250,000?

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