IS THIS MAP Correct?

Is this map mostly correct? I labelled the great powers of the world and assigned them territory by color based on their hold of power over other sovereign nations. The only place I started guessing was Africa, where I wasn't sure whether to give some territories to the US, EU, or PRC.

Attached: Control of the World.png (6460x3480, 1.43M)

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No, all of the US and EU zones belong to Israel.

Attached: 2qvqla0.jpg (720x688, 117K)

Philippines belongs to Israel.

>Crimea not Russian
American autists.

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If it has a central bank it belongs to Israel.

So many wrong things that I even know where to begin. For starters, how the fuck are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, etc; the Caucasus; Central and northern South America; and Vietnam controlled by the US? And why is Ukraine controlled by the EU? And why is Pakistan and Indonesia controlled by China? And why is Iraq and Syria not part of the Arab league, but instead controlled by Iran? And why does Brazil somehow controll almost all of South America? This map is completely retarded.

This. FPBP.

So much more of this should belong to (((them))).

Attached: 1540056644437.png (545x720, 477K)

Swap Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The Bengalis are down to talking with us and the Sri Lankans are getting pwned by the Chinese to give up their ports.

The EU should just be US control. It's a fucking meme to think that the EU at this point in time is anything other than following the interests of the USA.

Central Asia should be Russian though.

In order to separate Crimea from Ukraine, I'd have to use the detailed Europe map which wouldn't show the rest of the world. It's by country

> Kazakhs, etc.
I didn't say completely controlled. I said they have power over them, and leverage. The US has more leverage in central Asia than Russia does.
> Syria, Iraq
Why would they be in the arab league at all? It isn't 2002. Iraq was destroyed and Iran moved in to install their own puppet government with shiite rulers. Syria is ruled by Bashar al-Assad who was excommunicated from the Arab League and is wanted dead by everybody who is a part of it. Iran supports Assad, and Assad has won in Syria. Iran has far more power in Syria than Saudi Arabia's Arab League. Same with Iraq. This is a map of which country has the most power and influence in that nation, not which useless title they belong to.

Somalia and Djibouti are in the Arab league.

It should be, but it isn't. The US has plenty of military bases in central Asia, and they have more influence than Russia. The only thing Russia has is some Soviet nostalgia, and none of the former sattelites want to ally with Russia right now. Also I actually gave China more of central Asia, which includes Mongolia.
Anybody who thinks Russia has the majority influence in any country outside of its borders of Belarus and Crimea, is a bit deluded. China is far stronger in Asia

Again, this isn't about who belongs to what on paper. This is about how has the largest influence, and China has enormous influence in east africa. Even if they are in the league, China has more influence than Saudi Arabia and Egypt do. Which is also why Algeria and Morocco are in the EU sphere.

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Damn, really? I assumed China had surrounded you guys.

No, it's not.
This is Russian sphere of influence. And Ukraine is under complete American control, EU was literally told to fuck off from here.

Attached: Collective_Security_Treaty_Organization_orthographic_projection.svg.png (541x541, 147K)

>It should be, but it isn't. The US has plenty of military bases in central Asia, and they have more influence than Russia. The only thing Russia has is some Soviet nostalgia, and none of the former sattelites want to ally with Russia right now.
You are clearly clueless. It doesn't control all Central Asia, but Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and also Armenia are part of Russian military alliance and economic union. That's not just "soviet nostalgia"...
Also Uzbekistan is leaning to Russia as of late, too. Turkmenistan is just trying to be non-aligned. And you don't have much presence in Central Asia...

>Brazil control all of south america
Kek,who the fuck made this map?Its so retarded its not even worth adressing seriously.

Also thinking that Iran has more influence in Armenia than Russia, you are a goddman brainlet...
And there's plenty of other retarded shit on this map. As user said above, EU is nothing - it's an American bitch as long as NATO exists.

>The US has more leverage in central Asia than Russia does.
In what way? Pls, enlighten me.

Brazil leaves the mercosur we're left eating our toenails, fellow spic

Switch most of it to Israel

Any country that's part of the globo-homo big gay disco cabal is under US control, which is in turn under Israel's control.

Attached: knock-knock-whos-there-GAYDISCOjpg.jpg (656x364, 67K)

you could've just drawn a line in paint

Looking good.

Then again you’re wrong, China has almost no presence in Somalia, largely because of an event that happened in Ethiopia who is actually in bed with the Chinese, where a Somali separatist group bombed a Chinese Oil field on the Ogaden region of Somalia which is predominately Somali.

China only recently opened an embassy in Somalia in 2014. China-Somali relations actually only really began to cool in the Chinese-Arab summit 2014 pictures here, the blue flag being Somalia’s.

Somalia has much stronger ties with the Arab world and the USA than China.

Djibouti is kind of an edge case since they hold both Chinese, French and American bases.

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