Transgender hate thread
Transgender hate thread
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Don't hate em, just think they are delusional and mentally ill and the rest of society who are the absolute majority shouldn't enable them and submit to their worldview. Surgery in these cases isn't solving anything especially at the age of 12...
notto disu shitto ageN
Only in Canada
itsu riirii oru sou taiaringu
shit and i liked this guy as an actor...
I can't wait to see these kids when they grow up.
instead of science we will pay for HRT
instead of exploring the infinity of space we will explore the infinite genders
instead of learning our kids useful things we will learn them about diversity
i would not even be mad if there would be a nuclear war because people dont deserve life
Don't like or trust anyone in Hollywood
i think this will all be viewed as a disastrous experiment and failure of the social sciences in a decade or two
The west is fucked anyhow if things continue this way
I approve of this because it means fewer Californian's will breed.
It will be very entertaining when these guinea pig children grow into adulthood and realize how badly the ideology irreversably fucked their lives.
The fact that so many adults think it's ethical to sterilize and mutilate children makes me rage. How did we fall this far?
Some are already speaking out. When they do, the left just dismisses them insists they weren't "real" trannies.
why are so many kids transitioning?
Call me Gilgamesh, because I'm ready for a cull. I don't even care what it is anymore.
Nice, everything that makes the incel cry of anger its good.
Well at least the e-thots should be happy their IRS money is funding the competition.
California actually legit needs to be nuked. no exaggeration.
Demonic influence.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
You must hate them, hate will lead us and make us free
Dude these kids are going to be beyond fucked up mentaly. Guaranteed this shit was pushed on them from their parents. Gotta sacrifice the kids mental health to appear progressive and hip.
Here's an incel, notice anything?
Please tell me this shit is fake. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK
I have a 5 and 3 year old. I'm afraid for their futures.
>allowing 12-year olds to get
Nice to see they've lowered the legal adulthood range again. Traditional AoCs can't return soon enough.
Why not legalize pedophilia at once? Doesn't seem any different from that.
>nipple gauze
what such visage doth displease mine eyes to such extent as a mad hatter!
Raise them good one for the black cock and the other for the jew cock
what the fuck even is this
Relax. {{THEY}} are doing that as we speak. {{THEY}} are God's chosen after all. Once {{THEY}} have managed to get their space program up and running from within the confines of {{THEIR}} sanctuary while setting up turrets in {{THEIR}} mile-high walls which will shoot any of the mongrelized low-IQ races {{THEY}} will bastardize the rest of the world into, {{THEY}} will leave the planet behind after leaving the confused monkeys and orcs our descendants will be in order to pollute {{THEIR]}} genes across the universe.
Be happy you will not be alive to witness {{THEIR}} ultimate victory no thanks to useful idiots within our own countries too stupid to follow {{THEIR}} agenda and of brainless altruism towards others who gladly take advantage of it.
I bet your IQ is 200
You got it buddy! Thanks for the advice!
you. you understand.
do not enlarge this image of orcs from my homeland.
>12 year olds wanting to avoid a future where the whole of their behavior and being is deemed immoral
Can't really blame 'em, desu.
I don't see how you think being trans avoids this. As soon as people know you're trans you're under a microscope.
Are those two on the left female?
Her lawyer, Charles Waterstreet, told the court that she had been "out of her mind" at the time, and was affected by drugs, alcohol and prescription medication.
Amati testified that her mental health had declined after she began taking hormones to transition from male to female.
From shitlords, maybe. But SJWs give you the tools to browbeat anyone you want out of it as long as you have enough victim points.
>mental health had declined
WOOOOOOOOOOW, who would've thought huh
They're already trying
You don't hate someone who is mentally ill. You just feel pity for them
So, how does that translate to your behavior when interesting with them?
Because, if you believe they have a mental illness that makes them feel uncomfortable as a man, isn't it the right thing to do to treat them like a woman?
>implying I interact with them
I never encounter transgender people where I live. Shame really, it'd be a nice break from the cismonotony.
i dont care for the west they can fuck off they are degenerates
its just nature fighting back
i dont blame (((them))) for doing it
i wish them the best of luck destroying the west and possibly causing ww3 so the humanity can die in a nuclear war
theres a clever axe wound pun in here somewhere
One exception.
Daily reminder that Harvard had BM under their fingernails.
Did you even think for a second before posting?
What other forms of delusions would you encourage because you want to be nice?
>Because, if you believe they have a mental illness that makes them feel uncomfortable as a man, isn't it the right thing to do to treat them like a woman?
That's like treating an anorexic by encouraging them to go on a diet.
holy fucking kek
Mel is /our guy/
This is proof (not that we needed any) that hormone therapy is not only wrong, but downright dangerous.
I can't get my head around the way in which this "trans" bullshit is being normalized, especially with kids. The media are pushing this stuff so hard it's unbelievable. Am I just naive? Why are normies swallowing such obscene abnormalities so willingly?
Is "learn them" a Croatian tic?
I think we can all agree Jap bants are the best bants
Did this user get banned or something? Don't see why all his posts would get deleted.
You do realize that it's science that say that being gay is natural right??
Isn't this just state sponsored castration for both genders?
With younger people, I believe it's women that identify as the other gender more often
>a Croatian tic
are you new at life? learn instead of teach is one of the most common ESL mistakes, niggers do it all the time
nvm, >>>/global/rules/2
I have a presentation on ethical dillemas, doing transgender surgery
However every source I find says that it's good and doesn't talk about any of the possible negative side effects.
Could someone help me get some good research?
I really didn't want to fucking hate them but it's almost impossible with this shit.
A few years ago I would have happily helped them but now, now I just want to fucking end them.
>Demonic influence.
Female influence.
I'm used to gore/rekt threads.
But this ...
There's a difference?
I understand you. I couldn't care less about someone who wants to change their gender. But I just can't stand transgender activists. They end up making us hate every tranny.
Nuke California.
Trannism is being pushed on kids so hard right now why is that? This is completely degeneracy.
Not all of us are like this.
Don't hate themselves enough?
>there's a cleaver axe pun in here somewhere