I'm assuming this trash only exists to give the government an excuse to censor the internet more than it's already...

I'm assuming this trash only exists to give the government an excuse to censor the internet more than it's already censoring itself.

Can anyone confirm?

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-141451.png (1440x2560, 1.09M)

Other urls found in this thread:



This thread could reach gold standard.

How pattern recognition is bad and why black people are never responsible and accountable.

>pattern recognition

"IQ tests don't mean anything, they're just pattern recognition!"

>computers be raysiss an sheeeeiiit
Welcome to binary. Enjoy your stay.

Algorithms of Truth...
How Search Engines Prove Stereotypes and that the darker the skin, the lower the IQ

“How niggers are incapable of understanding confirmation bias, and other nigger shit”
Fixed the title

Fuck off google

Attached: why didnt you listen.jpg (750x563, 38K)

I'm in america, and it won't give me any completions for anything like "why are french", "why are old men", or anything that involves groups of people

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-25_14-35-27.png (317x357, 76K)

I'm guessing the book ends with a plea
for search engines to change their algorithms, and for governments to make them.

Basically, a very early version of thought policing.

I don't care how good ones intentions, this is beyond fucked up. It's not playing with fire - it's jumping into a volcano!

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-25_14-38-58.png (290x355, 63K)

A survey made by the official german federal comitee of political education revealed something interesting:

The survey asked germans if they agree to the following statement:

>White people are rightly the leaders in the world

11.2% of german males agree
13.2% of german females agree

source: bpb.de/politik/extremismus/rechtsextremismus/213670/rassismus.

I would honestly not expected that. How is that?

Attached: 2008to2014_survey.png (595x499, 35K)

>why is Jow Forums still up?

Seriously, some dumb motherfucker actually asked why Jow Forums is still up.

I'll answer the question:

Because ppl still use it.

Would this person rather Jow Forums be taken down? Who does he/she think takes these websites down? Why does he/she trust them?

its important to remember that Google's product is user data, and their clients are advertisers.

Their methods of getting user data is a closely guarded trade secret.

If they make their algorithms public it could threaten their whole market model, it could destroy them over night.

It's completely made up. No actual search engine provides those auto-fill search suggestions. Just another example of kikes manipulating low IQ populations who don't understand technology.

Attached: censored.jpg (628x327, 51K)

(((They))) are doing everything in their power to stop Trump from being re-elected, aren't they? Even if it mean manipulating NPCs on a global scale incredibly subtly.

Fuck these guys. How the hell can they keep claiming to be the good guys. They are literally advocating mass mind manipulation. This is beyond fucked up.

I typed "why are black women so" in Google.
There was no autocomplete.
Some SJW must have made up the alleged autocompletes in order to have something to complain about.
Please try this out in your location and report back if you wish.

it sort of works

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.54.34 PM.png (474x472, 45K)

You must be quite young. Roughly 5 years ago this was really a thing. But german NGOs like the Antonio Amadeu Stiftung (lead by a former STASI member) intervened.

Since then, there is a "report" button next to the search suggestions.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.55.35 PM.png (490x192, 17K)

i go no results for "why are black women"
but this is what i got for "why are women"

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.56.36 PM.png (478x208, 20K)

nah, it's probably real from back before people complained about it. google autocompletes just about anything, but I can't get it to autocomplete anything about people except in a rare case where the one item is innocuous.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-25_14-57-24.png (310x356, 65K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.58.16 PM.png (469x486, 47K)

Not as bad as it could have been

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-145936.png (1440x2560, 191K)

attempting to type "black women are"
only one result that could be misconstrued to be rayciss

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.59.02 PM.png (473x233, 23K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 2.01.05 PM.png (499x526, 33K)

wtf is this. These autocompletes dont even seem human

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-150114.png (1440x2560, 204K)

>germans are:

>victims (meant as "betas"
>not migrants nothing more
>not migrants

Attached: deutsche sind.png (989x501, 41K)

stereotypes have merit

Attached: 1531063013593.jpg (3840x2160, 1.75M)

what did they mean by this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 2.04.04 PM.png (461x197, 18K)

turkish people are:

>like pokemon trainers

Attached: türken sind.png (992x453, 24K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 2.06.15 PM.png (478x329, 31K)

are you krauts colluding with sandnigs to defeat google?

Attached: stuff.png (619x837, 68K)


unemployment rate of turks in germany according to the german federal employment bureau: 28.7%

german source:

you don't have to point that out. i've also never seen a turkish person working except for selling drugs

I meant those specific suggestions. It works for some things but I can't find a search engine that would auto-fill for "why are black women so ".

>israelites are:

*no sears suggestion appears *

Attached: israelis sind.png (685x360, 14K)

Yes. Old story.
"Algorithms of oppression" was an allegedly academic investigation of search engines.
Wikipedia has an entry about it.

Thanks for the translations user. As I am sure you are aware Germans are one of the most socially acceptable groups to shit on so it's no surprise that the nigs get better treatment from these search engines.

You got it. Its alway the people in power the majory talks trash about.

When the sun never set. The brits had to listen to much shit talk as well. German, French, Italian and Spanish folks blamed the English for a whole range of deseases.

Jeremy Paxman points this out in his book "The english - a portrait of a people". Great book to understand the english mind and their poshness".

So... does it overtly demand that the government intervene, or does it humbly ask the search engine providers to self-regulate (with the same end result of thought policing)

Because you are polite. just for you now.

>americans are:

>english folks
>shocked when they enter an Aldi-Supermarket for the first time
>in sindelfingen

About sindelfingen: many US-soldiers live there. There are flats that are for US-americans only.

Shall I translate another peoples search suggestion?

Attached: amerikaner sind.png (981x525, 41K)

>Since then, there is a "report" button next to the search suggestions.

Funfact: /b/ used to get together and autistically enter offensive shit into google search functions in order to modify the automatic suggestions. Not that I know anything about that, I'm from stormfront. Accusing Google of being racist in order to get people to stop using it isn't a bad idea, though. I'm sure the irony would be lost on most people, though.


I've often read shit talk about storfront here. In fact so much, that I didn't even gasp, what stormfront is. When I look it up in the interwebs I only get left articles about SF.

Can you briefly explain me, what SF is up to? Or what kind of people you are in general?

Attached: Oh_no.png (1255x694, 402K)

They're fags

>Can you briefly explain me, what SF is up to? Or what kind of people you are in general?

Well, us stormfronters are all very funny people. There is nothing we love more than a good joke. We also love vBulletin-style forums because we have been using them for 30 years. Most of all we love Jomon pornographic ceramic cartoon imageboards full of Japanese stuff and every manner of degeneracy. We love the latter so much we brought all our friends and even our fathers here. And my father is old. I'm 56 and have swastikas tattooed all over my face and neck, this the result of 12 years in prison for lynching, you see. You can tell a stormfront post because it's always serious as fuck. Sometimes we pose as our enemies: you heard of the 'russian bot' meme? Yeah, that was us. We're plotting to burn 9001 crosses across America pretty soon. Most of all we accuse non-stormfronters of being from stormfront and this how we really blend in, you better watch out.

Google has shut off predictions for "why are black/white men/women".

Imagine speaking authoritatively about a set of algorithms which are tightly kept trade secrets and whose details are entirely unknown to the public.

She could literally say whatever the fuck she wants and get away with it.

And the knuckle dragging goyim would just eat it up w/o asking a single question.

This is probably the biggest recent work in the "digital humanities." It's not directly glowshit. Academia is just fundamentally pozzed. So you have computer illiterate negroes making shit up (see: ) and no one wants to be the one to say "What if the algorithm isn't actually racist and you just phrased your search query in a style only used for stereotyping?" As for why this exists, academic jobs and promotion are fiercely competitive and this is something the author 1) knew would sell, 2) knew would get praise in the field at various stages of production, and 3) could attract a lot of support along the way to make things even easier and more lucrative.

You have to keep in mind that the target audience of this book things that Law & Order GamerGate episode is essentially a factual account of what happened, and things only got worse after the 2016 elections (the primaries, Brexit, Trump, etc.). Look through any big conference program in the humanities the past couple years. It's all "Images of migration in popular culture," "Teaching 18th Century British Literature After Brexit," "Fighting Trumpism Through Interpretive Dance."