Medical Jow Forumsice

Army Medic
Taking all medical-related questions, to (try to) keep them all to one thread.
Also military questions, I suppose.

Medics are in the business of quick diagnosis, not in depth, but I do know when you should see a doctor.

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my right eye keeps getting redder than my left throughout the day, i tried toning down my time staring at screens and bright shit but it continues to get bloodshot red later in the day wot do?

You can strain one eye more than the other from a number of reasons. Do you wear glasses, sleep on one side much more than the other, wash your face regularly, or anything else you might think of that unbalances it?
Big question, does it hurt, or just get red?

don't wear glasses. it varies mainly facedown,yeah i scrub my mug. no it doesn't hurt just gets tired trying to keep it open after a while, i actually have to concentrate on keeping it open when its bad

Sounds like the actual nerve, or the internal workings might have been strained by some rapid movement, or overuse, respectively.
There's no way of knowing for sure without an optometrist taking a closer look at it, but there's good money on them fitting you with an eye-patch for a few days if either of my guesses are right.
If it's not painful now, it's the best time to go. That means it's not serious, and will respond better to the aid.

my optometrist is an ass and is always trying to upsell me ill go with the eyepatch, thanks

Since my last period I've started lactating slightly. Is this a sign of breast cancer?

Your call. Can't make you do anything.

Give it three days, and don't keep it on 24/7. No more than 8 hours at a time, but try and take it off for an hour every 4 it's on.
Get a patch with a concave bump so it doesn't put pressure on the lid.

Both sides or one nipple only?

I love you.

Hey doc, I feel terrible. Should I try changing my socks?

What’s the word on being on ADD meds with a diagnosis in the service? Absolute bar and no waivering possible? Even at the officer level? (attorney, would be going JAG)

I wanna work in the medical field, either as a physician, or an engineer, but not as a nurse. EMT sounds like something I'd only do temporarily. Any cool jobs that I might not know about?

Was out and about. Wife needed some shopping done.

Brush your teeth, drink some water, change your socks, and take about 8 ibuprofen (4 every 4 hours in 200mg doses).

Neat, but I respect the boundaries between patient and provider.
Though I know a few that don't if you're into that shit.

Specialty techs make mad bank, especially X-Ray techs. Might look into that.

Depends on the severity, and is entirely up to how your recruiter swings it. It used to be a death sentence, then you could be grandfathered in, and now you can have it coming in, with restrictions.
I don't know those off the top of my head.

>you can have it coming in, with restrictions.
Very interesting. Maybe my military service dream isn’t dead after all.

The severity isn’t bad, but if I’ve gotta quit and be off for a year or something (was something I heard elsewhere), the taper period is gonna be hellish.

im young 20s,college grad, work in the corporate world for a good salary but am bored as fuck with business careers. i'll probably kill myself if i have to suck corporate dicks and sit in a cube for the rest of my life. i'd like to meet a bunch of weird people and basically do something new. is the military a dumb idea? i'm somewhat smart.

>Is the military a dumb idea
If you have no other prospects, it's great. Meals, pay, housing, medical, and maybe a skillset. Admittedly, all of those things actually are shitty food, poverty levels of pay, a tiny room, dumbasses like me, and something that often has no civilian equivalent.
But, you're doing a hell of a lot better than where you were.

For someone like you, I'd avoid it. You still need to suck the big green weenie with people telling you what to do and stealing credit for your work, and doing stupid shit because that's the way it always was done; now go shovel that rain since we don't have money for buckets, troop!
If you hate your white collar career path, go blue collar. Working with your hands is something a lot of people enjoy, and there's usually a lot less people above you, plus enough jobs that you don't only have the one option in your town.

thanks man. i know i got it good and many military people would probably trade to be in my place. im just restless and don't know what to do.

I'll give this one last bump before I head to bed. I'll read and reply to anything when I roll my ass out of bed for the new shift they slapped me with.


Can you tell me the rhythm ?

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Dr. Feelgood, I have plantar fasciitis and holy fuck it hurts worse some days than others 'cause the area where it's at swells overnight and therefore I limp like a motherfuck come morning.

I have been doing stretches, wearing supports on my feet during the day and wrapping occasionally at night. Ibuprofen does NOTHING; Nabumetone does NOTHING. Eating CBD gummy bears worked at first (15 MG these ones) and now nothing, I ate a 75MG one and still nothing.

I cannot stay off my feet for too long because of my job.


i was hit by a car back in december, got a first class seat on front bumper airlines, i landed on my left side judging by the scars, hit hard enough to send my shoes flying.

thing is my left hip and left side of my pelvis have been hurting on and kinda off, lower/mid back pain too. sitting cross legged is agonizing after a minute or two. activity makes it much worse, i find.

how likely is it i have a stable fracture? i can move my leg the ways a broken hip cant, but just with pain

im extremely anxious to request xrays from my doctor, since last year i feel like pestered him to xray my elbow more than i shouldve, im horrible i know, im sorry, im actually sorry. (did say it was a sprain but after a few closer looks turns out it was a radial head fracture, its still tender to touch)

how likely is it my hip/pelvis is fractured? so that if i request an xray i wont come off as a whiny child again

Had a small reoccurring headache for the past week, but as of recently, I felt some major bone pain (joint) followed by a migraine.
Should I be worried?


I joke, I jest. Don't do drugs, kids.

In all honesty, you'd need some stuff not from over the counter. We're talking Vicodin, Oxycodone, and the like.
I'd go talk to your provider, since pain on the bone won't be stopped by your standard drugs. Keep taking an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen, since even it it doesn't feel like it's helping the pain, it will help with the swelling. Get a gel insert for your feet, if you don't already have one.
Shit sucks man. Sorry, but there's not much to do but wait for it to heal.

Even if it is a fracture, you're about four months too late for anything to be done about it. In fact, over four months, it should have damn near healed completely by now, if it was a stable or small fracture.
Without being able to take a look at it, I couldn't tell you, and probably couldn't even if I did. There are entire fields devoted to muscle and joint pain, which this sounds far more likely that it is.

See your doctor, but don't worry about an X-Ray. I'd look more into physical therapy.

Sucks that Jow Forums was down for so long.

>Joint pain
I'm getting mixed messages here. What joint hurts? The closest one I can think of are the jaws.

>What joint hurts?
Sorry for not being specific enough. Those would mainly be my knees, elbows, and to an extent, shoulderblades.

I have eczema can I join the army

This is probably going to sound retard but I’ll try my best:

I keep getting tummy aches, it’s not my actual stomach, just the general area. I started doing ab work outs (crunches) but a few days later I passed a little blood in my stool. After that I stopped because I would get sharp aches in what feels like the fat in front of my stomach? (Im not actually fat, just intoned)
I haven’t seen blood since, but the pain is getting a little worse. It comes and goes, it’s almost like having a stitch but I’ve tried changing my diet and exercise and keeping an eye to see if either has an effect.. there’s none that I’ve noticed. It’s pretty random and sometimes can be at the side front or back of my tummy

>mfw probably have bowel cancer

Im currently studying anatomy and cannot understand which muscles are responsible for individual finger flexion and not the hand as a unit. Care to explain?

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I have eczema, and I know a few others than do. You should be alright, but your recruiter can upsell or downsell you. He's got a little say when they ask if it's severe.

You're talking to a medic, not a doctor.
The hand is one of the most complex grouping of bones and muscle. I don't know enough to know I don't know enough, and that 2000 characters couldn't tell the whole story if I could.

Alright, you've got me stumped on this one.
All I can tell you is that if there's a set pattern to it (pain, then migraine) that there is definitely something wrong. It's likely an infection or virus.
Seriously consider going to your provider, and go for damn sure if it gets worse or doesn't improve in a week. Anti-inflammatories should help with both symptoms.

>Blood in stool
>Pain in stomach
>Getting worse
It's probably not cancer, but it's not something I'd take a risk on. Any time pain is getting worse is a time you should go to a provider.
My main advice is to not take any pills or change your diet at all until you're seen. Your body is trying to fix itself, so introducing new things or taking away what it had isn't a great idea.

What is your current diet you're trying for, and is your stool currently runny, very hard, off-color, ect?

Why do i fell so unmotivaded to do anything?It came to the point that I don't fell anything.I tried to do excercise and i ate healthy for some time,but it didn't do much.What should I do?

Already got a colonoscopy and other tests coming up, so already being addressed but maybe you can give more insight:

Has a lump start appearing and disappearing in my inguinal area. Went to er (doctor was closed) who confirmed what I thought.. inguinal hernia.

Teats and new information showed it's not a hernia, it's my testicle moving up to the inguinal canal when I nut.

The doctor explained it's actually not medically serious and it probably muscle related, and doctor Google says this can happen if you get constipated a lot (which I do) because the strain can work out the cremaster muscle. Confirm or deny?

Ok I'll get to the point and my real question : she's sent me for an ultra sound on my balls, but she was more doing so to quell my anxiety, which she already did when she did a physical and told me that it's likely not a big deal, and anything that could cause it that is a big deal will be found with a colonoscopy.

I dont really feel like getting an ultrasound on my balls. Should I do it?

>My main advice is to not take any pills
I’ll be honest I’m female and I went to my doctor when it started and I was prescribed 30/500 codine tablets for period cramps. I tried to explain I’m pretty sure I know the difference between cramps and something else but the doctor disagreed. I haven’t taken any because I know they can cause constipation which won’t help.
He also suggested the blood was due to sporadic premenstral bleeding. (I am certain I can tell the difference)

>What is your current diet you're trying for, and is your stool currently runny, very hard, off-color, ect?
Sometimes I skip breakfast but if I don’t ill have cereal (corn flakes). Lunch is usually a ham sandwich, pack of crisps and a chocolate bar. Dinner is most often chicken and rice of some kind, or pasta. I have steamed broccoli 3/4 times a week, snack on fruit and drink at least 2L of water every day.

Stool can be dark hard and dry one day, runny and yellowish the next. I tried cutting down on starch but I felt like it made the pain more frequent.

Different fag. Got some decent psychology education, not a doctor, if an actual psychologist shows up then take their opinion over mine.

Pretty sure this means your uptake s screwed up. You could be doing things you used to find stimulating but there's nothing or not much picking up the dopamine, norepinephrine, etc, or a lack of production on these fronts.

Pretty much keeping active even if it feels like it isn't working, *aerobic* exercise (20 minutes 3-4 days a week is enough), activities and being social, watching your sleep and diet, and limiting alcohol intake should do the trick over time.

You're in a state, of course, that makes it extremely difficult to motivate and plan and do these things. You can do it, but I'll remind that's where medication comes in.

The right anti depressant or stimulant drug will balance your chemical production and/or uptake well enough to help you take the proper steps to fight this yourself. The meds do not cure. They bring balance and treat target symptoms so you can do the work.

Take an hour and look into ADHD as well. always possible with long lasting and seemingly inconsistent motivation problems. Not assured at all, but it's enough to ask a few questions.

Oh and hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Always get that thyroid checked with mood disorders.

It's also not a sure sign, but it's a yellow flag, and if your thyroid is off, undiagnosed and unmedicated, depression/anxiety,/weight loss/gain are actually the least of your worries.

Sinus rhythm with hyperacute T waves. Either impending anteroseptal STEMI or hyperkalaemic.

If your diet is consistent and your stool isn't, it's another sign that something is going on that shouldn't be.
Your doctor is a fag and doesn't take his job seriously.
Try not to skip breakfast, pass on the chocolate bar (chocolate is harder for a stomach to break down), and see if you can see a doctor that isn't banking on people not knowing when to tell him he's wrong.

Real talk, I'm constipated and the same thing happens to me on occasion. Right nut just decides the ballsack isn't the hip place to be and it heads for higher grounds.
It's not serious, but can be uncomfortable, depending on the severity. You'd probably know if it was serious because it would be much more painful than uncomfortable.
I'd say the ultrasound isn't really needed, but there's nothing to be worried about. I've had one (also on my balls) and it wasn't even weird.

If it would make you feel more secure there wasn't any damage to them, go for it, otherwise it might not be needed.

Thanks. I won't go then. It's less fear and more time out of my day for something that's unnecessary.

I'm 30, and the doctor gave me the impression that it's just one of many possible things that could hurt or go wrong I have to look forward to as I age.

I can deal with discomfort if it isn't threatening.

Won't be skipping the colonoscopy though, there's other issues that need to be confirmed. likely just ibs, but just in case we checking if it's cronhns or prostatitis or something.

Hey butting in with an idea. I agree with op, your doctor could be doing more for you.. but I likely have ibs (in the process of ruling out other things but we're sure of it) and I get a lot of symptoms like you. I'll address one thing:

>I watch my diet

Sometimes there can be weird rules. I got out on a low fodmaps diet and my symptoms all cleared. With low fodmaps you're targetted very specific chemicals that can be irritating to the digestive system, which can make good foods and bad foods extremely specific.


I cannot eat:

Granola bars
More than one slice of bread
More than half a cup of cooked pasta in one day
Broccoli stems

That was my entire diet when the doctor told me to Change. I was eating "healthy", yet exactly wrong.

What I can eat:

McDonald's as long as bun, pickles and onions removed. Fries and the rest of the burger is fine.

And so on and so on.

Look into it. Try a low fodmaps diet (easily found on google and medically sound) and see if that helps. It's a very specific but forgiving diet, it's actually easy to change to, so it cant hurt at all to try.

Feel like I didn't stress enough. Still keep with doctors. This can maybe possibly provide relief. Even if it works id still keep with the doctor, heck, even reporting it worked and asking to find out why.

I hadn’t considered it to be IBS, so I will mention to the hopefully new doctor that “my friend” has similar issues and ask her if she would recommend the low fodmaps diet.
>mfw the things you cannot eat are things my grandma can’t eat because she has Crohn’s disease
>also the main ingredients to my diet

Going to mention this too. Thank you user

Thank you OP I appreciate your advice. I think I may visit my GP and request a female doctor, perhaps that will give me a better chance of being taken seriously.

Keep doing what you’re doing Doc. If it wasn’t for this thread I’d have probably just ignored it because I’m to awkward to talk about pooping with friends or family.
If I see you post again in the future I’ll let you know how it goes.

Yep i'm getting checked for Crohn's as well. Fingers crossed.

>if there's a set pattern to it. It's likely an infection or virus.
I'll keep an eye on it this week like you have said.
After a night of sleep, the joint pain has subsided, but I still carry a headache.

how does one get to your position? Always been interested in becoming a army medic but don't know where to start.

Talk to your Army recruiter and tell them you want to be a medic.
You need a good GT score from your ASVAB, and there needs to be an opening in the field (which there usually is) for you to be accepted.

The ASVAB is easy as hell. I'm not super smart, and I hit the 99th percentile, twice.
If the MOS isn't available, you can always tell your recruiter that you'll wait for it, and (be firm here) you'll only go in for medic. They will keep an eye on the opening and contact you.

Go to an ophthalmologist. They're real doctors (M.Ds) who specialize in eyes

my bags under my eyes are constantly twitching for years now

The headache is still persisting, not as strong as before, but there is an occassional sharp pain in a random place.
This might be somewhere between a migraine and tensiontype headache. I have taken one advil a day since the migraine.
Should I stick to this?

What unit are you in?

Have you deployed?

Got your CMB?

Not being rude, but what does an army medic know beyond a weekend course in first aid?

The basic medical crash-course in AIT is about 4 months long. After that, the unit you go to gives you additional training, depending on what they tend to see. Since I'm with a bung of dirty flight crew, it's mostly minor sprains and illnesses.
Was a fair shock when they snagged every medic that wasn't leaving the wire and made a field hospital for Iraqi troops and militia, but there was a lot more on the job learning.

Think a training level somewhere above an EMT, and practical knowledge of general care.

Aviation unit. That's as specific as I'm getting.
Yes, Iraq.
My unit never left the wire, 'cause helicopters.

You probably don't want to take the absolute maximum dosage, but I'd go for more than 1 a day.
If you need to buy more, just buy cheapo brand ibuprofen. It's the same drug.

How much caffeine do you take in an average day?
How much sleep do you get in an average night?
Is it painful, or just annoying?

hey just wanted to be a fag and saw how much I appreciate you and others in the medical field. Hope one day I’ll make it

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This last Friday I was out walking in the sun for a good four or five hours with minimal access to water, so naturally I became dehydrated and my legs cramped like hell. I'm far from physically active anymore, so I was actually way over my limit without noticing. It's now Sunday and my legs are still barely usable and recovering. What do you recommend? I've been soaking in very hot water multiple times, doing warm rubbing, catching back up on my water intake and stretching as much as I'm able already.

>appreciating others
>lol what a fag
Thanks. It's much preferable to the people that act insulted when I don't have a pill to cure their condition within the hour.
It ain't the future yet, guys.

Ya done goofed. Good on you for trying to get into shape. Don't let this get you down.
Increase your intake of proteins and salts. Calm down on the stretching, but still do it, until you can move a little easier.
Your legs probably need to heal in addition to getting back to a normal water/salt ratio. You'll be sore for a while, yet.

It wasn't really by choice, I was stuck downtown waiting for something important to resolve. I walked around in order to find a free water source and get out of the sun mostly. I suppose once I heal it'll be an ideal time to keep the activity going at any rate. Thanks.