Help me out Jow Forums I remember reading about how if you took out Hispanics and Blacks from Gun homicides the USA has...

Help me out Jow Forums I remember reading about how if you took out Hispanics and Blacks from Gun homicides the USA has the same or close rate as European countries. I can't seem to find any data that shows it.

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It isn't true.

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Simple it's fake

That's true. Technically it's lower.

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>believing screencaps of charts you find on Jow Forums

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It was actually if you take out white kids from school shootings



Just look up gun homicide rates outside of US cities. Rural areas have more guns per capita and way lower homicide rates.

Why does it matter if some die? Guns are no joke, their purpose is not for shooting paper targets or deer like the weak will tell you. Think why we even have the second in the first place


See this would be perfect, if it was The number of intentional homicides with a firearm based on race. I can't find anyone who compiled that type of data though.

Just google the Color of Crime for all your race stats needs

Check these stats against population numbers in the US

Are they counting "white Hispanics" as just white in this graph, or did they seperately count Euro from Latin/South America "whites"?

Attached: 1502073975520.gif (304x207, 2.13M)

That is just regular homicide though I believe.

Not sure if this helps, but it's a nice stat cluster.

Attached: FBI Murder Rates.png (970x679, 183K)


Attached: 1535820357172.png (999x949, 62K)

Attached: US Murder Rate if all Black or White1496862094707.png (1531x841, 117K)


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Hispanics actually commit the least crimes of the three main groups. Whites commit 65% of all violent crime. Muh per capita is all you have with blacks but they only make up 27% of all violent crime and most of it only effects other blacks in the inner city while white crime effects everyone

you cant figure out how to read statistics posted online at the FBI website? has what you need

US white rate is still higher than the whitest countries in Europe.

That's weird.

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This is false. Hispanics are about 1/3rd if criminals. 1/3rd black.

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I wonder why...

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blacks are peaceful

hispanics did no violence in america!

ur brainwashed by nazi prapaganda

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negligible difference, the USA is over 10 times the population as those counties below it plus USA count many hispanics as white to help dilute "racist" statistics

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Yes, so whites commit crime in proportion to their population. You don't see a problem with blacks commiting crime at over a 2-1 rate? People who make your argument are fuckin retarded. You're legitimately too slow to see how stupid it is and how damning it is to blacks.

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You mean take out the (((white kids))) from school shootings.

>being this programmed.
Faggot, more people have beeb killed by lightning since the 60s than have died in mass shootings. Something like 3k for lightning, and 800 ish for shootings.
Ban assault lightning now!

Dumb fuck, go to ANY county website and look up the bookings. All the Jose's and Juan's and pedro's are listed as white. Take all the wetbacks out and white's barely commit any crime you fucking retard.

Hit a nerve, Wh*ite boy?

>Hispanics is so peaceful homes.

Attached: LA 10 Most Wanted.png (1048x987, 844K)

they love to "monkey" up our crime statistics

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What? Show timestamped hand larping faggot

I would say they are shitting all over the white crime stats.

Don't want the Goyim catching on early, to how destructive the biological WMDs really are.

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whats that pic from? something recent?

Trump rally before he was elected. San Jose, Mexifornia.

Attached: 20A0748.jpg (3000x2000, 1.06M)

the same one with the famous video of the police not doing shit to protect the rally goers while they beat up some teen white kid and threw eggs at a white girl?

That's the one.

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hopefully the san jose mayor and all those police will get justice

I’m raging just remembering

American blacks commit over 50% of all violent crime in the US.

Blacks = highest crime rates
Hispanics = 2nd highest crime rates

I blame lack of education.

Hispanics fell from grace the moment they race mixed with the Aztecs, Amerindians, & niggers.