White people culture

I always see Black people making fun of the fact that White people have no culture. So I must ask, what exactly is considered white culture?

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Paying $800 for tickets to watch Taylor Swift is peak white culture

Ballet, classical music, all the good art

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If you don't already know you're education is worthless.

>what exactly is considered white culture?

Mozart, Hollywood movies, family dinners and generally acting civilized.

All the fine arts
Classical music
Olympic sports
The university system and Academia
Professional health care
Fashion and make-up
Literature and prints

Should I go on or...?

Oh, I forgot personal hygiene and self-improvement

Western civilization.

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The reason brown "people" don't understand what white culture is are exactly the same reasons that fish don't understand what water is.

Working and innovation
Working hard and playing hard

based satan

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Thats not culture

Reminder that if your ancestors didn't come from this region you're not white.

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black people dominate all of these

>duurrr hurrrrrrrrrrrr

Nowadays it's all about social media, memes and youth culture. Only few western countries are still maintaining their traditions and folk fests (Norway, Austria for example).

The thing is that the only culture that the West has nowadays is technology and tolerance. Traditionalism and other "recessive" traits in society have fallen in popularity drastically ever since the 20th-century.

The West has been at the forefront of creating new instead of sticking to its roots. The 1950's radicalized this when Europe started to become more heavily influenced by the American culture which was imbued with rock and fancy cars.

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Ok this is the only good post itt

Even if they did (they dont) they would still be participating in white culture. Just like whigger faggots are participating in nigger culture.

Respecting personal space and speaking volume in public areas


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heelll yeah

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>So I must ask, what exactly is considered white culture?
literally every signal fucking aspect of modern culture, especially in the west.

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>classical music
Are you using this as a blanket term?
>all good art
Lol no

>All the fine arts
>Classical music
>Olympic sports
>The university system and Academia
Possibly correct
>Professional health care
>Fashion and make-up
>Literature and prints
>Should I go on or...?
Well thats 1/10

proof or neck yourself

>>All the fine arts
>>Classical music
>>Olympic sports
>>The university system and Academia
>Possibly correct
>>Professional health care
>>Fashion and make-up
>>Literature and prints
>>Should I go on or...?
>Well thats 1/10


Thats on you idiot, all you said was vague blanket statements to stay safe.

Kings in castles
Red barns
Suits and ties

The problem with western culture, and more so American culture is that America has become so successfully dominant in the world through Hollywood that you dont realises almost EVERYTHING is western culture. You see an Indian wearing a tshirt (an American military piece of clothing) and a pair of Jean's (an American piece of clothing fashioned out of need for extremely durable pants during the gold rush) and he is projecting western culture.
Every thai dish with hot peppers and papaya is using ingredients unique to the Americas
Every middle eastern dish using potatoes and tomatoes is using American ingredient
And so on.
Everything is western culture. Otherwise japanese would still be wearing kimono.

gr8 b8

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I have to hand it to you, this is so much better than a Frank Lloyd Wright home. Why didn't I realize blacks dominating these areas sooner?

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The culture that emanates from white jeans like bicycles, cars, teapots, electricity, and planes


>forgot to mention that not original poster
my bad, but still need proof or neck self


No shit nigger. Never adopted it once eh.

I'll decide what I see asy culture not you samba dasilva

They have no culture. That's why they try to emulate Jewish culture with Christianity.

unfortunately the spics may have a part in that one. any history fags here?

I'm an atheist.
I see Jews and Muslims as the same shit and Christians mere white cucks.

Pretty much everything that permeates though the modern world. Almost the entire modern world is built on the foundation of white culture. It's been so pervasive for so long, that most people never even notice it, or see it anymore.

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Pretty much every modern convenience and media you enjoy is white culture. You don’t notice it the same way a fish doesn’t notice the water.

The culture of winning.

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Shitskins BTFO by a bong. Well said sir.

Just about everything around us


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I can’t believe anyone is rising to this and answering sincerely when it’s so patently obvious that European or “white” culture has a wildly disproportionate value and influence in human history. Just let the thread die.


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Being a cunt

looking at you

This, I see shitskins coming to Canada, and their "culture" is basically smelling like shit and curry, adopting all the worst materialistic attitudes of the West.

>white people have no culture

Excuse me? Did a black person really ever say that? WTF?

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That’s no the point white people still invented basically everything in the civilised world that’s our culture

Niggers invented stealing and murder but whites are better at it than them if we choose to be

Dis is culshural opresshun!

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White culture is ruling the world. If it wasn't, you wouldn't even understand what I'm saying right now.

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What is europe?

all to often, unfortunately

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What you posted is jew culture. Totally superficial, a bunch of meaningless flashy bullshit.

Butthurt non-white detected.

What is black culture -> shit black people do
What is white culture -> shit white people do
The science is settled.

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culture is defined by its adaptability, we invented internet electricity and everything else. so yall nigas culturally appropriating us by using technology. gg

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Every form of government currently used in the world, the way cities are planned world wide, most inventions, most of science, most instruments. Pretty much the default for everything around you is white culture. Everything from your paved driveway to the shingles on your roof and the internet you used to ask this stupid question. The exceptions are rare and that's why you know their exact origin. It's the only thing that people ever came up with.


The entirety of the western world.
Your welcome savages.
We brought you freedom from slavery, the freedom to speak your mind, and music that isnt some over dressed criminal singing about how hard his life is now da police are bothering him for selling crack to kindergarteners

Well said

Running water, electricity, planes, trains, and automobiles, health care, vaccines, refrigeration, phones, internet, space ships, TV, movies, roads, grocery stores, farms,,, you know, things like that.

>What is white people culture

Ask the individual Anglo countries.

Otherwise my short response is "Building and maintaining civilizations".

Here's your white culture.

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Fucking accurate.

Based satan

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I work with a pakistani muslim who is addicted to shopping, she also steals from the company and everyone knows it but lets her get away with it.

(she's been fired twice but re hired)

Waiting in line used to be part of white culture simple things that people take for granted but what can you expect of people that kill each other over some sneakers.

Herding cattle is present in every place there are cattle.

Next time someone says white people don't have culture just ask them if they can even define the word culture

It's the thing that you live in, the thing you use to commute to work, the thing that gives you your salary and the thing you are using to post your dumb questions.
Welcome to white culture, you are living in it.

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White people have dominated black people for centuries. But that doesn't make us black.

It is amazing how retarded you are.

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If you see a white person doing anything at all, that is their culture. No matter what they're doing, everything is culture.

Brown people are fucking stupid animals. When you hang out with enough of them, you realize why their countries are shitholes.

And the ones we in the west interact with are the top 1% of shitskins.

Having a father.

not an arguement
but they do
based and redpilled
i literally know black artists and doctors and they are a good as their white counterparts
take a look at the pyramids
brainlet detected
not an argument

What is white culture?

1.Clean Water
2. The ability to read and write
3. plumbing
4. electricity
5. everything else in the first world..... you're welcome

you wbm is pretty much the jewish version of white culture

If you need to ask, learn european history. learn chinese and russian history to see what ideas each region took/stole/developed

Then come back with a "wooow did you know" thread rather than this cancer you fucking monkey

>be a Neanderthal
>show no rebuttal only a non statement.

Do you really belive that the origins and majority of classical music comes from non-whites? How many non-white classical composers can you list?

whatever some company decides it is

>you're education is worthless.
