Morally/politically speaking, what is wrong with animal abuse/eating animals to the point of illegalizing it?
Morally/politically speaking, what is wrong with animal abuse/eating animals to the point of illegalizing it?
Pick one and we will talk.
Are there lots of asians in canada or what? Ive been getting some strange vibes from it lately.
Let's start off with abuse. I think it's fine, I have no issue with it. If a kid burns ants with a magnifying glass, no one cares.
Objectively speaking, what differentiates an ant from a dog, and to continue, what differentiates the abuse of ants from the abuse of dogs?
Yes but I'm not Chinese or anything like that, I'm of Russian descent
Thats an insect not a mammal. Kids hardly ever torture animals to death and if they do theyre seen as mentally unstable.
Fine, go nuts. BUT before you say "isn't eating an animal abuse?" No its not, you are putting the animal out of its misery and using it for a better purpose.
When my father was growing up, whenever he had a bad day, like all healthy boys he had to find an outlet to that frustration/rage. He took his pet gerbil and put it in a sock and threw it against the wall, and then buried it alive in a shoebox. I think that is healthy and far better than the alternative of him slapping his little sister
It's like a stress Ball but more effective
See I've had dog before and it's very good. Cat, not so much but it's very hardy.
I played soccer when i was a kid and after practice one time i went to the playground at the park and there was some beaner hanging his dog from it.
Remember to sage slide threads anons
Fucking psychopath
Did you ever consider the dog may have to deserved it? An old yeller type situation
Idk. I just remember walking up to the playground and he was standing on a bridge and he tossed his chihuahua over the side but held onto the leash so it was swinging by its neck.
I can respect that though.
>eating or abusing something that will be your friend, companion and protector. Unconditionally. For all its life.
It called fucking football
Kill yourself. Someone should hang your ass from a bridge.
Massive meme. I'm always on edge when around animals since they're irrational actors. I'm not afraid to use lethal force, essentially
Since youre a beta faggot. Probably jealous girls pay more attention to dogs than you.
what country is this(that needs nuking)?
Yeah because my human life is equivalent to that of a dog. Absurd.
Project some more.
Its true. Youre ugly and enjoy killing animals because girls think theyre cute.
Insects lack the complex neurological systems to facilitate what we would call suffering, which would be obvious to you if you weren't some chink living in my country who would as soon eat a dog as he would a handful of live ants or a living frog. Fuck off back to the rice paddy, Ping, Canada is for the white man.
Highly illogical
>like all healthy boys he had to find an outlet to that frustration/rage. He took his pet gerbil and put it in a sock and threw it against the wall
way to contradict yourself
healthily taking care of anger is accepting its ok to be angry but having the self control to not act on it like a fucking woman
Youre jealous
>Will leave you if you don't feed him or don't manage to get some food.
Grow up, please.
Youve never had a cat? Animals dont gotta go far to find a meal. My cats eat birds and all sorts of shit. Sometimes they leave themon the back porch for me. Its a kind gesture.
Chink confirmed.
Woah. Bait.
This. The eternal chong has a home life rife with abusive and immature fatherhood.
I'm of Russian descent
If you aren't interested in discussing stuff in a civil manner, here's the door.
>I'm of Russian descent
Hy дaвaй, cкaжи чтo-нибyдь вpaзyмитeльнoe пo-pyccки.
>I'm of Russian descent
So a chink.
You misspelled Mongoloid, slope rape baby
Fuck back to china Ling and take you slide thread with you.
Reminder that dogs are being eaten mostly in rural Chinese areas.
Thus, set a drop target on Chinese villages, T- 50 sec
Ecли нacтaивaeшь
cats yes. but dogs won't do this. as a pet, cats are objectively better.
for not abusing animal you need to be able to recognise something like a soul in yourself, other human and animals. a spark of the divine so to speak. now think about how many societies even have such a morality.
Go away chink
Yellow insect people NOT WELCOME'D
Nothing is wrong with animal abuse we should enslave all the non white again.
B чeм cмыcл тpeдa? Бeйт, чтoбы взбecить Jow Forums? Mнe дeйcтвитeльнo интepecнo, к чeмy ты вeдeшь.
Dogs aren't imported shitskins
The only “people” who eat dogs are uncivilized Barbarians and Semitic people”Carthaginians”. The Romans being the standard bearers of western civilization exterminated the Carthaginians
That picture is gook cave shit...but farming and eating animals in an ethical way is fine....modern society allows for vegan douches and factory farm douches...both retarded
Moжeт быть, я cкopo cядy в тюpьмy, пoтoмy чтo я кacтpиpoвaл coбaкy, и я злюcь.
Pit bulls are trash dogs. I would hypothesize that fucking an animal would cause it to act irrationally
I'm looking at jail time because of one of those sons of bitches
To those of you wondering why I made this thread:
My neighbour owns a shitbull. One day when they weren't home, it wandered into my backyard. I was irate. I approached it with some meat in one hand and hammer in the other. As it got close, I hit it as hard as I could on the head with the hammer and it became unconscious. I then took it into my garage and cut its balls off with hedgeclippers, and left it in the alley behind my neighbours house
Do to this act of self defense and the cucked laws in Canada, I am facing some semi serious jail time so I'm very mad now.
Sounds like you’re an angry boi.
Unlike the vast majority of the country, I don't take shit from anyone or anything.
Also I am not a hillbilly or idiot I am educated and hold a BSc honours and MSc in pharmacology
For such a smart man you picked a really stupid way to kill the neighbor’s dog.
I didn't intend to kill it and nor do I because I stopped bleeding. It needed to be taught a lesson. I regret not chopping off its cock too
For such a smart man you picked a really stupid thing to do.
I realize that now
>self defense
bait thread
Dogs are the friend of the white man, only a gook would look at them as meat or something to use.
you are a hero
>Canadian Flag
Clearly you are ignorant of the suffering dogs can bring upon humans. It was either that or let it bite off someones face
Although shitbulls are the niggers of dogs, a genetic failure.
Well I castrated one.
it's the difference between niggers and whites
God I h8 gooks!
Those dogs look so comfy an happy because they are all together as frens
Fuck the gooks
Pick both. Unless you personally hunt/slaughter all the animals you eat.
you deserve to be put in jail and beaten for your whole sentence
>it stopped bleeding, so it's alive
You're a subhuman. Do you actually think you taught this animal a lesson, or bettered your own psyche by acting exactly like a barbarous nigger in the subsaharan?
I wouldn't even hit you in the head with a hammer and chop your balls off, you'd just go up against the wall and ten men would take the shot simultaneously, tenfold guaranteeing a cease to your influence in this world.
Where are you located?
Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is? I have nothing to lose now
Yeah big talk for a little man like you whiteknighting for a literal nigger dog
China needs to be covered in napalm
It has nothing to do with the dog and everything to do with the fact Canada does not need men like you, who act rashly and without due process or diligence. What you did is not so nearly as pertinent as why you did it.
Yeah maybe that whole idea of being a ebin British gentleman isn't working out too well for this flaming garbage dump of a "country" considering the pussy mindset inherited from subhuman Anglos has rendered the country vulnerable and weak
you are a nigger aren't you?
I'd have every pit bull castrated. And every man willing to hitting a living thing with a hammer and mutilating it for his own ill conceived notions of fairness and lesson learning. It's not barbarity and severity that made us strong, it's measurement and anticipation and execution. You're a man without capacity for any of those. Fuck you.
Had a dog in Northeastern India and it was better than chicken.
Here the dogs are killed in humane way, so no guilt for that.
For such a smart man you picked a really obvious and blatant bait.
Yet much like the dog’s nuts, it took off.
Senseless abuse and torture is a sign of weakness. If you want to genocide a people or kill a man do it with conviction and efficiency.
If there is no rational reason to inflict abuse or torture, then don't do it.
It's just you being unable to control your emotions.
That much for the abuse part.
Also why would a human have an intrinsic value ?
A human has value if he is part of my community, meaning my family, nation and too an extend my race.
Other than that a human life has absolutely no intrinsic value.
what said
Animal FEEL pain, unlike insects, so the least we can do is kill them quickly if we need too.
You are a scumbag if you're not against animal abuse.
What are we going to do, Hans?
Or humans?
God Damned non-whites
Maybe you should go cry in your mother's bossom
It's association football.
>not immediately knowing that the kid is fucked
You know, Vlad the Implier used to torture rats as a kid.
For what? Realizing that empathy is the building block for advanced white civilizations? it's you who was stunted from the bosom or lacktherof.
>hurting things with the capabilities to be frens
Who hurt you?
>whats different from an ant to a dog
everything, jesus christ you're fucking stupid
We are stewards to God's Creation and His Creatures. We should treat them well.
What do you mean ?
I wish it was possible to get cheap dogs like these in the US, most of what you can get from shelters or for free are pitbulls or lab mixes
Ok so you'll be the first to welcome refugees into your house? Good.
You Anglos make my blood boil.
Nice strawman argument pal
Thought you might like this: pic related is a pic I took as I cut into the dogs balls
okay you edgelord leaf. you made yourself look cool infront of all of your Jow Forums friends. If you truly can’t differentiate between an ant and a dog, it’s no wonder you can’t tell the difference between an anime bodypillow and an actual girlfriend. kys ay
Absolutely not, a total halt of all immigration to this country needs to happen immediately. Empathy restrained by self interest is infinitely more potent and informed than self interest by itself.
I am actually married