Mad lad Macron did it!

Yellow jacket shot in Paris.
Watch for the tracer round after he's been shot:
Who was it Jow Forums? Police? Military? Foreign Legion?

Attached: b67.jpg (234x250, 7K)

Skip to 0:23

when was that yesterday or today?



false flag

Yellow jacket faggot killing his fellow brother with a red jacketed bullet. European lore - 2018.


This is Ukraine Soros sniper tier

redpill me on yellowjackets. I saw Macron's tweet and automatically assumed they were /ourguys/

are't they protesting the increase on gas taxation because of muh global warming?

The MSM want us to believe that it's just because of muh gas taxes. The reality is that the gas tax increase to fund gibs for invaders was just one more straw that broke the camels back.


I think this could be important bump

anyone have a better video?

Civil war when?

I sure hope so. Marcroni needs to be executed.

yeah I figured that too. Dumb mother fucker Euros, when will they learn? You cannot convince an entire continent that it's a good idea to replace the entire population and culture with Islam

This is revolution plain and simple. Governments will tell you that revolutions are just "riots". Nah nigga. They revolting.

It's time to bring out the ol' guillotine at the Place de la Concorde once again.
Not just for Macron but for all the traitors in the EU-government

Attached: Hinrichtung_Ludwig_des_XVI.png (1280x830, 2.97M)

Time to resurrect Robespierre.

big if true


>Who was it Jow Forums?
I don't know, but it's fucking heartwarming that somebody is trying to escalate the unrest into a regime change of Macron.

this... my goys never learn... now vote pro immigration... the blacker the better...

Attached: 1511812059535.gif (1080x1080, 2.18M)



>Not just for Macron but for all the traitors in the EU-government
I want to hang journalists more than anything else.

Attached: journalists.jpg (1200x1188, 244K)

agree nordbro; i hope we cleanse this world one day, although i doubt it

hey chaim, your JIDF has stopped shilling today
fucking goyim bumping important threads...

Can some give me a quick RD on what's happening in France? Who are the yellow jackets here? I'm no militaryfag but that did look like a tracer to me. Who would have that ammo?

>Can some give me a quick RD on what's happening in France?
Guillotines in 30 minutes

Fair enough, but those who pay them for their fake news should hang above them.

T.B.H., at least France's president isn't a female. That was a pretty close call.