21 with no vehicle, license, or full time job

>21 with no vehicle, license, or full time job
>was caught on r34, parent now thinks I'm a closet fag and keep bringing it up
>large home that I'm shit at cleaning
>community college education that I've wasted years on and just now improving
>have neighbor with gf, family complains about me being behind him
>family extremely angry and disgusted at me for all of this, unsurprisingly
>now trying to get me to spend all of my time outside of work and uni cleaning and and doing free labor for a relative's job
>idea of living like this until I get thrown out unironically makes me consider an hero
Could this be the push that I need, or am I just completely fucked?

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you're 21, you're not fucked. just get a degree and/or keep looking for a job.

I keep getting complaints about how I'm not finished and mom tossing me out before I even transfer is a very real possibility.

Is military a good fallback option?

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Fucking retarded brats thinking everything is the end of the world

>Parents don't pressure me or compare me to anyone
>Dad will randomly do it when he sees the children of others, get disappointed, but then he won't act on his feelings because he doesn't love me enough as I'm mixed-raced

I think this plays a great role in why I'm a

I've never had anyone pushing me toward anything.

It sounds like you're stressed from working and school. You're not doing what you want to, and it's cutting you down. I once thought about killing myself when I worked 13 days straight, and I was about to do it.

I think we're both young people that feel emotions intensely, but I heard it starts to die down when you're 30, so it makes no sense to suicide and die so young.

I think getting thrown out is a legitimate worry user.

He just needs to appease his parents, and he'll be fine.

He should start learning how to manipulate them.

Either that, or he needs to go into the real world.

I would never though. It looks like shit because I'm racially isolated, but if he's white, he can make friends inside of it and find happiness.