>need to restart computer
>forced to update Windows before pc will restart
>pic related appears on the desktop upon restart
when will it end? all the propaganda makes me want to vomit, and fight back.
>need to restart computer
>forced to update Windows before pc will restart
>pic related appears on the desktop upon restart
when will it end? all the propaganda makes me want to vomit, and fight back.
We have to start killing people.. I don’t want to, you don’t want to, non of us want this... sadly it’s the only thing that is going to work..
The most intolerant wins.. we have to start killing people or they will never stop until we are all dead
but she's not white
Just stop.. most people will perceive that woman as white.. she has straight hair, the hair isn’t black like the nigger father.. she is wearing a white womans clothes.. she is white for all intense and purposes
I hate this era of graphic design consisting of cartoon marxism.
Some snaps from my London experience 2018
every day we creep closer and closer to this...