Body Dysmorphia

I’m not going to post a picture of myself here because according to everyone but myself I’m a conventionally attractive girl, and I’m not playing the “hurrrr you just want attention and compliments” game.

Ever since I was a young teen, I’ve struggled with feeling like I was fat. I scrutinize my body multiple times throughout the day; I check my stomach, thighs, collarbones, arms, wrists, waist, hips, etc. I have always felt that everyone in my life is lying to me and I’m fat and ugly.
I’ve always been considered “slim” by friends and family. No doctor has ever told me to lose weight. I have no idea why I can’t be a normal fucking person, but I always have to pick at myself. So far, my biggest complaints about my body include:
- my nose
- my hips being too wide
- my thighs being too big even though I can lift more with them than my boyfriend
- my collarbones not being visible enough
- my nipples being too veiny
- my hands being too small
- a small scar on my knee from getting a wart zapped years ago
I’ve been to therapy, and I’ve been told numerous times that I have body dysmorphia. I also was diagnosed with OCD, but that was much longer ago.

I know I have a problem. The thing is I just don’t know how to fucking quit. I can’t tell people how I feel or they call me an attention whore and say I’m fishing for compliments because all of my gripes about my body are bullshit.
I’m being 100% serious. I feel like a fat, ugly slob and it’s ruining my life. Has anyone had experience with this? What do I do? Please. I want to be normal and confident.

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Also, I am not anorexic. I have been in the past but eat three meals a day now and monitor my calorie intake. I’m a “healthy” weight now according to the BMI scale.

Realize that if other people are saying you’re attractive you’re actually attractive

Be my gf, I'd compliment you and make your self esteem better

I have a boyfriend who compliments me almost hourly; he practically worships my body. I’ve been complimented by strangers on public transit, at school, etc. No amount of compliments help.

Then what did you do about that?
Did you workout or anything?

Well it was worth a shot kek. Seriously though the only thing I can think of is therapy senpai.

I do work out. I’m an average weight. I used to be unhealthily thin but am not anymore. Focusing on exercising was what helped me kick excessive calorie restricting.

No worries; I already go to therapy and have tried different therapists. I’ll have good body days and bad body days, but even my good body days aren’t perfect. And when I have a bad body day, I close off from people or ask for reassurance.

Jesus fuck what a thirsty faggot. First, Jow Forums isn't here for you to prey on insecure girls. Second, that wouldn't even fucking help. Go fuck yourself.

Stop caring what others think. So what if you are fat?

chill out sperg it was just a joke, good luck OP

Joking (poorly) or not (my money's on not, based on that follow up), that still isn't at all helpful.

>Jow Forums isn't here for you to prey on insecure girls
You must be awfully fun at parties.

>be's a whiteknight
oh nonononononononononono

Why don’t you get a job or do some volunteer work to take your mind off shallow unproductive perseverant thought.

>compliments me almost hourly
kind of pathetic desu, I think I can imagine why you aren't responsive to compliments.

It’s excessive, but I honestly like it. Everyone’s different

I got into my dream school through hard work and am graduating in the top 10 of my class. I’ve done volunteer work every fall for the past three years. These thoughts are just always in the back of my mind.

I am a dude with body dismorphia. I went through aneroxia because of it and had suicidal tendencies ever since. I have this because of my father's abuse. Please seek help, and dont take any anti depressants. If you already are on them... God save your soul. Its tough now being off of ssris and dealing with all this pain.

I’ve been on Zoloft for a really long time. It’s the only thing that helps.

Forgot to add this to that response, but I’m really fucking sorry for what happened to you. I hope you can find peace without meds if that’s what you want.

Thank you. I am flipping out currently without my meds... But I want to be happy like everyone else... Everyone else who doesnt need help from a drug. Why cant I just be happy like John Doe? Why is it that I must be so fucking dead inside? I just cant fucking take it anymore. I try my hardest, I see a psychologist, I got a well paying job that I worked hard to get with only a hs diploma, and I got off my meds to seek happiness and normality. But everything cracks and breaks. My OCD is eating me alive aswell. God fucking dammit

>dont take any anti depressants
You are a massive piece of shit, you know that? There are people on here who have actual psych problems and who actually NEED proper medical treatment. And then utter scum like you come on here and start spreading falsehoods about some of the most important lifesaving drugs that have been invented in the last half century.

I just see them as manipulators, nothing more. I have had what OP is experiencing since I was a child. I am only saying how I dealt with it or what is ideal for me. Calm down

>dont take any anti depressants
Get the fuck off advice. The fuck is wrong with you, you don't tell people not to take their medication you fucking faggot.

Just to add, they are plauging our country. Why is it that we have the highest number of people on these anti depressant drugs all of a sudden. I see people on them all the time, being mistreated by their doctors. I grew up with ADD because a teacher thought I wasn't paying attention enough, because I was acting like a little,boy would. I don't trust people that much

In that guy's defense, ADs are massively over-prescribed and a lot less helpful than assumed. You can fix mental illness with a pill, but not a shitty life.

Have you tried changing your attitude to life in such a way that, even if you really were ugly, it would not matter, because you would have nothing to feel ashamed of in any event; since our mind and character are the only truly valuable things we possess?

I was told as a kid that I had OCD. I was basically a textbook case. Without my Zoloft, I can barely function.

>I am only saying how I dealt with it or what is ideal for me.
No you aren't, asshole, you said "don't take antidepressants" and "God save your soul" if I was taking antidepressants. People like you need to be purged from this board.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know being ugly isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s just that, like it or not, the world judges me based on my appearance more than almost anything else.

Listen man. They over over prescribed all the time. Some people need to face their demons, usually this is caused by trauma by childhood. Its good to seek help by a therapist or family your trust. Vent and search yourself. Thats all. Im not saying for you all to get off your meds, im only saying they manipulate the truth

Maybe you're just stupid? It has nothing to do with appearance. Even ugly people can be confident and attractive. I think you're just stupid.

Have you tried resisting your susceptibility to the opinions of the world? Telling yourself (rightly) that if other people look down on you for the wrong reasons, their opinions do not matter and so ought not to trouble you?

First of all, thank God you are not a mod because you sound like an angsty liberal teenager who is mad that people have different alternative views than them. I pitty you, I really do.

Second, you cant just say I dont know what I am talking about without backing up with a reason. I have a reason, I was on SSRIs for YEARS and have body dysmorphia and even attempted suicide. These meds DONT work. THEY turn you into someone you are not. You will never find yourself or true happienss on them.

Exercise is demonstrably more effective for curing depression than anti-depressants, and does not impart their plethora of nasty side-effects.

Thats what I am doing now, I have a therapist and im working out everyday. Plus im starting new eating patterns. Im now off SSRIs for 7 months now. Sadly its been hard, and its not easy but I hope that I can stay off of them for the rest of my life. Sadly I have some very bad OCD aNd stress. Dont know what to do about it

>These meds DONT work. THEY turn you into someone you are not. You will never find yourself or true happienss on them.
You are objectively a fucking scumbag anti-pharma poster that is plaguing this board because you're so obsessed with what has, at its origins, an anti-semetic conspiracy theory.

Seriously, . Get the fuck off this board.

WEEEEW we got a live one here boys. This place isnt your safe space kiddo. I think its time you took some alternative views and research alittle. Name call me all you like, but it will never make you right nor win any argument. I am saying that excersive, healthy diet, and going natural is the best course to take. Not everyone needs zoloft or SSRIs.Look at the numbers, look at the side affects, and please do some research and come back when you are ready to discuss champ

Sorry, I don't do alt-right shit.

Fuck you, they just make the obsessive thoughts "stick" less and make it possible to actually concentrate and do what the therapist taught you. Manipulate the truth? What the fuck is wrong with you? You sound like an edgy high schooler that wants to pretend they're on to some big secret and feel like they're above everyone else. Go be a flat earther or something before you get someone hurt you stupid piece of shit.

What does The Guardian newspaper have to do with the so-called alt-right?

How am I coming off as Alt Right? I am not even being political. Jesus dude get some restraint. Why are you on Jow Forums?

Nice name calling but it doesnt disprove my point about it be overly prescribed and having higher and higher numbers in the US. Its a big problem

This OP. You are you, find beauty in who you are and not what you look like, instead of desperately wanting to see what you want to see.

Then work towards changing the world in that way! Don't cave in, join the struggle!

We need to see a pic of you and your body otherwise this is pointless. You could be right and you are fat, we wouldn't know.

You should talk to a friend or a therapist and not to a group of strangers about this though

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But don't you know the mirror is lying when you know you have that body dysmorphia thing?

>I’m not playing the “hurrrr you just want attention and compliments” game.
Yes you are.

You have severe OCD, which you need therapy for. You have grown into certain perceptions about your body, and those will take a very long time for you to change or reduce, even with hard work. You need to trust that your body is fine, and remember that there is no "perfect standard" of a 'human body.

Please consider that if your body were suddenly exactly as your OCD told you to desire it, you would still find something wrong with it. The urges are not related to your image- I would speculate they are related to you wanting to have control. There are probably some chronic depressive urges in there too, if that's the case. Focus more on the world and less on your body. Nobody is judging you but yourself, and assholes.

This. Please ignore the anti-pharma shills.

She's a woman, have patience.

People like you should kys themselves.

Sounds like you already know that your wrong but you seek reconfirmation. People always say you shouldn't compare yourself to others but that's what you should do, while you concentrate on your strengths

Jordan Memerson said this crap. Comparisong yourself to others is the most normal thing ever, of course we do and should do it.