What's wrong with Jesus, jews of Jow Forums? Why can't your rabbi's say his name, why do you spit on him? Why did Sarah Silverman act so mean saying she's glad Jesus is dead? Why did Larry David piss on Jesus's face? Why is it everytime a jew mentions Jesus in the media, they have to follow it up with a personal stab at the Son of God?
It's pathetic, passive aggressive beta tendencies that could only have been built into you from your Talmudic fag teachings.
Jews know they can say anything and get away with it. Europeans are doormats.
Bentley Wood
Is that exactly why they say it though? Where does the hatred for specifically Jesus come from?
Noah Perry
>Is that exactly why they say it though? Yeah it's a power trip. Like bullying weaker kids in school. >Where does the hatred for specifically Jesus come from? White southerners revere him. These are the ones most subservient to Israel.
Ethan Long
That's a pretty dumb way to generalize a sincere hatred for a man that was only preaching acceptance of God and the ending of Jewish loaning with interest. White southerners weren't around 2,000 years ago. I seriously doubt jewish hate of Jesus originates from white southerners are you a fucking moron?
Cameron Robinson
>White southerners weren't around 2,000 years ago Neither was Sarah Silverman and Larry David.
No shit moron, I'm asking why jews 2,000 years later hate Jesus just as much (if not more so) than the Pharisees back then after they got BTFO and wrote the Talmud
>I'm asking why jews 2,000 years later hate Jesus Modern Jews are Luciferians. Study the differences between how Catholics see the old testament, and Jews do. You'll know more than you ever wanted to.
James Perez
Modern Jews dislike Jesus because Christians worship him in a way Jews see as sacrilege and blasphemy. A false Idol. Simple as that.
Parker Collins
It's like I agree with you but you're coming at me from all angles. I'm wondering more why the behavior is shared. That hatred for Jesus. Was Larry David raised in an Orthodox jewish home? Do "non-religious" jews hate Jesus as much? Is it instinctual or bred into them, or pushed onto them through their upbringing? There are Jews for Jesus, and Jesus had several jews following him.
That's why I talk about the Pharisees and the divergence with the creation of the Talmud.
So Sarah Silverman and Larry David are regular visitors of Temple? They're not "atheist jews"? They believe in God and the Torah/Talmud so strongly that the name and sight of Jesus make them ill, because it would be supposed blasphemy?
>jews build up a Messiah since the dawn of their race >that Messiah comes and tries to save them >they fuck it up because they just couldn't stop jewin >spend the next 2,000 years bitching about him and pretending another will come and make them all kings
Oh, they recognise it. You can see the terror in the eyes of those that are repulsed by it - its like a flash of light through their minds when they understand their own people denied the Messiah they've been waiting for so long. The young guy at the wailing wall could see it with a clear mind I think
Noah Gutierrez
I know reading subtitles requires a little more than just passive engagement, but you might actually be surprised if you watch it.
Joseph Howard
Jews are cattle-marked slaves of the Rabbis, who follow Talmud which condemns Christ.
Lincoln Bailey
The new testament is to us what the book of mormon is for you: Obvious fan-fiction to your religion written by obvious liars and hacks (Do you even know how many "gospels" were written? The young church arbitrarily decided to merely use 4 of them, the ones that contradicted themselves the least, yet still obviously do).
Connor Edwards
The gospels were written prior to the Gnostic texts, which were contemporary with the early Church. It is understandable why they might be left out, although I view them as philosophical and intellectual treatise on the Word of God and they ought to be respected in that way. >the ones that contradicted themselves the least, yet still obviously do The gospels don't contradict themselves in any significant way, and the degree to which they differ from one another actually supports that they are accurate witness testimonies of an event. If they were all identical, then I would have to conclude that were not true.
Evan Jackson
They do it because you let them.
Zachary Bell
It's possible they think he created a chism, then crhistianity thrived while judaism is just a small sect in comparison. They believed christianity then caused persecution against jews. They have zero self awareness and refuse to consder they are the problem
Ayden Ramirez
Nah, jews love watching people worshipping false gods. Did ever hear jews laugh at hindus and other exotic religions? Nah they hate Jesus for several reasons, they hate his message, he kinda exposed them.
Dylan Long
After 2000 years they still refuse to accept they missed the call
Joshua Ortiz
But if Jews haven't killed Jesus back then, wouldn't all of us be some sort of Jews as well now since Christianity wouldn't exist?
Jaxson Brooks
Its almost worthless to spend time on conjecture for this - history has happened and we are where we are. God fulfilled His purpose by using the Jews, Pontius Pilate, Herod & the Gentiles in putting Jesus to death to prove he was the Christ.
IF the Messiah had not come, then chances are if you're European you'd still be following some kind of pagan belief system. The Jews weren't big on evangelising - they were happy to live in their insulated bubble, detesting everything external to them. Arguably Islam would not have come about, because it is (falsely) based on being the next and final revelation of God - in their world view first the was the Torah (Old Testament), the Injeel (New Testament), and then the Koran.
Nathaniel Stewart
What should be done about the Jewish question on this board?
>What's wrong with Jesus It's an arbitrarily characterised, fictitious figure that plebes fashion their inutile live upon -- something tantamount to living one's life as an 'Easterbunnyist' or 'Gungan'.