Why, Europeans?

Please put these on. Thanks.

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my muslim bf makes me wear a burkini at the beach (yes i'm a guy)

>going to a British beach

Stop obsessed about people being naked.


right is hot tho


Is the speedo too enticing for you? Every time you see a man in a speed you get a raging bone? Too hard to suppress your homosexual urges? Why do they bother you so much?

Eurofags don't know about our american rompers
U guys jelly?

Attached: 818s6ojYsTL._UY445_.jpg (300x445, 35K)

And Jow Forums needs proof that God doesn't exist...

There are no homosexuals where I live. It's all normal people.

Europeans don't have to hide their mutilation scar.

Oh no. A snowflake.

Not surprised, given the state of things over there.

Attached: Typical UK students.webm (640x480, 1.74M)

reading shit like this always makes me sad. i wonder where my foreskin is now

Wow disgusting. They used to be an Empire. Wtf

Ahmadinejad, nice of you to join Jow Forums. Where is the ayatollah?

It's probably on Oprah's face.

Stop being naked

In europe only muslims wear this kind of beachware because they are ashamed to show what they have. They also have mutilated penises. You guys have a lot in common.

Fuck, I can only imagine the rage.

We don't have Muslims where I live. It's all normal people.

>how short the legs are
>wearing women’s clothes
>when you’re super into cock but super into America too

All these fggots upset by their attraction towards other men so we have to stop living our life to make them feel better. No matter what we do you will always be gay. Just come out and submit to your homosexuality so we can all move on.

If you cant find the sucker at the table, its you.

This is the appropriate sized male swim attire

to big you look like a child, to small you look like a fag

fight me

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Lol every time I go to Mexico or the Dominican I can tell the north Americans from the Euros just based on their trunks.

I would prefer not to see some old man in the buffet line wearing speedos that barely conceals his little dick

You're right that's perfect and exactly what I wear

Post a pic of a burkini because the domination aspect here sounds hot, you pathetic slut

And people don't want to raise families in Canada. Pish-posh I say! We have the most reformed perverts in North America.

Wearing anything is for normies. I only frequent fkk

Angry homo detected

Angry homo and his buddy detected


Indeed! The sissy fetish is the most patrician of all perversions. In fact, pic related are the swim trunks my gf makes me wear to the beach

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What does she make you do with the knob coming out of the top?

Well that's just a mannequin fren
But it looks a lot like the strap-on she makes me suck before she fucks me with it

based, mine makes me walk on all 4's like a dog

Oooh do you have to wear a collar and leash too?

Are you a guy?

only in public

>mine makes me walk on all 4's like a dog
That my dear German friend, is redpilled.

Well that's the perfect place for a collar and leash

Homo brigade

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Lol wearing shorts at the beach… You Americans are still dickless barbarians

That’s hot.

Oh no, ya see I have a gf. I'm not a faggot. She even buys me clothes. Just look at these socks she got for me!

Attached: satin-touch-thigh-high-socks.jpg (320x400, 36K)

>It's always the Bong flag

fuck off Mutt,
I fucking hate the feeling of wet waterboard shorts clinging to my legs
>only speedos, just a bit longer, and in dark colours

>the virgin shorts vs the chad speedo

Ok Bruce

My name's Josh, silly!

holy shit how did it get this bad this quickly

Stfu fruitboy

I'm not a fruit! Why would you even suggest such a thing?

okay, can we hurry up and cause human extinction already

Proper beach attire

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-172411~3.png (840x757, 922K)

This is the absolute longest you should go.
Pure european masculinity

Attached: delon beach.jpg (400x279, 47K)

To be fair, that's a good rapresentation of UK's demographics

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-172223~2.png (769x1709, 891K)

Stop looking at their dicks if you dont like it.