Mexican border patrol is firing tear gas at migrants in Tijuana

Absolute fucking chaos right now.

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nice, get them from both sides guys!

We are actually doing something. I cant believe it


there is no dignity in this approach. There must be a better way to handle this.

Based Mexibro

Any livestreams?

Better be lead soon.

Bullets and hellfire missiles

Israelis bp had snipers...where are ours?

Mobile gas vans.

More like absolute fucking mad man

What's it matter? Who cares, you?
Guillotines were pretty dignified.

noice numbers

as far as dignity goes, squatemalans have none and protecting your border is very dignified

guys I'm not a jew and I totally think we should be paying attention to the thots instead of this also did I mention I'm not the chosen people of god who are better than all of you?

Anybody have a stream?

>No source
Yeah what ever

Mexico, you should build a big, beautiful, border wall to your south.
And Trump will pay for it through the Foreign Aid section of the State Department.
It would be cheaper than building one on the Mexican-US border.

Anybody have a livestream to watch?

first we need to get rid of all the cuck polititans that decided it was going to be a good idea to let the horde thru

As good as I've found

Disgusting. These people are looking for a better life in a country free from insanely high murder rates, drug gangs, cartels etc.
This only serves to injure American's image to the world.
When will we start sanctioning them? They need to be taught a fucking lesson.

how would you handle this

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>There must be a better way to handle this
Sure there is; they can turn around & go home & stop putting their kids in harm's way.
Hell, they could go back & take up ANY of the other offers of asylum they got along the way.

Let them into that hellhole state, then nuke the whole fucking thing into the ocean.


The lawn crew is here!

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Several of them there.

Thanks mate.
Ganna grab some popcorn and watch niggas getting beat is great, reminds me of the good ol days.

Shut the fuck up faggot. The first world has no obligation to take in never ending migrant hordes from all over the globe. Enforcing basic law like borders only asspains faggots like you more concerned with political wins that sustainability and actual empathy.

Based Mexicans

Would you like them to join you, Ahmed? We should start shipping them over to the UK.

We'll see if that's how it goes down.
Somehow I doubt we're going to be real happy once the main body of them arrives & they start trying to cross. Here's to hope though.

>said the country that tried to enslave the world

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A .50 cal on a humvee.

I'd rather have one hundred central Americans than one chest beating, low browed Yankoid retard.

We fought to end slavery, you couldn't get enough of it and now you're reaping the whirlwind for hundreds of years of evil.

The world is big and full of problems. We don't care. We couldn't solve them all anyway. Let alone solve them and stay ourselves.

You have to treat white countries as reserves of order and innovation and Progress. Give it all away, and there'll be nothing for the rest of the world. And if it wasn't true, it wouldn't be our problem anyway.

Wait this is the Mexican border patrol? Not US?? That is just excellent. Mexicans are now better than niggers in my book

SANCTION US PLEASE GOD SANCTION US. That would be fucking glorious. Trump cucked on tariffs and NAFTA 2.0 so if you guys could do it for us, thad be just great

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>We fought to end slavery,
You tried to enslave US, you fucking goofball.

>We fought to end slavery
>while actively subjugating & enslaving in all but name countless colonies
Ahahaha take more in out of guilt DAD


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>We are actually doing something. I cant believe it
This is Mexico's doing atm.

with bullets

Good, fuck these rats. They went through Mexico while refusing offers of work in Mexico and insulting Mexican food and culture. If their countries were so great they should have stayed and fought to improve them. Why the fuck would America want them?

Tactical poop missiles

Good on ya

After we first build a wall to our north

Then we can become best buds with mexibro

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kill them all and let God sort them out

Why don't they just disperse & sneak through one by one, is this all for the sake of drama now ?

Real life autism streams (w/ bonus Ukraine stream)

Most of these fucks are waving Mexican flags.
These are by in large regular beaners zerg rushing the border to head to their cousins place in LA.

Does that mean all the fence hopping and running around is still within mexico

learn some history

America needs to let them in. It's their continent that you're living on and exploiting, the least you can do is let them live in peace.

Trips of truth

There's a huge river and few crossing points, we don't need a wall we need the willingness to actually enforce the law with force when they storm the crossing points.

Last I heard. They crossed from the shitty part of Tijuana to the good part, and when they got to the US border Mexico gassed them and shot them with rubber bullets.

Buffer state when?

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what are you talking about, trump didn't cuck on "nafta 2.0"

Because they're essentially just an illegal-wage slave; sneaking through would void their asylum application. At least until that EO goes to the Supreme Court.

>letting them live

They are also waving American flags but they sure as hell aren't from here.

Naw, you.

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Some of them managed to get on the other side of the shitty wall but the Border Patrol gassed them and they hopped back or they captured them.

We bought their land that they weren't doing anything with after they tried to get sassy with us and got wrecked in a war. We didn't have to give them anything for it. Fuck off Sven, go let some more goatfuckers into your own country if you're so broken up about it.

I'm sure once the cartels start losing serious money due to the border shenanigans right now, they'll convince the according politicians that it would be a great idea to prevent this shit from happening ever again.

you senile old fuck

king george was a dick

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Checked on some checks

>once the cartels start losing serious money due to the border shenanigans
Ha. They're probable running at double capacity while this circus is going on. Probably paid these shitheads to rush the gates.

oh so they're genuinely pretending to be asylum seekers I see

They should unfuck their own country instead of running away

You didn't buy shit. You invaded someone else's land. After exploiting the entire continent and hoarding its riches you're refusing to let its native population come home. The amount of selfishness, greed and lack of compassion is staggering. How do you even sleep at night?


Only way to get the gibs they were promised that made them come to begin with. Although I think they're going to start getting impatient with the slow-moving line after being held up in Tijuana for so long.
Then the fun might actually start.


If we do it with as little dignity as possible we might only have to do it once.

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Fuck you cuck.

yes, yes they are because they were paid off y soros' groups. If you don't believer me there is photo evidence of it. Look it up yourself.

Might as well, AMLO doesn't give a shit about the North.

Louisiana Purchase, dumbass.
Then we whipped their ass at San Jacinto.

Get the rubber bullets out boys

>better method found

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but thats not logical, i mean, trumps already said he would close borders with mexico if this happens, why would they accelerate the happening of a close border, its retarded actually, how can military presence in the border help their smuggling operation?

THEY ARE NOT MIIIIIGRRRANTS!! Fuck tard! They're Invaders and Invaders deserve to be shot dead!


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It wasn't their land. The original natives were killed off.

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Nobody is watching the tunnels if they're mustered at the border crossings.


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If the migrants started catching lead I would break out the vodka in celebration

Like what, telling them not to come in the first place, or having the next closest country offer them asylum? How about coming to an agreement with Mexico allowing them to be housed there, temporarily, while their asylum claims are processed? Are those "better" approaches you gigantic faggot? Here's where we're at: they expect fucking everything while giving nothing. Nothing short of A10 strafing runs is acceptable at this point. These people are a fucking plague

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Post feet and boi puççi

How do I sleep ? I get some blankets and some pillows and put them on my couch. I than lay down and close my eyes. How this relates to "native genocide " I do not know, then again your the one who changed the subject.

no canadians would willingly move to the US and give up their healthcare

So Mexico is now shooting at people for trying to leave? What the fuck this is East Germany tier shenanigans.

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Nice channel, Eyal.

One Moab would do it