Lets be real, its only a matter of time at this point, which parts of poland does Jow Forums think are rightful russian clay?
Which part of poland should Russia annex?
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zaolzie and spis
Poland should ally with russia against ukr*ne and get lyvov luvov or that fucking city they are always talking about
The north east most likely.
>Poland should ally with russia against ukr*ne
Poland, Russian, and Ukraine should ally against the EU
Italy, Greece and Spain must join against the Germanic union
Literally none
Russian balkanization now
everything other than Krakow
the previously German parts should go to Germany after the invasion
Poland should remain a state based out of Krakow and stretch up to Gniezno but Warsaw should be Russian
Poland should annex and polonize Królewiec aka """"Kaliningrad""""
They should do with jointly with Lithuania.
>inb4 vatnik
Fuck yourself, try and take it lol
Give it back
Russians have no chance with Polish military, what are you smoking?
If Russia would attempt to annex Poland, they would get met with PATRIOT missiles pointed towards Moscow. Not to mention them and their allies would destroy Russia to shrewd. Either way the end result would be Russia getting partioned by the Baltic states and maybe Poland.
Also, what do you have against Poles, Czechfag? They’re your brothers and neighbors.
gypsies are already occupying half the czech lands, what more do you want
True. That's sort of why they are shades of red in my map. They're Intermarrium.
All of it.
Didn’t know Romanians get this far north/west
its too diverse to give even a fuck
I hope one day Poland and Romania are neighbors against. It’s what our ancestors wanted.
pay debts
go back to Poland, mateusz
>t. memeflag fag
Oh wow, so much effort, rebuilding and investments in infrastructure in last 25 years to be turned into russian shithole again. There is no point for Poles to work and improve their land at all as long as Russia exists imo because it is like building houses of sand on the beach
It was nice during the interwar era, but would be quite impractical today. I don't actually wish bad things for Ukraine.
You know why the whole poorlish-russian conflict existed? Because of territories up to Bug river, which now is an eastern side of poooorlish border
Once polacken got kicked out of Ruthenia and beyond Bug river, the legitimate conflict ceased to exist. Russia always saw core poooolish territories as foreign
Well Ukraine should not even exist as it’s Polish, Hungarian, Romanian and Russian clay
you forgot someone senpai
I am personally happy that Russia would invade Poland because i wouldnt need to work 12 hours per day to pay debt in American-German-Jewish bank anymore and i could just live like these guys in the Walking Dead series.
where the based russians at flinging shit at poland dont tell me you scared boys
all of it
Lwów nigger. Used to nice then Ukrops took it and now it's a cesspool
Kosovo is Serbia you gypsy fuck
Trump is that you?
Your flag is showing