Well Jow Forums

should we all be crying and screaming? Does he have a point

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>unimaginable violence and persecution
So a little tear gas is nothing to them then why should we care

Why do Jow Forums cucks always reply to bait threads like this

Fuck having borders and laws and shit

think of the children n shitt

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here's an idea, don't come into somebody's home through the window, unannounced.

>unimaginable violence and persecution
from their socialist, hispanic governments?

>lgbt colours
>supports open borders

colour me surprised

Traumatizing shitskins by the throngs will turn out great for the US in the long run

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>you know if you want you could take some of these poor families in
>"eww nooo id rather just tweet about it. I dont want some stranger living in my house"


Guess they'll have to flee somewhere else then.

"please form an orderly organization of people, don't rush the fences and guard"
>Rushes guard anyway

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>attempt to seek asylum
>rush the border

Conflict is stimulating

No we should be celebrating that our borders are actually being defended.

Liberals love to tell you that you're a racist if you don't want a million niggers and spics in your neighborhood, from the comfort of their own 90% white neighborhoods. They really should all be sent to death camps

>pull out phone
>search "How to apply for asylum in US"
>get the US Citizenship and Immigration Services official website as first result
>"Hey come to a port of entry and fill out this form for free my doodz"
>instead rush towards the border wall to try to rip a fat fukken dab on the US's right to sovereignty
Aw man that's a big fukken thinker right there

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No . And I’m a Mexican-Honduran mix , born and raised here in the U.S. , my mom who’s from Honduras even agrees with Trump .. the people coming from Honduras did nothing with their lives and now they are trying to throw the responsibility of their failures (having kids and can’t afford them , etc) on the U.S. taxpayer

>Boulder, CO

Visited both, this is exactly how it is. They'll love to tell me I should be more accepting of immigrants as they sit in their hipster coffee shops with all the other self-hating whites

found the kike

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International law says they need to apply for asylum in the first country they can escape to.

Leftism is a mental illness. Always trying to put a bandaid on an issue instead of fixing it. It goes for every facet of politics and economics. Instead of trying to help locals fight their authoritarian government, they just want to let them flee. Instead of trying to fix the economy, they just want to give gibs to everyone.
They are the spectators described by the great Frederic Bastiat in his parable of the broken window.

What exactly IS the "violence and persecution" they're fleeing anyway?

It's sort of like "Russians hacked the election." They never quite give you the specifics.

Well it now looks like they need asylum from the US because of all that violence at the southern border.

Its almost as of they're NPCs, and only capable of spouting off what cnn programs them to say. I'm sure there is plenty of violence, it is Latin America after all, but they have no clue to what extent or who's getting the brunt of it maybe it's well deserved.

He has no point. Under international law, asylum seekers must settle in the first country they come to which offers asylum. Mexico offered it. They refused. Case closed.

>tear gas
>not mustard gas

united states law says any port of entry is eligible for migrants surrendering themselves to custom enforcements agencies. once they reach the border and their asylum claim is judged, they are legally allowed to reside in the US and theres nothing you can do about it :]. hope you like having those now legal immigrants in your backyard user :)))))

sorry bro, thats an EU regulation, it doesnt affect our US asylum laws.

honduras and mexico have some of the highest murder rates in the world

less gas, more 5.56


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>mexico is not a shithole
>they've come to escape unimaginable persecution.

digits confirm

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This fag needs a taste of his imagined “unimaginable violence.”

Bryce is a dick sucking faggot who likes to take sand nigger dicks up the ass when he is not giving Comey a blow job.

Looks at that fags face, he should get tear gassed as well.

>Igarapé Institute
lol rape

that's a nice rare pepe

Tear gas is nothing. When I was with the Yellow Vests in Paris and we were trashing the Champs Elysées, the cops kept firing tear gas cans as us. It just stings the eyes and throat for a minute and after that you're fully operational.

but muh feelings

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If you believe people outside the USA have the rights of US citizens, you believe the USA has the justification to invade any country in the world.

It's the same neoliberal imperialist program, they just ran out of energy to invade other countries so now they're doing us. It's the same program, destabilize, destroy, rebuild, move capital (labor, whatever) to markets to increase profit, etc.

We can't even really complain. How could we not think it'd be our turn eventually?

“They are fleeing unimaginable violence and persecution” maybe if we’d spent the same amount of energy patrolling faggots like this online instead of easy targets like individual THOT’s we’d get somewhere.

>international law

Based America

>and their asylum claim is judged
literally cant even read what you are typing out, kys nigger

Fuck "international law". The only laws I give a shit about are God given and fucking American. Pussy ass bitches suckle the head of my penis.

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>These people are seeking asylum!
Are they in the country from which they fled?
>well, no...
Okay, looks like they succeeded, enjoy Mexico you fucking spics.

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what violence and persecution? what the fuck are they talking about?

Asylum from living in a shithole is not part of international law.

People like to argue? Wtf are you talking about retard

Fuck no, tear-gas the beaners

So we're inviting them en masse here without even checking to see if the ones coming are the murderers?

This thread is bait but don’t they legally lose all actual asylum and refugee rights under international law when they decline to stay in the nearest safe country?

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>unimaginable violence and persecution

who is persecuting them....?

I think we should shoot anyone crossing illegally desu

It's my understanding that these people have fled from locations with serious issues with crime. Not war or extreme poverty. Should we be setting the precedent that anyone who wishes to escape crime can come to america?

>white man's digital burden
Lmao, I think a few years of "fix your country under pain of death" would do a better job. Be infinetly more amusing than faxing politicians/narcos gay porn or ordering them a bunch of pizzas

What actually is the best counter argument for when libs say that these people have the right to claim asylum in the US?

man why is everyone always crying for a blood bath... cant they just fucking stay home and everyone fixes up their shit ?

A bullet.

>Fuck back off to South America you cunt.
>Come legally or fuck off!


i like how they say "they are fleeing violence". Correction, they already fleed the violence. They are now in mexico and were offered asylum there but refused. Its not your god given right to be an american citizen

>As I understand, USA has the right to shoot invaders on site to protect their lands.
>Why have no yanks shot up the illegal caravan yet?


Ask them to prove it. They wont be able to because they know nothing of world affairs and are repeating something they heard on cable news

Yeah I'll have a grande vanilla latte with an extra shot.

What was the violence they were fleeing? Like what are they seeking asylum from?

Dumb Americans be like "Durr, muh guns, muh rights, hurr, try take em from me - hurpa durpa"

But when it's time to protect their country at the border, where the fuck are they?

>Useless fucking Americunt faggot fake patriot shitheads.

I am literally shaking

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>faggot rainbow outline on avatar
Imagine my shock.

Trump needs to grow balls and declare the caravan an invasion force constituting an act of war, sending the military. Investigate and kill all those who provided funding and support to this invasion which violates our national borders undermining our national security jeopardizing our national sovereignty. Make anyone or institution aka media supporting the invasion guilty of high crimes for providing support to the enemy, its really that simple.

Make no mistake this is an act of war and all those involved should be treated as enemies. Trumps failure to declare war on this invasion force makes Trumps claims to "Make America Great Again" look like a joke, which is what the groups who organized the caravan want.

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>Faggot beta millennial mentally ill cringelords.

Moron. They are not in the US yet. Can you say international incident? The guards at the border are doing the migrants a favor. Sure, some would survive if the guards were not there. But, you can be damn sure there would be hundreds, if not thousands of civilians practicing quickscopes if there were no guards. A mass murder of migrants at the border would look bad in politics.

lmfao. the UN, huh? thanks for your peace keeping mission in this thread aaahah

>Called out memeflag as expected, as is a cancerous millennial hivemind edgelord.

Good 1 bro.

It's only a matter of time before they start disappearing. And guess what? Not a damn thing could be done about it, since they don't exist anyway.

We should be posting more salt is what we should be doing

>NPC calls for update to its scripting so it knows how to proceed

Asylum from what?
>international law
Good one, idiot. Who governs between nations? Who holds a nation accountable? Fuckin moron.
I've been to Honduras, btw, it's bad, but it's not a fucking warzone, and no one is persecuted.

> HA! Noticed im a worthless faggot eh? All according to plan.
> By the way.. your post! It was real .... "good" ... haha, little sarcasm for you.

dont bother to reply to this, we are through here.

Because that's why we have a Jow Forums board

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>they are fleeing unimaginable violence
>US border guards violence is imaginable
So it's a net gain for them then?

I'll take the biggest cup of water I can get with whip cream on top

>Brown person supporter.

>When to many beans cause gas

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They can claim asylum at a port of entry, not zerg rush the border to sneak in and avoid taxes. They can submit their claim and the US has the right to refuse after reviewing their claim. That is all.

Brown people can claim asylum without evidence which is the issue. They can say their cousin was raped and killed by gangsters, thus need asylum.

Who can be fucked searching another country to find the truth? Most these cunts get free asylum. It's bullshit.

>10 or more caravans a year appear at the USA border, this is just the 2nd time it has been reported on. Usually swept under the rug. There was an election however, so it made the news.

George Soros is a cunt, and is behind this caravan.
>Pizzagate, still not debunked.

I still don't understand how they are claiming asylum by fucking storming the border of a country that is saying constantly not to come here and there is much ethnic division and economic tension. Still no idea what they are seeking asylum from

Until they illegally step on US soil, they aren't criminals or invaders, just foreigners in a foreign country and attacking them would be interpreted as an invasion by the US instead of self defence.

tell them that every homless have the right to
live in their home and if they disagree they are
racist bigots and the fact that they are not
invite random homelesses to live in their house is evil

I’ll have a large vanilla latte with only half syrup please

Do you often refuse to serve black 'people' at your establishment? Do you work the counter or mop the floors? Why is a mocha latte more than four fucking quid?

>They are fleeing unimaginable violence and persecution

For what? By who? Are we taking in South America's Jewry and not realizing that there's a shoah happening down there?

A related question, does that mean I should qualify for refugee status in Canada if I live in a jungle in the USA like Detroit or DC?

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>t. high IQ jew capable of a single coherent thought

any live stream of happenings?

It's dark here now.