How can you defend this

how can you defend this

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Fake news. Mexican police shot the tear gas.

Defend what? Enforcing the law?

I can't, it should be 5.56×45.

with a cigar, 3 fingers of makers mark (neat), and a smirk.

i know right, those parents are fucking scum for doing this to their kids for their own gain

They marched 1,000 miles for this.

Attached: Anchors away.jpg (1000x1000, 568K)

Here we goes about gassing our own people narrative again.

>bringing your kids in front of people throwing rocks at border patrol and violating the law

they do not deserve to be parents. kill them.

indefensible. they could have used ricin and solved this once and for all.

This. A few summary executions on the nightly news broadcast throughout beanerland would end this bullshit right here and now.

easy, it should have been sarin

no really, who the fuck brings kids to a violent riot

shoot them, send the kids to foster care.

I am genuinely wondering who has sympathy anymore for these people, I now hear people in the open talk like we do here. Literally even democrats are scrambling right now trying to contain nationalism.

Think of the children!!


Defending the border from illegal entry in most countries includes permitted use of lethal force. The use of tear gas and the use of rubber bullets should be used as a warning, and if that fails then live rounds are justified.

Subhumans with such hatred in their hearts for their betters that they are willing to get their own children killed. The perfect democrat/marxist demographic basically.

Maybe they shouldn't have thrown rocks and started rioting.

Maybe the mothers who were offered Asylum in the safe parts of Mexico should have accepted it instead of walking an extra 1000 miles into the more dangerous parts of Mexico and eventually to a militarized border.

i won't try and defend it but i will add that as parent i would never use my kids to try invade another nation, never.
if they want safety for their children they have options that do not involve breaking international and US law.

7.62x51 lol

Delivering a strong response and actively repelling the parents through military response so that they have no other choice but to turn around and return to their home country is in the best interests of their children. The parents are guilty of crimes against humanity by using their children as human shields and hostages to illegally crash another country's border. Try this stunt at the Chinese or Iranian border!

>I am genuinely wondering who has sympathy anymore for these people,
Literally everyone with brown skin and a hatred for the United States which sadly makes up about 1/3 of the population now. It's fucking bad man.

I was just in Las Vegas for two weeks and it was a fucking brutal blackpill. We've honest to God had huge swaths of this country just straight up stolen from us. Trump is right, this has been an invasion and it has been for decades. The traitors who brought us to this point need to be dealt with without mercy.

>light breeze carrying metal objects 100s of yards to the children
you have to be a special kind of retard to believe this

Fuck off grandpa.

Duplicate of this thread

>how can you defend this

By laughing my ass off.

Fuck off, stupid spics.

America is already suffering an infestation of low IQ, brown skin, violent, 3rd world animals.

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

We've already taken in FAR TOO MANY of these subhuman animals that contribute NOTHING to this country or its citizens.

In fact, just the opposite. These treasonous, anti-American politicians give these degenerate illegals free shit paid for by the US Tax payer

Sic semper tyrannis

seems like they're already defending it.


how dumb those chimps are knowing their would be lethal violence to bring kids in a conflict zone?
this is obviously orchestrated.

Attached: DgfFtybUEAEunvO.jpg_large.jpg (454x462, 70K)

Just remember those who are responsible for the willful and intentional destruction of America via their 3rd world illegal alien pets.

ur right it should be bullets

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>this is obviously orchestrated.
It was a known Soros op when it started.

they were told to turn around

wasting more than .22 on vermin. A club should do it

I couldn't forget if I tried. It's a curse.

Attached: 1539917009212.jpg (768x432, 78K)

It is NOW Time for the US to fully militarize the US-Mexico Border. Turn the entire border on the US side into a five mile military reservation, where only the US Military Code applies, in essence the first five miles into the US from Mexico is under Marshall Law. The President is in Charge. No Civil Courts, no Administrative Agencies, no federal Courts, no civilian oversight, just the Military code approved by the Commander in Chief

Why tear gas and not nerve gas?

I'll kindly ask you not to stick your hooked yuronose into our culture. We are Americans and Americans shoot things dead.

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These terrible things can only happen in TRUMP'S AMERICA.

Because that fucking cunt Hillary would have let every single one of these illegal alien spics into our country to further cause crime and over-crowding and an infestation of even more brown skinned degenerates.

After all, that fucking cunt is rich and doesn't have to live amongst the brown skins like the rest of us because we can't afford to live in the nice, rich, white areas of town.

So what does she care if America is INFESTED with illegals?

Pabst is okay I guess

"Wait, don't shoot them!"

"...o..ok. We'll just lob tear gas over and drive them back"


Enjoy your hate speech laws and airsoft.

When Zyklon isn't effective enough

Foster care in mexico

Some gook judge in Hawaii will just say no you're not allowed ching chong chang

Why wouldn't I? I don't have an obligation to care about your children, and you risking their lives proves you're a shit parent. Deported or dirt-nap, I don't fucking care.

Foster care in Honduras


Foster care in Auschwitz.

Boooooo where is the VX gas?

>start to dig under fence
>get gassed
what's the problem?

These spics are desperate to get to America where they will put their little degenerate spic anchor babies into the public educational system in America.

Read: Free 8-hour baby-sitting service for little brown skinned anchor babies who have an IQ of "30" so Consuela can get impregnated again for the 30th time in as many years.

Aww, poor beaners. We should totally let them into our country for free now.

i can defend it by saying it could've been avoided by
A: not trying to bring your kids here illegally
B: not throwing rocks and other objects at BP

fun fact, rocks are deadly weapons when thrown at heads.

>they aren't just executing them

kinda ashamed desu

I can defend this in three words: fuck illegal immigrants

Or 308

It's good to know that I and the lovely white woman I married two weeks ago get to wait however many years to have kids because Consuela's 18 anchor babies need my paycheck more than my own new family does.

>how can you defend this
i can't, it should of been mustard gas

I defend it with more tear gas HAHAHA
cry more faggot

And you wonder why the infestation is SO bad in California?

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

p.s. Congratulations on the white wife. Here's hoping you have tons of white babies.

>Here's hoping you have tons of white babies.
Won't ever happen in this country. Us whites seemingly only exist to pay everyone else's bills now.