This isn't okay
This isn't who we are
Attacking aslyum seekers is just wrong
This isn't okay
This isn't who we are
Attacking aslyum seekers is just wrong
man i bet they wish they would have just waited at the front door now
Come to the wrong place for asylum
It's not wrong; it's fucking hysterical. HOW MANY TIMES can you warn people not to get near a fire, only to have them say 'fuck you' and reach in to grab a hot rock anyway? Sooner or later, you need to let them get burned.
I unironically hope they kill all of them
use frag grenades next time so they can't come back.
Simian Sanders is a nigger ape bitch
Remind me what war or persecution they’re seeking asylum from again? Oh, and don’t forget about the asylum they were already offered.
Oh and also don’t forget these poor, peaceful asylum seekers are the same ones that trashed things everywhere they went, and carried the flag of their home countries while burning ours.
If you don’t like it go back to israel.
>This isn't who we are
so tired of hearing this phrase
To seek asylum you go to the nearest safe place you don't walk through Mexico and insult cartel members to reach California. They're putting themselves at risk for a pay off.
>This isn't okay
>This isn't who we are
>Attacking aslyum seekers is just wrong
fuck off china bot, go eat a dog
>aslyum seekers
Go fuck yourself. These are whores and criminals that aren’t even welcome in Tijuana
>This isn't okay
>This isn't who we are
>Attacking aslyum seekers is just wrong
if you don't like it, may i suggest pic related to you. should you decide to go there, you will be welcomed by an echo chamber of faggots chanting the same shit. bye
Mexico offered asylum and they refused.
Theyre asylum shoppers looking for the most generous public gibs
there is a special place in hell for people like him
These people are sick and evil.
Archive everything they say and do.
They are stupid and are counting on you not archiving.
The time for justice will come.
>Attacking aslyum seekers is just wrong
Good thing we're repelling invaders then!
Where's the live leak
this. mexico offered them asylum and they didnt take it. they obviously arent just seeking asylum
They REFUSED asylum in Mexico.
Now, they are invaders. Stupid ones, but invaders.
oh my god this is so sad alexa play despacito
I wonder how many illegal aliens this dumb nigger cunt has taken into her home?
Oh wait, none.
If these are asylum seekers, then why have nine of them applied for asylum?
Tear gas is gonna seen like ice cream and cookies once we start shooting. Needed to happen yesterday.
Also, Symone Sanders is a sickening ape.
Gómez and several others told the Epoch Times that they plan to enter illegally and are unlikely to apply for asylum.
“It’s a waste of time. It’s a process that takes months and years—it’s a long time,” Gómez said.
and those are not asylum seekers anymore, by the laws, they should have made that request in first save country they enter.
>It's not rape. My sperm was seeking asylum in her eggs. How dare you turn my sperm away? Those are future children you monster!
Women should be removed for all political positions. They are too empathetic
America Yes
>Passes through a country offering them Asylum, Jobs, Food and Lodging
>Dios Mio! We're just wanting a better life see? we have NO WHERE ELSE to go! Please Meeester President Let us in!
womp womp
>ctrl+f economic migrants
>Phrase not found
These people are not political refugees therefore they are not asylum seekers. They are economic migrants!
I hate that uppity sheboon
She needs to stuff a fat jew cock in her mouth she doesn't know shit shes just chimping out.
I hope they are slaughtered.
>1 post by this ID
The moral posturing is insane. And it’s always the people ripping dicks off 3 year olds talking about being tolerant.
>“It’s a waste of time. It’s a process that takes months and years—it’s a long time,” Gómez said.
There's that good ol' spic entitlement mentality.
You ever know a mexican in real life?
They have a MASSIVE, over-inflated sense of self-entitlement. Their brains are so primitive they can only think of themselves.
Literally one small evolutionary half-step up from the average negro.
Fucking degenerates.
Me 2
Which there’s a whole other process for that doesn’t entail showing up at the doorstep of a place 3 countries away with a mob 6000 deep.
Isn't she the one that said "oh my goodness poor white people" sarcastically when a white guy got dragged out of his car and beaten? fuck her
>This isn't who we are
Who the fuck is "we"?
these retards are still running with that?
Remember their names because they are getting sent to mexico when this is all over
This. I feel this is the only thing that will turn them away as well as send a strong message. Rolling for gunfire
Ok memes aside, real talk.
Isn't everybody aware that these kinds of "asylum seekers" all over the world are absolute bullshit artists? They go through plenty of safe countries but want to come to ours, they fucking hate us, laugh at how much they hate us, then prey on our humanity so they can mournfully look into the television cameras held by journalists who have been outed as total scumbags years ago?
Everybody knows this right?
Even the liberals trying to manipulate everybody else? Like they know it's bullshit but they're fishing for the few remaining brainlets who can still be manipulated? Is that right? Not right?
Tell me I'm not the only one seeing this.
these fucking things have been gaming the system for decades by claiming to be victims of domestic abuse
because apparently the US is a battered woman's shelter
Slide thread
because nothing says "i need asylum" than throwing rocks and forcing your way in
i hope the monkey gets the enrichment its asking for
Asylum from what?
Seeking asylum from what exactly? Which is it you liberal cunts; are they seeking asylum from their shitty, worthless countries or are these countries amazing, beautiful places?
damn.... liberals btfo
less gas, more 155mm HE
The term, I believe, is “shithole”
>Syndrome D. Sanders
>The "D" stands for downs
This is so incredibly shameful.
No these are invaders, asylum seekers would have taken refuge in mexico.
The footage of them running across what looks like a storm drain is eerily similar to the EU migrant crisis.
Why can no-one see that this is strategically engineered migration being used as a weapon to induce instability? It's straight out of the 4GW playbook.
Invading roaches are not asylum seekers. They are not fleeing war or famine. They just want American gibs. Kill 'em all, it'd be for the best.
I agree. People shilling for no borders or laws or sheeiiit should be locked up in camps.
I have no idea, like how are there so many people on the left who cant see the obvious truth that this is to destroy labor and introduce ethnic conflict and tensions. like they can't all be rich right? some must have to work to live, right? how can they not just look around them and see what is happening
Ahhhh yessss keeeeep cryyyyyying
Under asylum treaties I am aware of,
Asylum seekers are supposed to seek asylum in the next neighbouring country, or the first safe country or territory they can get to.
We've had this argument for years here in the UK.
Peeps will leave Syria, Africa, Middle East, etc and bypass 5/10+ countries to get to one that is a social welfare 'soft touch'.
This, in part, inspired Brexit.
Because refugees would abandon camps and leave accommodation, support, assistance offered to them in other countries to come here.
Are you aware what they are seeking asylum from?
And now the Mexican government is deporting them, after offering them refugee status.
Coming to a border near (You)
This reminds of those tower defence scenarios where you realize it's getting too hardcore and you need area effect weapons.
Shouldn't have eaten that spicy hummus.
source? Where is that from
Im not mexican.
Symone, what about child endangerment by a parent? If parents in the US did this they would be placed with CPS.
Try not reeling me into your guilt trip too hard. Invaders, that's all they are.
us ain't tryna attack no one, nigga
>pretend to seek asylum when in reality just want free shit and a wealthy country to rob and pillage.
Trump needs to grow balls and declare the caravan an invasion force constituting an act of war, sending the military. Investigate and kill all those who provided funding and support to this invasion which violates our national borders undermining our national security jeopardizing our national sovereignty. Make anyone or institution aka media supporting the invasion guilty of high crimes for providing support to the enemy, its really that simple.
Make no mistake this is an act of war and all those involved should be treated as enemies. Trumps failure to declare war on this invasion force makes Trumps claims to "Make America Great Again" look like a joke, which is what the groups who organized the caravan want
I think here.
gates leading into Melilla, a Spanish enclave on the border of Northern Morocco.
Not sure though.
Why aren't militias mobilizing to stop these fucking violent military-age male invaders? This has to stop
Obviously, no one is going to stop this except militias
hey dumbass, its clearly stated that you cant apply for asylum for economic reasons. no one would be stupid enough to journey across the place with the highest crime rate in the world just to get rejected by the US because they didnt do a quick google search.
>Seeking asylum
They coulda done that in Mexico.
Beggars can't be choosers.
>reminder that you're not allowed to choose which nation offers you asylum, and they've already been offered asylum by Mexico
>so fuck off and talk to the Mexican authorities
what are they gonna do about it, seek asylum somewhere else?
Daily reminder that if the roles were reversed, Mexico would be killing people trying to come into their country and everyone in the world would be okay with it.
Why are niggers allowed to hold political positions? This should be illegal.
Yeah but that's the way of things, the roles can never truly be reversed since we're more noble and pure of reason than them.
they aren't mexicans though right? arent they like guatemlans or hondurans or some shit?
>identify all countries bordering Honduras
>these are the only countries where filthy scum can seek asylum
She can opt out of the mayhem any time she wants.
i don't think you can seek aslyum from being poor
Mexicans gassed them, not the US. We don't launch canisters into another country's territory. I wish we had though.
just shoot them and be done with it.
I mean yeah, but that's probably not going to happen.
Reminder: you are an ignorant monkey.