Asylum seekers

>break through the fence
>get pushed back
>hurl rocks at the country you wish to enter
>asylum seekers

Attached: 1125-185505.png (1440x1839, 1.56M)

>""""Asylum seekers"""

Attached: 1540182334803.png (960x1624, 2.38M)

How the fuck did they break the fence? Is it that fucking weak?

I dont get it. How can anyone claim these "asylum" seekers are peaceful after seeing what happened in Europe. Even committing 1 crime should get you deported. You dont attack officers and women, steal and generally fuck up the place that's "protecting" you if you really wanted asylum. Fuck all of this bullshit

>asylum seekers
>refusing to accept the asylum offered by more direct and closer proximity nations because the gravy train is "solo un poco mas lejos"

Fuck off. You don’t know what they’ve been through

More importantly who would care?

They don't care.

Attached: Screenshot_20181125-190750.png (1440x1068, 160K)

>do it this way or else
They had their chance. Several actually.

Ironically they have zero right to enter our country or take advantage of any opportunities we provide our citizens.

Fuck off leaf you fucking cuck.

Pic related.

Leftists and kikes have conditioned NPCs to think shitskin invasion is "normal"; but when you put whites in the same position it falls apart.

It's literally impossible for whites to somehow support every other race with welfare, since whites are less than 20% of the human population. If the left wants shitskins to succeed, then they need to build and reform their own countries. Unfortunately, leftists are too short-sighted and emotional to comprehend that.

Attached: White immigrants to Mexico meme.png (500x419, 125K)

They were offered asylum by Mexican groups several times. They're just demanding access to white gibs.

>muh right to become a citizen anywhere

It's the old fence which is largely composed of scrap. There are parts of the old fence you could tear off by hand.

So you take them, leaf.

>not shooting them
what the fuck are you mutts doing?

Let us in you damn xenophobes!

Attached: 8f338742f7affd0b85761ba41e72e43d.jpg (650x488, 51K)

Thanks for the link, Based OP!




Attached: asylum criminals.jpg (461x421, 174K)

We will gladly send them to Canada.