Reminder that the Axis losing WWII is Italy's fault

>Metaxas stands back and watches WWII unfold
>does nothing to help the Allies
>open to allying with Hitler and letting them pass through
>Benito gets cocky and says "we'll take them out in a week and come back to drink our cappuchino"
>bombs us and tries to take over
>we BTFO the Pastabros
>we join the Allies, slow down the Axis, Hitler's forces are trapped in Russia during Wintertime, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the US joins the Allies
Everything we are experiencing now is LITERALLY the fault of Italians. How does that make (you) feel? I love you Pastabros, but you fucked up.

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Fucking Saturnian shits.

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Based af
Too many people don't recognize the huge part that Greece played in ww2

You could say the same about Japan... They are the reason the US declared war on Germany tbw.

it was our plan all along to make those blonde snownigger lose

also i don't love you christian turk


The US didn't declare war in Germany.

Wrong. It was that lack of Axis logistics, manpower, and resources that lost them the war. They were minor powers that believed they were major ones.

US didn't do shit. Based Stalin put lil Hitler back in his place because the sperg was too eager and attacked too soon

>Benito tells Hitler he will need at least 5 years to properly rearm and militarize the country
>Only gets 2.5
Yeah, definitely Itlay's fault you Turkroach cunt

Yep, Germany totally would've been able to pull off Barbarossa without mooching Italy's oil from North Africa, and having to fight their way through the mountains of Italy like Austria-Hungary did in WWI instead of having all the defensive terrain in the country to defend would've gone great for them.
>Source: I'm a retard with nothing but burger education

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i never tell people i'm italian because they're seen as a joke in america and we're never taken seriously. It doesn't help that I have an italian last name and brown eyes.

you are not italian,you are a mutt

What is Lend-Lease, what is Operation Torch and everything that followed..
Hitler did first, and then US. Doesn't matter, once Japan entered the war the US had to join the fight against Hitler as well.

>you are not italian

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no you are like 1/64th italian
stupid mutt

I didn’t know that I’ll have to read more tbqh I don’t know shit about the niggertalians in this war

>Everything we are experiencing now is LITERALLY the fault of Italians

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It did not, Hitler could've put some distance between Germany and Japan, which was in fact a useless ally. The US population at the time were mostly ethnic germans and against a war with Germany.

There is no need to project user,we are here for you

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My yaiyais and papous left Greece after WW2 because something about communists.

They all ended up living to late 90s and all became millionaires in Australia.

They made the right choice, hey?

You're a freaking dumbass... Jesus fucking christ. The US was already shipping war materials in armed convoys to Britain you piece of shit, they had troops deployed in Iceland to relieve UK forces. Confrontation with the US was inevitable. Again it did change absolutely nothing you autistic shit and every historian on this damn planet agrees with that. Dumb piece of shit kraut. Fuck I hate your race.